So I had sex with a Clingy Fat Chick. VOL HELP ME

Aug 2, 2008
So so I meet this girl last week Tuesday through my roommate.She was a cool Jamaican Girl. She starts talking about how I can invite her over anytime for her to come cook on my stove. That was great because I miss the Jamaican food from the Jamaica AVE from Queens New York.

Fast forward tonight she wanted to come chill. We end up having a get together with people. Drinks were passed. Blunts were smoked and then everyone left to go to another place. Me and her were the only ones left and it ended up in my bathroom and then my bed. This was the wackest sex ever. NT I couldnt even get it up for the most part.

Head game was meh and once it was over and she rained over my sheetz she started hugging me and talking about dates. :stoneface:

I sent her home and called me dad. He said just tell her your not looking for a relationship and go on.

What should I do? I never had a girl all of a sudden start wanting to date after smashing.
OP, it seems as if your pics aren't showing up . . . fix the links.

Sorry yall No pics otherwise I would provide. I dont even know this chicks last name otherwise I would facebook her. My finger smells like Curry Goat.

your dad knows whats up. listen to his advice.

He also said to give her a card with a Rose to be extra nice about it. Said treat the bad ones good and she will tell the good ones your great.
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you just gotta dog her man. who cares? just expect her to be pissed next time you see her.
tell her you thought there was a mutual undisclosed agreement that you guys would never speak again after. then tell her you still plan on sticking to that agreement.

tl;dr - fake your death.
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