Snooki lost weight, now 103lbs, her weight goal is 98lbs 8o

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Awww sooki look like Snooki put down them cookies
but I bet that vag still hangin' like it was playing hookie

stick to youtube comments on instrumentals. dont bring that here

Fallback son you the opposite of winning
This my new style and its only the beginning

This cant be serious
Originally Posted by Prettyboy RY7

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

stick to youtube comments on instrumentals. dont bring that here

Fallback son you the opposite of winning
This my new style and its only the beginning

This cant be serious
Why U mad? cuz I'm dead cereal?
I go hard like foamposite material

Originally Posted by MonStar1


C'mon B .....stop it

-The Juice
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Prettyboy RY7

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Fallback son you the opposite of winning
This my new style and its only the beginning

This cant be serious
Why U mad? cuz I'm dead cereal?
I go hard like foamposite material


fav new NTer..

considering the alternative,id rather take a few random bars vs walls of endless text/pics/gifs about lord knows what calling out 30 people at a time and completely ruining any thread they enter...this cat is the anti putty...lets emjoy it 
Originally Posted by Evolution Fight

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's like her top half is meant to be on larger legs... Like some kind of strange joke....

what i thought

Just looks like they cut her lower body off and threw skinny legs on
I thought I liked Italian women till I watch season 1 of this show. They really can't find better looking Italian women than this?
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