so I got laid off today

Sux real bad, its def better when you're younger. I have worked with way older people like most of us and I always use to wonder how they live off this?Always some pt time bs for me.
I pray that everyone bounces back with better jobs and as long as we have our family and health we are good. Wish yo ual lthe best
My mom is losing her job at the end of this month... she's been with her company for the past 10 years.

I'm on the same ship now too. In my office I'm the only person that has been getting a paycheck for the past 4 or 5 months now, and we're in thenegative. My boss told me the day before Thanksgiving that he'll either have to cut my hours or cut my pay. Can't find a part-time or full-time job for+#@+ though...

keep your head up and keep looking. That's all you can do.
my sympathies to you

if you have a job, be sure you do anything in your power to hold onto one. if not, start looking NOW

it's going to be a rough first quarter for a lot of americans
Originally Posted by eye see soles

In times like these, I wonder if anyone in their right mind is quitting their job(s).
One of my friends, whom is not very bright by the way, almost did just before New Years. The temp agency he works for laughed at him when he saidhe was thinking of putting in his two weeks. He still works there.
Glad I live in Kansas, and people are always going to need food so I think as long as I'm at where I'm at I'll be cool.
I'll keep all those people on my thoughts. Sorry to hear all that happened ...
Keep your head up.
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