Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

How do we sign camp fodder(Crawford) when we could sign Livingston??
Ihope we do though...the kid may be damaged goods but if he could still play then
Im uncomfortable with my Lakers at the PF spot.
i know they gonna run Bynum & Gasol together, but when foul trouble happens, or rest, we need to have a solid back-up, that can produce not be a liability.

Oh wait....we still have Lamar Odom.
^ Mihm and Powell are the back ups as of now

i really hope shaun comes back healthy and contribute to whichever team signs him
Originally Posted by HighRiser07

How do we sign camp fodder(Crawford) when we could sign Livingston??
I hope we do though...the kid may be damaged goods but if he could still play then

livingston with no legs>farmar
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HighRiser07

How do we sign camp fodder(Crawford) when we could sign Livingston??
I hope we do though...the kid may be damaged goods but if he could still play then

livingston with no legs>farmar

[h1]Kupchak goes to Atlanta to check on Bynum[/h1] [h2]Lakers center is working out after knee surgery.[/h2]

The Orange County Register

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Andrew Bynum is running on the track. He's hitting the weights. He's doing basketball drills. More importantly, the young Lakers center shows no signs of any lingering problems from his knee surgery.

Bynum has spent the past month down south, working on his conditioning following surgery in June to repair a partially dislocated left kneecap he suffered Jan. 13. He was cleared to begin drills after a month of rehabilitation, and is expected to be 100 percent for time training camp in October.

"Andrew has dedicated another summer to getting into the best possible shape," Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said. "A month ago he was cleared from the knee surgery he had and at that point he began working on conditioning and getting into shape and I thought he looked like he has made progress."

Kupchak didn't rely on second-hand reports. He traveled to Atlanta earlier this week to check on the fourth-year player from New Jersey and said he liked what he saw.

"I could see improvement in his body, his conditioning and mobility," Kupchak said. "I didn't see any signs of effects from the surgery."

Kupchak said he expects Bynum to report to training camp at full strength, considering camp doesn't start for another month.

"He told me that he is ready to comeback (to L.A.) to start playing full-court drills," he said. "He sounded eager to play."

On Bynum's website, his personal trainer Sean Zarzana wrote that his client has been eager from Day 1 to get back to the court.

According to Zarzana, Bynum, while cradling a basketball, recently told him, "I can't wait for this season."

"There is a look in his eyes and a confidence in his workouts that should get all in Lakerland really excited," Zarzana wrote.

Bynum suffered the knee injury during a game against the Memphis Grizzlies eight months ago when he attempted to grab a rebound and landed awkwardly on Lamar Odom's left foot. He had been averaging 13.1 points and 10.2 rebounds before his injury.

The Lakers had hoped Bynum would return in time for the first round of the NBA playoffs, but eventually announced he needed arthroscopic surgery to smooth over rough spots and fraying on the underside of his kneecap.

Kupchak's concern regarding Bynum's health extends further than having him help the Lakers this season. It's also a financial concern.

The Lakers recently exercised a fourth-year contract option on Bynum, but his agent, David Lee, is seeking a maximum five-year, $80 million extension. Kupchak had said that he wanted to wait and see how well Bynum was well he would rebound from his surgery before offering an extension.
Great news, hopefully Andrew comes back with a bang? Do you think he'll be able to start by next season or will he come off the bench?
Originally Posted by KGdakid21

Paddy Mills on the Bulls? I like the sound of that...but he's still got like what 2 or 3 years left?

if he does well this year, he should forego.
Originally Posted by Verdykt

I don't really see Ben Gordon fitting on the Jazz. They have small enough guards as it is
Not only that, but Brewer just had a breakout year, it wouldn't be smart to have him come off the bench IMO.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

ronnie brewer is big enough to play sf, but i wouldn't want ben gordon if i were the jazz.
Well when you look at their rotation between SG and SF you got Kirilenko, Korver, Harpring, Brewer and C.J. Miles.

What are their backup big men looking like, besides Millsap? That's what they need to worry about.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Does anyone know wut kind of money hamed hadadi or w/e his name was got from memphis?
No one knows but dont think it was too much. Its a very good pickup though.
Rockets forward Chuck Hayes underwent surgery on Thursday to repair a broken nose sustained during a workout Thursday afternoon and is expected to be held out of competitive workouts for four to six weeks. Hayes, the Rockets' starting power forward at the start of last season, could be cleared in time for the opening of the Rockets training camp Sept. 29 at Toyota Center, but could miss all of the workouts leading up to the start of the preseason schedule Oct. 7 against the Memphis Grizzlies. Houston Chronicle

The Memphis Grizzlies signed free-agent center Hamed Haddadi, who played for the Iranian national team in the Olympics. AP/Toronto Sun

Hoping to bolster their frontline with more rebounding and shot blocking, the Grizzlies signed Iranian center Hamed Haddadi on Thursday after clearing immigration hurdles. Haddadi is the second international player signed by the Grizzlies this offseason. They agreed to Spanish center Marc Gasol, brother of former Griz star Pau Gasol, earlier this summer. Memphis Commercial-Appeal

After finding no room on the roster in Phoenix after two seasons with the Suns, forward/center Sean Marks signed a one year contract, believed to be for the veteran's minimum, with the New Orleans Hornets. He will be in uniform when the Suns open the regular season home schedule against the Hornets on Oct. 30. East Valley Tribune

Kupchak wouldn't comment on the report that the Lakers have offered the big man (DJ Mbenga) a minimum-level deal that would keep him on the roster. The Miami Heat brought in Mbenga for a workout last week and according to the Herald, he was waiting for a "sweeter offer" from the Heat. Orange County Register

On Mbenga: "I thought he did a good job last season for us and under the right circumstances we might be interested in keeping him," Kupchak said. Orange County Register

Lakers center Andrew Bynum, sidelined since January because of a knee injury and subsequent surgery, will head back to Los Angeles mid-September to continue his comeback. Orange County Register

Bynum has spent the past month down south, working on his conditioning following surgery in June to repair a partially dislocated left kneecap he suffered Jan. 13. He was cleared to begin drills after a month of rehabilitation, and is expected to be 100 percent for time training camp in October. Orange County Register

"Andrew has dedicated another summer to getting into the best possible shape," Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said. "A month ago he was cleared from the knee surgery he had and at that point he began working on conditioning and getting into shape and I thought he looked like he has made progress." Orange County Register

Kupchak said he expects Bynum to report to training camp at full strength, considering camp doesn't start for another month. "He told me that he is ready to comeback (to L.A.) to start playing full-court drills," he said. "He sounded eager to play." Orange County Register

Kupchak's concern regarding Bynum's health extends further than having him help the Lakers this season. It's also a financial concern. The Lakers recently exercised a fourth-year contract option on Bynum, but his agent, David Lee, is seeking a maximum five-year, $80 million extension. Kupchak had said that he wanted to wait and see how well Bynum was well he would rebound from his surgery before offering an extension. Orange County Register

Bynum is eligible to receive a five-year, $80 million contract extension during the offseason, but Kupchak said earlier this summer that he would wait for a while to see how the 20-year-old rebounds from surgery. Bynum suffered a partially dislocated left kneecap when he landed on teammate Lamar Odom's foot in a Jan. 13 game against the Memphis Grizzlies. LA Daily News

If healthy, the Lakers expect him to be their starting center for 2008-09. Pau Gasol, who took over for Bynum after a Feb. 1 trade with Memphis, will move from center to power forward. Odom will slide from power forward to small forward. LA Daily News

Bynum's trainer: "Andrew wanted me to share with all of you what the last ten days have looked like from his perspective. It all begins on the track at about 7:30-8:00 a.m. each morning for a serious hour and a half workout. We must begin early because after all,....... this is "Hotlanta" and after 9:30 a.m. one could practically melt! Immediately following extensive work on the track we move on to resistance (weight) training in the weight room for about a one-hour session. Basketball is the last activity for the morning/afternoon session and varies from one to three hours. Later that evening he is again put to the test for one more conditioning activity which usually lasts for about an hour and a half. That only leaves time for healthy eating and much needed sleep. This guy is a serious worker; you almost can't give him enough."

The Lakers originally hoped that Bynum would return for the playoffs, but it proved not to be the case. L.A. went on to reach the Finals, losing to the Celtics in six games. Afterward, Kobe Bryant and other Lakers noted that they could have used Bynum's size and defense in the middle. While clearly encouraged by his visit, Kupchak noted that Bynum still had a ways to go. "He hasn't been in a game since January. So obviously training camp will be very important," Kupchak said. "You can go out and do drills, shoot, lift weights, and all that, but none of that will equate to NBA [basketball]. It's important for him to have a productive and hopefully injury-free training camp. "But it's obvious he has worked."

Jerry West, who in 1981 turned down the opportunity to coach the Los Angeles Lakers and agreed only to serve as an assistant to Pat Riley, will introduce Riley at the Sept. 5 enshrinement in Springfield, Mass. Also introducing Riley with be Magic Johnson, the point guard who guided the Lakers, under Riley's direction, to four NBA championships. By rule, only a member of the Hall of Fame can introduce a member for enshrinement. West was enshrined for his playing achievements in 1980 and later oversaw Lakers' personnel decisions during Riley's coaching career there. South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Of the small remaining matters, Riley said adding an additional post player is the priority, with word being that Jamaal Magloire is the front-runner in a race that also had D.J. Mbenga and Lorenzen Wright in for interviews. South Florida Sun-Sentinel

On Rudy Fernandez: The high-energy shooting guard for Spain, who will join the Blazers this month, excelled during the Olympics, which included a team-high 22 points in the gold medal loss to the Ameicans. And after getting a front-row view for many of Spain's games, McMillan said Fernandez, 23, is so talented that he will "definitely" play, and play a lot, for the Blazers. "I'm sitting there (in the gold medal game) with a straight face, trying not to smile," McMillan said. " (Spain) are the guys we have to beat, but I'm caught. That's my player and I want to (he claps his hands twice) but I gotta (he makes a serious face) because we are going up against him." Oregonian

"I was so impressed with him that it was to the point where after the second time I saw him, I didn't sleep that night because I was moving my rotations around," McMillan said. "I swear I did not sleep. I could not sleep thinking about him. Because I'm saying, 'We can put him here, do this with him, do that with him and Brandon (Roy), and do this... So he's playing for us. Oh yeah. I see that right now." Oregonian

"Every time Rudy did something, D'Antoni would look at me and say, 'Your player, huh?' " McMillan said. "And I would be, 'Yeah, he's cool.' Like no big deal. "Then he does something else, and D'Antoni would be like 'Dang! Pretty good, huh?' "Yeah, he's alright," McMillan said he told him. "He's okay. Still has to work on going to his left." Oregonian

[h2]Ginobili Will Have SurgeryOn Ankle[/h2]

Aug 29, 2008 11:20 AM EST

San Antonioguard Manu Ginobili admitted on Friday morning that the only way his ankle will fully recovery is if he has surgery, according to SpursReport.

"I had imaging studies done on my ankle and basically, the studies indicate that the ligament is just as it was two months ago,when I had the first resonance," Ginobili said in an interview with Argentina's Spanish language newspaper, La Nacion. "It is not worse,that's important. Now the issue is that it's not better either and it seems that the only way to recovery fully is to have surgery."

No date has been set for the surgery, and he doesn't even know who will perform the procedure at this point.

"Today, I am not hurt the ankle while walking," explains Ginobili, "but when I try to run or jump itdoes."

He expects the recovery time to be six-to-eight weeks, but he could end up missing the first few games of the 2008-09season.

"I understand the frustration," says Ginobili. "I understand that I may miss some games, but participating in theOlympic Games was very important. Any athlete who has the possibility to experience the Olympic Games should not reject it. There will be people whounderstands you and other people who do not."

Via SpursReport

San Antonio Spurs

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[h2]Oden Participates In5-On-5 Scrimmage[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 11:26 AM EST

Blazers centerGreg Oden is inching closer to his return as he participated in his first full-court, 5-on-5 scrimmage since he had microfracture surgery last September,according to Oregonian.

Early reports were positive, and even owner Paul Allen came to town to watch the event. Oden did not experience any pain or swellingfollowing the scrimmage.

"The one thing he did that put a big smile on my face is he asked coach Monty (Williams) to come in at night and work withhim," coach Nate McMillan said. "So, he was doing two-a-days, working with Dean (Demopoulos) in the morning and Monty at night. And he did ithimself. He would come back at night and work on his footwork with Monty, and for me, that's good. That's great. He is on schedule where Jay Jensen andthe trainers want him to be."

Via Oregonian

Portland Trail Blazers

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[h2]Rockets Still WantTo Re-Sign Landry, Mutombo[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 11:28 AM EST

The Rocketshave indicated that their intention is to re-sign both forward Carl Landry and center Dikembe Mutombo, according to Houston Chronicle.

Landry is a restricted free agent, while Mutombo is an unrestricted free agent.

Via Houston Chronicle

Houston Rockets

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[h2]Paul's GoldWill Go With Memories Of Grandfather[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 11:13 AM EST

Chris Paulplans to put the gold medal he won in Beijing this month next to memories he has of his grandfather, according to Sun Herald.

"I still have the basketball in a frame back home when I scored 61 points," Paul said. "This medal will go somewherenext to that."

His 61-point performance came in high school, shortly after the murder of his grandfather, Nathaniel Jones.

Paul is already planting the seed to return to Team USA in London.

"We want to defend it," he said. "It was so much fun. All of us were talking in the locker room afterward about (how)we've got to get back together in 2012."

Via Sun Herald

New Orleans Hornets

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[h2]West, Magic To PresentRiley For Induction[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 11:08 AM EST

Jerry West andMagic Johnson will present legendary coach Pat Riley for induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame next week, according to South FloridaSun-Sentinel.

Johnson helped guide Riley's Lakers to four NBA championships, while West paved the way for Pat to serve on the bench in LosAngeles.

By rule, only a member of the Hall of Fame can introduce a member for enshrinement.

Via South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Miami Heat, Los Angeles Lakers

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[h2]Rockets ForwardHayes Breaks Nose During Workout[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 4:30 AM EST

Rockets'forward Chuck Hayes will be out of action for 4 to 6 weeks after sustaining a broken nose during a workout on Thursday afternoon, the Houston Chronicle isreporting.

Hayes could be cleared in time for the opening of the Rockets' training camp Sept. 29 at Toyota Center but could miss all of theworkouts leading up to the start of the preseason schedule Oct. 7 against the Memphis Grizzlies.

Via Houston Chronicle

Houston Rockets

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[h2]Lakers Impressed ByBynum's Recovery[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 4:27 AM EST

Lakers'center Andrew Bynum is reportedly looking bigger and stronger than ever, and, more importantly, is showing no ill effects from the knee injury which ended hisseason in January of this year, according to a report by Marty Burns of Sports Illustrated.

"He looks to be in great shape. He looks ready to go," Kupchak said in a phone interview Thursday. "There's noreason to believe he won't be 100 percent for training camp."

Alhough Bynum did not play five-on-five basketball during a two-day visit by Lakers' GM Mitch Kupchak, Kupchak said he watched the7-foot, 280-pounder go through a strenuous workout that included running, jumping, and various agility drills.

"That's the reason I went there," Kupchak said. "I wanted to see him run unencumbered, go through agility drills,jumping drills, the things players do... You hope they don't limp or favor a leg. He did not. That was number one."

"On top of that, I was impressed by what he did with his body to get in shape and get stronger. It was obvious to me he had beenin the weight room."

Via Sports Illustrated

Los Angeles Lakers

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[h2]Hornets Sign Sean Marks[/h2]
Aug 29, 2008 4:23 AM EST

The New OrleansHornets have signed New Zealander and former Sun Sean Marks to a contract, the Associated Press is reporting.

"We are excited for Sean to join our team," said Hornets' General Manager Jeff Bower, who did not release terms of thecontract citing team policy. "He is a veteran leader who has been on winning teams and will be a great addition to our frontcourt."


New Orleans Hornets,Phoenix Suns

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[h2]Memphis Signs HamedHaddadi[/h2]
Aug 28, 2008 6:49 PM EST

The MemphisGrizzlies signed free-agent center Hamed Haddadi, who led all 2008 Olympians in rebounding and blocks, Grizzlies General Manager and Vice President ofBasketball Operations Chris Wallace announced today. Per team policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed. The Ahvaz, Iran native recently participated in the2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, where he was the only player to average a double-double (16.6 points, 11.2 rebounds, 2.6 blocks) in Olympic competitionwhile playing five games for the Iranian National Team. The 7-2, 254-pound center had his best performance came against eventual bronze medal winner Argentinawhen he had a team-high 21 points and game-high 16 rebounds on Aug. 16. "We are pleased to sign Hamed," said Wallace. "He is a young center whowas very productive as a rebounder, shotblocker and scorer at the Rocky Mountain Revue Summer League in Salt Lake City, Utah, the 2008 Olympics and the FIBADiamond Ball Tournament in Nanjing, China prior to the Olympics. Our coaching staff is eager to begin working with Hamed."

Via Press Release

Memphis Grizzlies

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[h2]Singletary Happy To Be InPhoenix[/h2]
Aug 28, 2008 4:24 PM EST

Sean Singletaryis happy to be in Phoenix after being traded twice already since being drafted out of Virginia in June, according to Arizona Republic.

"It's kind of surreal," Singletary said. "I haven't been on an elite team since I was 12."

The Kings took Singletary with the 42nd pick in the draft and then traded him to the Rockets in the Ron Artest deal.

"All I can do now is bring energy and play smart basketball. Hopefully, things will work out for me," Singletary said."I know it's going to be an uphill battle. I've always been able to find a way."

"You're only a rookie once," he added. "I want to learn from all these guys and incorporate it into my game.I'm going to take my time but work with a sense of urgency, too. I'm going to come and give it all I've got."

Via Arizona Republic

Phoenix Suns

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[h2]Taurean Green To Join SpanishClub[/h2]
Aug 28, 2008 4:20 PM EST

Former FloridaGators point guard Taurean Green has agreed to play for the Spanish club CAI Zaragoza, according to Alligator.

Green is in the process of negotiating what is believed to be a one-year deal with the team.

"I feel like this is the best move for me right now," he said. "The competition is tough. The guys playing in thisleague are good players."

Via Alligator

General Basketball

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Rockets continued to cut salary today by trading Patrick Ewing Jr. to the Knicks for the draft rights to Vince Carters greatest highlight... Fredrick Weis
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