about them Somali Pirates?

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Did you not watch that video?

How aren't they helping the starving people of Somalia?

They just cleared the corruption that was stopping up their economic pipeline. Hundreds of families are benefiting from the restoration of their aquaculture.

They have undoubtedly saved many children from dying of starvation and disease without taking 1 life themselves.

Pretty interesting video. The thing the video didn't really get into was the type of government they have. I wish they would get rid of the oppresion ofthat so called government they hae there.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Pretty interesting video. The thing the video didn't really get into was the type of government they have. I wish they would get rid of the oppresion of that so called government they hae there.
No government since '91 due to civil war. With no government to protect them... they gotta handle it on there own
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

OK. So this is what I got.

There's people in Somalia with guns and boats.

Some are attacking ships that dump and fish illegally, and some rob and hijack other ships. Everyone gets called a pirate.

As a side effect, Somalian fishers are doing better.

Wouldn't the simple solution be to give the ones patrolling for a good reason an official title?
what about cargo ships
Some of the more desperate and "criminal" elements of an unstable Somalian nation began hijacking ships and holding them for ransom.
but aren't these the ones that are garnering attention from the media?...not the other "good pirates?"
I've never even heard/read one story about pirates defending the coast/fisheries...and the media portraying them in a bad light.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Wait a minute, let me get this straight...

The increase in fish stocks makes it okay for the pirates to interrupt international transport?

Insurance premiums on shipping through that area is up 1000%. It costs an extra 7-8 million to go around the Cape of Good Hope (to avoid pirates). We're in a global recession where there are ships being docked in random bodies of water because they're being unused. Adding to the costs of transports only worsens this problem and prevents any real recovery in shipping.

Do I feel sorry for Somalians and others that have it tough? Yes. Do I think it's okay to disrupt international trade because they have it tough? No. I don't care if the fish stocks go up, piracy should not be tolerated. If they wants boats to go further away from the coast to avoid disrupting fish stocks, there are better ways to go about it.
They're also pirating because foreign vessels are using their waters to dump waste.

and instead of using those millions of dollars to help their people they care so much about, they use it to bang hookers and do lines all day until they find another boat. someone give these guys the nobel peace prize for protecting their homeland
Obama got a Nobel peace prize for less.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Some of the more desperate and "criminal" elements of an unstable Somalian nation began hijacking ships and holding them for ransom.
but aren't these the ones that are garnering attention from the media?...not the other "good pirates?"
I've never even heard/read one story about pirates defending the coast/fisheries...and the media portraying them in a bad light.

Couldn't ot be possible that the media chooses not to publicize "good pirates" to further demonize Somalian fishermen and pirates alike?
^point being is that the media demonizes the bad pirates....those who hijack the ships...

if the public isn't even aware of the good are they being demonized?
i read a report about waste being dumped in the waters of somalia, but didn't hear about the fishing situation going on over there. main stream mediaftw........sike.
You can't have everything all at once. You can only push and push and push so much....until the victims push back.

I couldn't have said it better myself. At the end of the day, you have to look at the situation for the people in Somali and truly ask yourself what would do if your were in that situation yourself.
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