snow driving sucks

Just got my license last summer so I haven't driven in the snow yet.
I'm definitely not lookin forward to it
Snow driving is appreciated.

Like dirty said, stopping in time is key.

But; hand break intro corners, J turns into curb parking... you just gotta know how to work the FWD.

Wyoming, 02 rav4 front wheel.
The speeders will figure out the hard way, trust. The snow is one thing I won't miss about Buffalo.
cleveland winters

with the 8+ inches we got in the last 36 hours, ive been having fuuuunnnn

in empty parking lots of course.

I actually made a snow rally course in the parking lot at work. got lap times worked out and everything.
unappreciated. gah i go down a hill to a stop sign and start sliding. that is the scariest #+*+ ever. im just yelling f f f to myself while trying to pump thebreaks, which ultimately fails then i get out in the middle of the street and thank the lord there arent any cars there. happened to me twice today smh headbout had a got damn heart attack....

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

last time I had to drive in the snow...I saw more SUVs and Trucks crashed on the side of the road than regular cars..... dudes overestimate how much control they have b/c of 4wd
i'd say SUV's for sure, yup.
Originally Posted by cberr

unappreciated. gah i go down a hill to a stop sign and start sliding. that is the scariest #+*+ ever. im just yelling f f f to myself while trying to pump the breaks, which ultimately fails then i get out in the middle of the street and thank the lord there arent any cars there. happened to me twice today smh head bout had a got damn heart attack....

i hate this %$%$. you approach it like you know its coming and there is still nothing you can do about it.


having my heart skip beats.
Man, I miss snow driving. A good set of snow tires + manual transmission = endless fun in the winter.

Before I got tires solely made for snow driving though, I HATED winter driving. Felt like I was on ice skates.

Word of advice: drop the all-season tires and get a winter tire.
Jeep + Snow =
I love the snow. When I was 16 I took my driving teston a snow day. Plus we have gotten a ton of snow here so far this year
As much as I hate driving my 2001 Ford Focus ZX3, it has actually been very easy to drive in the snow, especially since it's a manual.

Having a manual let's you manipulate your speed so much better.
tried to get into the center median and started sliding... luckily the car coming knew to give room and ended up 45 degree angle in the median..

Last year I was on a extension that the left lane was half plowed and half covered in snow. Im in that lane so I slow up to go in the next lane the car next tome slows up making it impossible for me to switch lanes and I start to skid.. Was able to turn out 2 inches away from the guard rail.
I have an AWD sedan and I still hate driving in the snow. I used to drive reckless, but last year I was on my way to pick up my new plate sticker (was drivingwith an expired one) and my car slipped inches from the car in front of me after he suddenly stopped. After that and a couple of speeding tickets last year, Iam more careful when I drive. I also hate it when SUV's and minivans tailgate me. It's normally the person behind's fault when one gets rear-ended,but I'd rather avoid that whole paper work/phone calls by having people keep their distance from me.
we got the audi and the subaru hell even mom has the lex IS with AWD

awd ftw
Few weeks back..heading home in the snow saw my homegirl crash onto a curb in slow mo right in front of me. I laughed and drove off..hit the next left and thesame thing happened to me except i was really stuck. smh
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

snow drifting is fun though......especially sliding into parking spaces when the ground's covered in ice.
how the hell is this fun?!!?!?!
Originally Posted by jehims

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

snow drifting is fun though......especially sliding into parking spaces when the ground's covered in ice.
how the hell is this fun?!!?!?!

how the hell isn't it?

drifting with out ruining tires?

shhhhhhhhiii... tyres are expensive
Originally Posted by jehims

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

snow drifting is fun though......especially sliding into parking spaces when the ground's covered in ice.
how the hell is this fun?!!?!?!
I wondered the same thing... it's not that fun when you drift across the intersection and get blindsided. Only time that stuff is cool is in acompletely empty parking lot... sophomore year of high school.
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