Smh I'm a loner

yea ever since i lived in new zealand for 5 monthes and traveled 3 monthes after that home was different man, dont hang out with tha people i usually do asmuch, jus sittin at home,
blazin with my mom n her b/f, muggin out ontha 360 or watchin sucks
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

What do u do to become more outgoing ?I'm not a club person so i don't go to clubs , etc. I mean i have friends , we hang out once in awhile but me and my boys are not that close anymore as we are getting older. I go shopping by myself, go to a pick up game by myself. I spend most of my free time at home or at the gym. It's either work, playing games, basketball or working out at the gym. I still did not get a new girlfriend ever since the last relationship and it has been more than 2 years. My relatives are bs people so i don't really talk to them that much except for holiday meeting or family reunion. It's Christmas and i feel like life is taking a dump on me.

This reminds me so much of myself it's not even funny, uncanny. You probably already know but it's the messages constantly sent out by society to doeverything with somebody. It is considered a negetive connotation to be doing anything singular except work and brake you back making some fat rich slobricher.
no lie, you sound EXACTLY like me

my best friend moved back to korea last year to do his mandatory military service. he was pretty much my only true friend

my 'friends' from hs are faaar too shady. half them cats dont want to talk to me cause im not down when they get into fights , which is/was prettyoften

not my problem anymore. none of them go to school. i hate to think im superior to others and develop some elitist attitude, but i know my future is a hell of alot brighter than theirs

im not shy at all when it comes to people, just quiet. theres a fine line between the two.
its cool to be a loner...don't let tv fool you into thinking you have to be on some Bromance/The Hills type stuff with partying and always having peoplearound...if thats who you are then embrace it and make it work for you...
just go play basketball somewhere and start talking to the dudes there. thats where i met most of my friends i hang out with now
im the same ill spend most of my time watching movies at home if not im at school or work. i have 0 friends i honestly dont see my self "chillen"with people around me. i do everything alone or with my brother. im happy i got a lady friend that comes over now after breaking up with my ex a year ago.
i treid being more outgoing but its just not me i attend a party that some people from school were going to. i dipped in like 5 mins. some people just arentparty people.
join a club or a group is my best suggestion. stop doing lonely things. like being on nt is a lonely thing to do.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

damn, man
Is this really a thread discussing where to meet other guys?
guys or girls fam it works both ways. You know it is a lot easier to approach a group of girls if you got some wingmen. Get outta here with that
You guys need to understand the difference between being shy and being a loser or "emo".

Me, I'm a Senior in high school and a lot of me knows that unless I do something to really change my personality I'm gonna be in the same situation asyou once I graduate. I don't ever see myself getting into the whole club scene or doing the whole go to a party get drunk, wake up hungover, repeat thing.Some of my friends have been getting mad at me because I really don't feel like doing anything lately. I quit smoking so there goes 95% of what I used todo with friends, which is pretty sad. I think I need to choose to be a complete nerd or something so I can at least become successful in life. I've been acomplete hermit before and I know its not a place I ever want to be again.
i am pretty much the same way, so you are not the only one. a lot of people get on my nerves, the friends i have are similar to me and we are extremely close.we hang out when we can and that is it. you don't need to be surrounded by people 24/7, people who do that are only trying to self medicate their ownproblems, the same goes for people who isolate themselves. as long as it is a decent balance of alone time and socializing then it is fine.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Ehh me too but i just accepted it, and so have my friends and family, i am who i am. I just feel fake when i force myself to be outgoing and enjoy something that i obviously don't. Same time don't be a hermit, keep the flow of communication with people open. I used to burden myself with things like work and school so i'd have an excuse not to be open, but that was terrible. Don't do that.

Word man. Some of my friends use to get on me about it but its just not who I am.
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