Sick of pimples!! How do i get clear skin?

Feb 5, 2004
Sup NT,
So I can't be the only one that suffers from constant pimples.  For some reason they only pop up on my chin and moustache area.  I haven't gotten a pimple anywhere else on my face for over 2 years now so what's the deal.  It's just frustrating as hell cause when they pop out, they come in bunches. I don't think its acne so im hesistant to see a dermatologist.
Tried everything suggested (face wash, stop touching face, change toothpaste, etc.) Anyone that has had this problem before, what'd you do to fix it?
Try putting a dab of tooth paste (not the gel kind) on the pimples before you go to bed. It dries then out and helps a lot overnight. Remember to cleanse your face twice a day to keep your skin clean and healthy. Don't exclude moisturizer even though your skin feels oily. Use an oil-free moisturizer after you wash to prevent your skin from drying out. Sometimes dry skin can cause acne too. Priactiv offers a great package.

Or... wipe ya face with Piss.

I've never had acne, though so I dunno.
washing face and moisturizing.
drink water
less or no soda
less or no candy
keep hands clean especially when touching your face
drink water
thanks for the advice fellas but ive already tried all of those...literally stopped drinking/eating bad stuff. tried many different face washes
the thing that bugs me is that 100% of the pimples pop up in those areas i if the pimples result from bad eating habits, wouldn't they pop up on lets say my forehead too
Posting for 10 minutes in the future when I get back to my spot.
Back in high school, my best friend was from Poland and he showed me this stuff that works wonders. I had been through the wringer of treatments that you can get at CVS, etc...such as proactive, all the neutragena stuff...and also had run the gamut of prescription stuff, like doxycylene and all of those meds with benzoyl peroxide...

And the only stuff that worked for me truly was: Under Twenty Anti Acne Intense and Under Twenty Never Ever (face wash) Intense Formula.

This stuff does the JOB! I wish I could post before and after pics, but I didn't have the good fortune of using this stuff when I was 13 and my face was absolutely raging.

Also, it won't clear everything up remarkably, but with my sensitive skin, and prolonged use, it calmed things down from like an 75-85 (I was one of those kids for a while...) to a 0-5. Straight up.
Drink lots and lots of water. I never have acne and all I do is stay in shape, drink water and wash before bed.

This + the cetaphil lotion + water = pimples gone in a week. trust me.
just bought the african black soap from really hoping that works since two posters have suggested it.
frustrating as hell when i see everybody else with perfect skin and i get like 6-10 pimples every week!!!
Drink more water.


Eat more healthy.

Wash warm, then cold.

Pat face to dry, don't rub & scrub.
Originally Posted by qwerty330

just bought the african black soap from really hoping that works since two posters have suggested it.
frustrating as hell when i see everybody else with perfect skin and i get like 6-10 pimples every week!!!
I'm telling you, son. I was pizza-face like Kel in the original All That back in the day...but Under 20 products got me looking fresh. 
Give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.

It feels good on your face, too...nice and cool. 
If OP had the acne i have then, drinking water will help a TINY bit but would be a life changer. I ate relatively healthy, drank soda here and there and had the worst acne you can imagine! So i cut out soda and any junk food... nothing. Best thing you can do is go to your dermatology, i went got medicine which helped it but it came back and then after a year of vicious acne. I got accutane. If you have really bad acne ask ur doctor for accutane, it will be the worst 6 months of ur life but the results are INSANE! I use to have pimples everywhere, it was nasty. Now 8 months since i started accutane i have 0 acne and a few scars that are clearing up.

Cliffs: Talk to ur dermatologist if its really bad ask for accutane, Be prepared for 6 months of hell
Cut soda and junk just incase
Wash ur bed sheets often
Wash face 1-2 times with soap, dont over do it.
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