You're a man of your word I'll give u that

Took the wife and kids out
Since I been working through the holidays
And haven’t been home really the last 2 weeks

We went to Franciscan crab restaurant
One of their fav spots
Had oysters
And the crab fondue
But forgot to snap pics

Oh and no tip

Went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Online order went in to pick up.

The lady was training a 13 year old on the register who kept messing up.

Finally get to the payment portion and it ask me do I wanna give a $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 tip after I slide my card. Obviously got a dirty look by the clerk.

What happens is a couple fools tip on a carry out and the worker start expecting it. Pretty sure in a couple years a tip will be expected regardless of service provided.

Pro tip people care to explain.
I got no shame in tipping nothing when picking up. Sucks you got stuck with that area for the night homie.. but it ain’t my problem.

Don’t like a job relying on my tip? Shouldn’t have taken it knowing how it is.. and also find a new job that doesn’t work that way.
Went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Online order went in to pick up.

The lady was training a 13 year old on the register who kept messing up.

Finally get to the payment portion and it ask me do I wanna give a $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 tip after I slide my card. Obviously got a dirty look by the clerk.

What happens is a couple fools tip on a carry out and the worker start expecting it. Pretty sure in a couple years a tip will be expected regardless of service provided.

Pro tip people care to explain.
Oh yeah
I look em in the eye
When I hit that no tip button
on the tablet at the register
Unfortunately not everyone knows how to cook or are willing to learn.
just learned couple yrs ago and I’m almost 40. Good quality service sucks nowadays eating out. I drink hella water so I expect refills if your not allowing me to refill myself. Most spots take forever.
Most Chinese spots are quick though. They usually get a good tip
Chinese spots so fast with the service it's like they waiting right at your table. Don't even have to ask for a refill of water. They already there with it.
just learned couple yrs ago and I’m almost 40. Good quality service sucks nowadays eating out. I drink hella water so I expect refills if your not allowing me to refill myself. Most spots take forever.
Most Chinese spots are quick though. They usually get a good tip

I hear you i know how to cook from an early age(thanks mom&dad) myself. The handful of restaurants ive been here in Houston the food sucks. So i rather cook the food myself.

I’ve worked in the restaurant industry so i know the vaule of tipping. Especially telling the difference from good to bad service.

The “hook me up” service is always clutch especially if your a regular.
I got no shame in tipping nothing when picking up. Sucks you got stuck with that area for the night homie.. but it ain’t my problem.

Don’t like a job relying on my tip? Shouldn’t have taken it knowing how it is.. and also find a new job that doesn’t work that way.
When they get stuck in To-Go's, they aren't making the 4.25 or whatever slave wage is provided to servers. It's usually whatever the Hostess is making which is around 10 - 11 dollars. Is that enough to live? No. But I don't tip the cashier at Wal-Mart either, so...
When they get stuck in To-Go's, they aren't making the 4.25 or whatever slave wage is provided to servers. It's usually whatever the Hostess is making which is around 10 - 11 dollars. Is that enough to live? No. But I don't tip the cashier at Wal-Mart either, so...

The “enough to live” argument doesn’t jive with me. I’ve been in that situation.. not making enough to live. I worked hard, networked, got out of that situation.

I know that’s anecdotal but it really is a voluntary agreement (employment).
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