
Jul 3, 2010
That's beautiful.

Strong avy to content ratio.

That's why its stupid as hell to trade your time for money. I know that statement in itself sounds dumb, but there's a method to the madness...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

That's beautiful.

Strong avy to content ratio.

That's why its stupid as hell to trade your time for money. I know that statement in itself sounds dumb, but there's a method to the madness...

But thats the definition of work, "Trading time for money." 
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

We waste half our life sleeping though.

Consider that bank fees. "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." - B. Franklin.
You know what? I hear the same message everywhere: "Don't waste time", "Time is money", "Today is a present", etc..

Question for y'all, though: How exactly DO you make the most out of life? I've noticed countless people who hear this on a day-today basis, and yet, they still do nothing about it. People's reaction? A simple "Hm, cool quote. But I'm just gonna wake up tomorrow from my bed and do whatever the $!*% I was supposed to do today."

Even after reading this quote, maybe, MAYBE you're inspired for a minute... But then afterwards, you continue to browse the web, look at porn, play video games, and countless other unproductive @+!#. Don't lie. You do things in your everyday lives that, after doing so, you go like, "$!*%, I should've been doing something else." I know, because I have, too. Countless times.

Bottom line is, why don't you MAKE something happen..? I understand that most of us, including myself, probably won't take this quote to heart and actually learn from it... But if you and I truly believe it, then, in my personal opinion, I think we really need to start doing @+!# that matters. STOP sitting around doin' @+!#. STOP talking about making something happen. STOP messing around... Because when it all comes down to it, you really only have ONE life to live. Just ONE. There are millions who have 'made it' in life.. You think they wasted their time *++@$** around? Hell to the $!*% no..

Anyways $!*%, sorry for the vent.. But I just +%#%%* up on a very important job application.. All because I didn't spend enough time on preparation.

A real wake-up call for me, and this quote really hit home.
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