So I made a song

Feb 10, 2006

Just wanted to know what you guys think.Im open to constructive criticism, the quality isn't the best so bare with me please
Thanks for listening.
listened to about 35 seconds, but it sounds like you wish you were in odd future.
yea i understand, but the flow switches up in the 2nd and 3rd verse(so ur opinion might change
Originally Posted by thejrob

listened to about 35 seconds, but it sounds like you wish you were in odd future.

Glad you said this, I was about to click that play button
The flow on the first verse was hard to listen to. It seems like once you get on a particular flow you don't change it up. Work on switching it up more mid verse, altering pitch/tone/inflections, things of that nature. Essentially you want to use your voice as an instrument and not just a lyrical delivery tool. Overall it's not really my style but that's what I noticed as I(admittedly) skimmed through.
Originally Posted by lil smitty

The flow on the first verse was hard to listen to. It seems like once you get on a particular flow you don't change it up. Work on switching it up more mid verse, altering pitch/tone/inflections, things of that nature. Essentially you want to use your voice as an instrument and not just a lyrical delivery tool. Overall it's not really my style but that's what I noticed as I(admittedly) skimmed through.
Thank you i appreciate it, will keep that in mind 
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