snow driving sucks

Mar 29, 2009
For real, it's snowing out here and my car doesn't have 4 wheel drive. Bastard driving the "FORD F-150" because he got it during "TRUCKMONTH" tailgates me the entire way home. Fishtailed like 5-6 times. I don't speed either. I mean I don't him to pay me a few thousand for being anidiot, I want to go home just as bad as he does.

When it ain't snowing, those SUV/Truck drivers tailgate and speed whenever they can. What happened to the 10 second rule in snowy weather though?

And thank god a woman walked her dog in the dark, and flashed a flashlight at me. You know, because my bright !$# lights can't spot you at all and you aremore important to me than the BMW honking his horns at me.

I need to move to California. And I need a Subaru.
snow drifting is fun though......especially sliding into parking spaces when the ground's covered in ice.
Had two close calls last night on the highway. Saw about three people spin or just lock up and hit guard rails. I swear some people can't drive. Jumping onthe brakes will do nothing in slippery conditions. We had a group of 240sx' and a few other RWD cars and had no problems.
I was driving down from Jersey to MD/DC for the New Year's weekend and I literally saw an accident every 50 yards, i kid you not. This included an 18wheeler on fire. I don't know if this was a reflection of Jersey's terrible drivers or the bad weather.
bro you sound mad. if i were you id just pour water all over the roads and watch what happens to other cars just to make me feel better
not on the same level.. but i forgot that i left my TRAC button off in the heavy rain and spun out like crazy.. SMH indeed.
step your game up son

I be gettin my Dale Earnhardt Jr. on in 5+ inches of snow in my Civic

I drive a FWD car and I'm fine... pay no attention to the SUV's speeding... why?...b/c in the's not how fast you can go...but how quicklyyou can stop.
i hate driving on snow.....when thers already bad drivers on the road ....2x the risk of gettin injured
I hate driving period....but snow/ice driving ftl. Im in Pittsburgh and know all too well about this.
Originally Posted by phat703

Where you live at?
bro you sound mad. if i were you id just pour water all over the roads and watch what happens to other cars just to make me feel better
Oh I wish I could act like I was 12 again.
yuppppp it does suck, but i don't really pay attention to the guy behind me tailgating me when it's real snowy...well icey is actually the real issue.Black Ice
i live in oregon, first day it snowed here bout a week ago i ran my dads car into a brick wall and bent up the axel arm. cost me 250 to fix. (my car recentlydied so im dricing dads)
last time I had to drive in the snow...I saw more SUVs and Trucks crashed on the side of the road than regular cars..... dudes overestimate how much controlthey have b/c of 4wd
I beg to differ. Driving in snow is awesome.

I've driven rwd and 4x4 and quatro.

but tailgating isnt appreciated in any scenario. People who tailgate me< i pull over to let them speed but then they just pull back infront of you
. just the worst kind of stupid.
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