So I was Driving, And I Hit a Pole..Vol. I Love Driving In Nyc ..With Pics...

May 23, 2004
So I was driving to go meet my finance's sister so we can buy a couch for the new apt. I'm coming off the BQE in queens..Near the Midtown Tunnel..So inmy rearview mirror I see this car speeding towards me..I dont know if he was racing or not but all i know is he looked like he was gonna run into iTried to dip around this corner to avoid being hit. I Under steered..Jumped the Curve and BAM...Pole time...i live in nyc but my plates are in VA for obviousinsurance reasons..I only had the insurance dude told me they only cover the pole...SMH..Me and Fiance are iight..the car is another story..ineed to get this fixed asap or a new car, because my fiance' is breastfeeding now and she has to get to the hospital everyday for my son..Luckily i know adude who owns a body shop so imma take it to him tomorrow..Its still driveable...Here are the pics..
Damn Damnnnn lol, i still can't picture how it happened in my head lol, nonetheless you are safe- thank god and move on.
damn, I guess that's why I get dumb nervous when people turn so close to the curb.
I'm not sure how you managed to hit the pole with what you said happened. The way you said it went down, I dont see the back with that kind of damage.

Atleast your safe
I had something worse than that around Oct-Nov, don't even sweat it. Your kid and your wifey are alright so you good.
Dam, luckily you're ok.

Those damages seem pricey considering that whole quarter panel has to be replaced. Only if they were easily removable like the front fenders. All good as longas it runs.
Off-topic, but I remember you saying that you recently had a baby. Was he in the car? Is he ok? Excuse me for asking, it's that I care a lot about kids, soI had to ask.

EDIT: My bad, I didn't read it least everyone's ok.
Driving in NY is a &*%@$ I have an '07 camry and I drive so careful so i don't get a on mark on it. last nite it was at the toll booth on thetriborough paying the toll and some guy ran into me. He said he was reaching in his back pocket for his wallet and his foot hit the gas instead of the break.
That'll buff right out.

But seriously, like others said, nobody was hurt and the car damage can be dealt with. Sorry that it happened though and the other driver was actingrecklessly.
Hey man atleast they don't got to put flowers on that pole. Cats is real wreck less with driving nowadays I hate when dudes be coming up OD close to youwhile driving at a high speed there like unpredictable.
That sucks. I did something similar, except I was in a much bigger car and in a much smaller space. Surprising that it did that much damage. The pole appearsto be in decent condition though.
He said he missed the turn and backed into the pole, he then said the traffic officer told him to say that he hit the curb and then hit the pole for insurancepurposes.

But then he edited what he said out
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