should i be mad NT?

Take it from a female:

Its really not a big deal guys have pics saved all the time. Most likely she jus saved it and never thinks about them. But if it bothers you that much ask her to delete if if she gives you a hard time.....she rathers him.
Take it from a female:

Its really not a big deal guys have pics saved all the time. Most likely she jus saved it and never thinks about them. But if it bothers you that much ask her to delete if if she gives you a hard time.....she rathers him.
Originally Posted by WhitMoeLucyBrown

Take it from a female:

Its really not a big deal guys have pics saved all the time. Most likely she jus saved it and never thinks about them. But if it bothers you that much ask her to delete if if she gives you a hard time.....she rathers him.
Real talk.. I mean hell.. I have facebook messages that date back to 2005... I re-read em sometimes JUST cuz.. ain't never really meant @@!+ to me. I just don't throw away my past easily.

Originally Posted by TacC4

Sounds like a lust situation. She obv likes you more, long term. But maybe she thought dude would lay the pipe prophetically. She's gonna think of other dudes from time-to-time. You're gonna fap to some K-Pop chick. These are the facts of life. But there's no reason for her to have pictures of a hickey she inflicted. That's too much. I wouldn't even be too upset about her being friends w/dude on Facebook or w/e. And maybe even having a gang of photos w/the two of them. But this hickey nonsense? Nah. homey don't play that.

Problem is, you shouldn't be snooping through her files. If you're looking for dirt, you're gonna find it. But keep in mind, just by looking through her files it is implied that you think she is/was up to something that you don't approve of. Gonna be tough to confront her on this. "Hey, I don't trust you so I was looking through your photos and 3 hours later I found..." Might be better to just take the L. If you really want to cover all your bases, back the files up somewhere and delete them from her comp. That way, you still have the files, for her sake. But they're off her comp, for your sake. And if she questions you on it... well, she just won't. If the pics reappear, you have a problem.

damn, i wish i had read this advice roughly a month ago.  i read one entry of my ex-gfs journal after we got in an argument and she left the apartment. i read some unsettling crap and called her out on it a couple of weeks later.  she cut out permanently on your boy.  needless to say, i havent had sex in almost a month...and the dryspell will probably last a lot longer.

snooping FTL
Originally Posted by TacC4

Sounds like a lust situation. She obv likes you more, long term. But maybe she thought dude would lay the pipe prophetically. She's gonna think of other dudes from time-to-time. You're gonna fap to some K-Pop chick. These are the facts of life. But there's no reason for her to have pictures of a hickey she inflicted. That's too much. I wouldn't even be too upset about her being friends w/dude on Facebook or w/e. And maybe even having a gang of photos w/the two of them. But this hickey nonsense? Nah. homey don't play that.

Problem is, you shouldn't be snooping through her files. If you're looking for dirt, you're gonna find it. But keep in mind, just by looking through her files it is implied that you think she is/was up to something that you don't approve of. Gonna be tough to confront her on this. "Hey, I don't trust you so I was looking through your photos and 3 hours later I found..." Might be better to just take the L. If you really want to cover all your bases, back the files up somewhere and delete them from her comp. That way, you still have the files, for her sake. But they're off her comp, for your sake. And if she questions you on it... well, she just won't. If the pics reappear, you have a problem.
This is the best thing to do imo.
so yall decided to take a break for 2 weeks and she was hooking up with some dude and she already had someone to fill your post part time lol sounds like you have a time share, i thought a break was meant to re evaluate and think about the bad stuff thats been going on in a relationship and how you gonna fix it. Second part is you said you knew she was hooking up with dude and you was cool with it thats failure right there
. The answer to the your question is no you shouldn't be mad cause you allowed it.
Originally Posted by JBug88

so you broke up for 2 weeks?
ol' boy was wrecking that. I'm talking, taking gatorade and red bull breaks and the bare minimum of food just to survive. they had a small window of time..
you do realize that right?
i digress. you and her weren't "together" right?
she still has pics of him.
he's proably still wrecking it dude.
should you be mad?
no. you knew this would happen. deep down inside (that's what she said to him), you knew.

actually 100% agree with this
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