:Shots fired: Vol. Apple down, Verizon heard running from the scene...

[h4]iPhone 4 gets a $1 alternative to pricey Bumpers[/h4]
By Vlad Savov
posted Jul 1st 2010 10:01AM

If you ask us, Apple should be giving away free bumpers, lollipops, and anything else it can think of to keep its otherwise loyal followers from revolting. But the Great Bitten One isn't doing any one of those things, and most of us are stuck either having to pony up $30 for the official salvation from self-inflicted signal harm or looking out to the grey markets. Entering this morose situation with a bit of ingenuity is Oliver Nelson, who alerts us to the fact that rubber wristbands of the sort your favorite cyclist wears are apparently an almost perfect fit when stretched around the 4's antennae. He advises that a 1.125-inch long by 0.125-inch wide incision (into the unstretched band) is necessary to keep the 30-pin port and speakers open, but otherwise it seems like a pretty effortless and dirt cheap way to avoid all this drama


NeoteriX Posted Jul 1st 2010 10:50AM :

Live Strong, iPhone 4

Originally Posted by HlfBlkHlfNike

Originally Posted by Hankzilla

To all the ppl complaining about how their phone should be able to held blah blah blah. Sit down with that. You iPhone hearters are mad that you got pimped. In this day/age patience is key when it comes to electronics. If you didn't know this when you got your iPhone 4 then you should just stop buying electronics. You'll save yourself a lot of wine.
You say that as if Apple is a brand new company.  They have made quite a few innovative products and this is the first time such a lame issue has arisen and such a lame excuse has been given.  Why shouldn't people complain?  Its like buying an album from your favorite artist after they've released a handful of platinum records, only to find out that their lastest album is hot garbage. 



Apple releases yet another product that is half way done, so that in a few months a newer more advanced product could be released to pimp these hipsters
Originally Posted by HlfBlkHlfNike

Originally Posted by Hankzilla

To all the ppl complaining about how their phone should be able to held blah blah blah. Sit down with that. You iPhone hearters are mad that you got pimped. In this day/age patience is key when it comes to electronics. If you didn't know this when you got your iPhone 4 then you should just stop buying electronics. You'll save yourself a lot of wine.
You say that as if Apple is a brand new company.  They have made quite a few innovative products and this is the first time such a lame issue has arisen and such a lame excuse has been given.  Why shouldn't people complain?  Its like buying an album from your favorite artist after they've released a handful of platinum records, only to find out that their lastest album is hot garbage. 



Apple releases yet another product that is half way done, so that in a few months a newer more advanced product could be released to pimp these hipsters
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Real..... It just got

[h1]First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T[/h1]The first iPhone 4 class action suit against Apple and AT&T has been filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. The lawsuit focus on the antenna design problems, making several claims:
• General Negligence (APPLE and AT&T)
• Defect in Design, Manufacture, and Assembly (APPLE)
• Breach of Express Warranty (APPLE)
• Breach of Implied Warranty for Merchantability (APPLE and AT&T)
• Breach of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose (APPLE and AT&T)
• Deceptive Trade Practices (APPLE and AT&T)
• Intentional Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Negligent Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Fraud by Concealment (APPLE and AT&T)
Can't they just return the phone?  I'm not too familiar with Apple's return policy, but if they choose to file a lawsuit instead of just returning the phone then
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Real..... It just got

[h1]First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T[/h1]The first iPhone 4 class action suit against Apple and AT&T has been filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. The lawsuit focus on the antenna design problems, making several claims:
• General Negligence (APPLE and AT&T)
• Defect in Design, Manufacture, and Assembly (APPLE)
• Breach of Express Warranty (APPLE)
• Breach of Implied Warranty for Merchantability (APPLE and AT&T)
• Breach of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose (APPLE and AT&T)
• Deceptive Trade Practices (APPLE and AT&T)
• Intentional Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Negligent Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Fraud by Concealment (APPLE and AT&T)
Can't they just return the phone?  I'm not too familiar with Apple's return policy, but if they choose to file a lawsuit instead of just returning the phone then
U run out and cop the Droid X, then what u gonna do when the Droid 2 drops?
Messed up for Apple tho. Im sure the iPhone 4.5GS will be the business tho.
U run out and cop the Droid X, then what u gonna do when the Droid 2 drops?
Messed up for Apple tho. Im sure the iPhone 4.5GS will be the business tho.
Droid X and Droid 2 are very similar on the inside, same processor and memory I believe.
The most outstanding difference is the large screen on the X and the physical keyboard on the Droid 2. 

Software-wise X is coming with 2.1 and Droid 2 will probably come with 2.2 preloaded, but both will be on 2.2 within months. X might have Motoblur but it can be turned off.

However, I heard Droid Pro (due in half a year or so) is going to be something special from what insiders have hinted so far, exciting times for Android/Verizon.
Droid X and Droid 2 are very similar on the inside, same processor and memory I believe.
The most outstanding difference is the large screen on the X and the physical keyboard on the Droid 2. 

Software-wise X is coming with 2.1 and Droid 2 will probably come with 2.2 preloaded, but both will be on 2.2 within months. X might have Motoblur but it can be turned off.

However, I heard Droid Pro (due in half a year or so) is going to be something special from what insiders have hinted so far, exciting times for Android/Verizon.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by ludex360

7/10 isn't very good

apple bias site.. review taken with a grain of salt.
the review was fairly favorable but when it came time to give the phone a score, they sited the fact that it comes w/2.1 instead of 2.2 as a con. i'm not interested in the droid x, but that's a dumb criticism. unless you're going to criticize the iphone 4 for not having iOS5, as well.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by ludex360

7/10 isn't very good

apple bias site.. review taken with a grain of salt.
the review was fairly favorable but when it came time to give the phone a score, they sited the fact that it comes w/2.1 instead of 2.2 as a con. i'm not interested in the droid x, but that's a dumb criticism. unless you're going to criticize the iphone 4 for not having iOS5, as well.
iOS5 doesn't exist though, Android OS 2.2 does.

It's still a stupid critism though, it's not like it won't eventually be upgraded to it.
iOS5 doesn't exist though, Android OS 2.2 does.

It's still a stupid critism though, it's not like it won't eventually be upgraded to it.
As much as people might say this is an L for el jobso, it's really a big W. A faulty product selling that many units? People can't even push that many quality products, just saying. haha it is quite messed though, hopefully they have a better revision out by mah birthday
As much as people might say this is an L for el jobso, it's really a big W. A faulty product selling that many units? People can't even push that many quality products, just saying. haha it is quite messed though, hopefully they have a better revision out by mah birthday
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