If you can't afford to pay your employees then don't own a business.

You broke.

Stay in your lane and stop leaching off customers with ya broke ***.

da onus is on da patrons to leave a tip..ya da one risking salty server and #brokebois mystique when ya dine :lol:
If u order a drink at the bar..tip a dollar

two drinks at the bar.. two dollars
There's a Korean BBQ spot I go to that's real scummy when it comes to tips. No matter how many people you have, they will already add a tip towards your total bill and NOT mention it to you in hopes you don't notice and tip them twice.

I caught on, and didn't tip. The server called me out, asking why I didn't tip. I told his bum *** it was already included in my bill. Dude comes w/ "But that goes to everyone." Tip gets divided to everyone regardless :lol:
if u dont go sit ur *** down somewhere
u quoting dude
like i didnt already clear up his hyperbolic statement
about the milk
and what does not tipping
and splitting a check on a date got to do with each other
those aren't even remotely the same
but hell yeah im taking the mints
why wouldn't u if its free
im taking the free pack of toothpicks
and the free matches they give too
even though i dont smoke
im taking all the freebies
like when u go to a hotel
im taking all the towels
i dont take the soap or shampoo and stuff though
cause i use a certain kind

Ain’t no shame in your game playa.

Are you gonna giveaway your next mixtape for free or we gotta buy that?

Ahh man, can I put my opinion out there. That right there is the devil in a wolf suit. I’ve seen the video before.
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That's the issue though.

Patrons should not be obligated to subsidize another mans salary.

Light weight should be illegal!

I agree, but that's not the reality we live in here in the US. Tipping is unheard of everywhere I go to in Asia and Europe, but the servers are paid normally there. I'm not going avoid tipping here while knowing that the server is not getting a fair wage due to how our society screws them. All these people in this thread either can't comprehend that or are too cheap/broke and try to cover it up with their fake "principles". They can mention me however much they want after this post; I won't respond to bum behavior.
Can u afford to tip?
Of course.

From my understanding tips to you arrogant scumbags are anyway from 5% to 20% of the meal. So of course when I order anywhere from $60 to $90 meals having an extra $50 is common.

Not tipping is not about being able to afford it or not. Must be new here or pretty shallow and quick to get on a high horse.
It depends on what city, Servers in the bay area generally are already paid like $15/hr before tips, in Lexington Kentucky they're only paid like $2.13/hr before tips
As mentioned earlier, if you don't tip at a restaurant, do you visit it often? Please answer.

If you do then you're probably getting a little extra seasoning.
Of course.

From my understanding tips to you arrogant scumbags are anyway from 5% to 20% of the meal. So of course when I order anywhere from $60 to $90 meals having an extra $50 is common.

Not tipping is not about being able to afford it or not. Must be new here or pretty shallow and quick to get on a high horse.
U come off disgruntle
Sorry i offended ur cheap ***
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