So I got a semi nasty injury from ball (pic). What is this?

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

a clogged artery
Some of these replies are hilarious. NT is RUTHLESS.

Real talk, I can't see the injury.
Which reply was funny? You dudes are about as funny as BET Comicview. Anyways, I guess I could have put a pic of my other leg in so you could more clearly seewhich part is the swollen and which is just how my leg is normally shaped. Pretty much, the part I circled is the part abnormal to the normal taper of my lowerleg.

Compartment syndrome seems like the closest thing out of all I've read so far, but it doesn't quite seem that serious. Maybe it's my soleus muscle,but then it would hurt when I walk, and it doesn't. Whatever it is, it's almost totally seperate from shin flexion and extension as well as calf(gastrocnemius) movement. It's just sharp shooting pains now, so I'm good to go hoop, and I found out there's a free clinic in town that's openTuesday so if I have to, I'll just go there, give me an excuse to miss work too.
Compartment syndrome seems like the closest thing out of all I've read so far, but it doesn't quite seem that serious.
compartment syndrome is pretty rare. When your muscles tear to heal themselves it is usually a smaller tear and during compartment syndrome themuscle tears to the point where the muscle cant heal itself. My roommate got compartment syndrome and he had to have these huge needles poked into his calf totake tissue out of his calf in seven different places. When he had it he could barely walk after awhile yet alone play basketball for 6 hours on it and hisbuilt over time and wasn't from a single hit to the calf.

If you think it is really that serious, then stop being cheap and go to the doctor.
damn atleast take pics of both your legs for comparison

to me it just looks like you got fat legs
I doubt it's compartment syndrome, you'd have more side effects in your lower limbs. I'd probably say just some myofascial pain from the trauma,and a bit of inflammation to go along with it. If you're not gonna get it checked out, at least ice it and massage it down and monitor if the pain goesaway or swelling decreases.

Definitely get it checked out though, orthopedic testing or MRI's will help.
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