So i'm not an environmentalist or anything but it's time to start drilling in Alaska

Oct 3, 2007
Sorry to all you save the rain forest types but it's reached that point. You know it and I know it, we're allegedly sitting on a gold mine so it'stime to take advantage. By the time the planet burns up we all be gone anyway! So take one for the team.
We need to do more than that
1. drill in ANWR
2. invest in wind energy
3. invest in solar energy
4. invest in fuel cell tech
5. mandate stricter emissions on cars and mandate higher fuel economy on new cars
6. invest in switch grass biofuel research
seems like that pump is really starting to get to people now ... i filled up on saturday and i finally hit $50 for the first time ever ... if it gets anyhigher im taking a bus and ima stop going out cuz i cant justify paying 200+ per month justy to DRIVE to work ... #@@* is getting ridiculous ... as for thealaska thing, we have a better chance at electric power
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

We need to do more than that
1. drill in ANWR
2. invest in wind energy
3. invest in solar energy
4. invest in fuel cell tech
5. mandate stricter emissions on cars and mandate higher fuel economy on new cars

well anwr would be considered Alaska since thats where its at.
We should drill on a bunch of people's noses....we could survive of that alone.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

seems like that pump is really starting to get to people now ... i filled up on saturday and i finally hit $50 for the first time ever ... if it gets any higher im taking a bus and ima stop going out cuz i cant justify paying 200+ per month justy to DRIVE to work ... #@@* is getting ridiculous ... as for the alaska thing, we have a better chance at electric power
Cost's me and the wife around $60-65 each time we fill up. I'm about to start riding the bicycle and taking the damn light rail, and use thecommuter checks my work gives out.
Originally Posted by IronMike 44KOs

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

We need to do more than that
1. drill in ANWR
2. invest in wind energy
3. invest in solar energy
4. invest in fuel cell tech
5. mandate stricter emissions on cars and mandate higher fuel economy on new cars

well anwr would be considered Alaska since thats where its at.

thanks..but I knew that already.
usually...when one puts a list together.. you usually include the items that have already been mentioned.
oh yeah...and kind of off topic/tangent

but also end farm subsidies.....and use that money towards "greener" farming methods...such as vertical farming.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh yeah...and kind of off topic/tangent

but also end farm subsidies.....and use that money towards "greener" farming methods...such as vertical farming.

Whats vertical farming? Is there also a horizontal method of farming?

Please dont ban me.
Originally Posted by neksst

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh yeah...and kind of off topic/tangent

but also end farm subsidies.....and use that money towards "greener" farming methods...such as vertical farming.

Whats vertical farming? Is there also a horizontal method of farming?

Please dont ban me.
I mentioned this in the other thread. The politicians who think they are energy experts need to get out of the way when it comes to this subject. The"war" is not the reason why gas prices continue to skyrocket. We have untapped resources here that we need to exploit for the benefit of the peoplein this country. Don't get me started on Russia and Venezuela.
This grown dude at my job this past weekend was tellin me suttin like this lol..............dude collects bottles at his job says he gets 20 bucks a week forgas lol for his truck. Its crazy right now. Regular goin up everyday, $3.79 for regular now in my area. I dont even care for getting a new car right now.
no, it's time for people to start getting smarter and more conscious of fuel costs.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

no, it's time for people to start getting smarter and more conscious of fuel costs.

People are becoming aware of fuel costs but these people are the middle and lower class. It's not affecting the upper class, not yet anyway. When theybegin to complain that is when changes will be made.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

no, it's time for people to start getting smarter and more conscious of fuel costs.

Lets not forget this is America, where we want it all, anything and everything, multiplied by 2, right NOW.
I think not invading Iraq would've been a good start.. but what do I know, I'm just a passive Canadian..
Originally Posted by neksst

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh yeah...and kind of off topic/tangent

but also end farm subsidies.....and use that money towards "greener" farming methods...such as vertical farming.

Whats vertical farming? Is there also a horizontal method of farming?

Please dont ban me.

This get anyone else
Dirty got kids shook

But yeah, Earth bout to turn on us, and we are F-ed once that goes down
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