So I'm taking my drivers license test tomorrow...

Mar 19, 2006
Any advice to help me pass tomorrow?  I have been practicing for a long time now but are there any things I should do to help me pass?  Thanks NT
There's nothing to worry about you'll be fine. Just make sure you stop long enough at stop signs.
  • Don't roll through the stop signs, stop completely. I've learned that the hard way when I took my road test, lol.
  • Don't talk test dude/girl.
keep under 25....i got points off because i was going in between 25-30 in local, good luck man
just be OVER cautious and there is no way they will be able to fail you.. i.e. blinkers, head movement is KEY, seem like you are aware of everything, both hands on the wheel, if you park on the side of the street somewhere then signal when you pull out, stop completely at stop signs and you should be good. My test only took like 15 min
Use both hands on the steering wheel when making a turn. People are use to drive with one handed.
If your instructor doesn't put on their seatbelt, kindly ask them to put it on. One of my friends failed because he didn't tel his instructor to do that. They obviously do it on purpose.

Also, for my test, there was a stop sign within the first 2 seconds, so look out for a quick stop sign. Make sure you stop completely and do a check both ways.

Don't go fast, but don't go to slow. I almost failed because I went to slow.

Stay calm and don't get too nervous.

Make sure you put your blinker on when you go out of your parallel parking.

Are you doing the hour before the test? That helped me out alot. Without it, I probably wouldn't have passed honestly.
Originally Posted by useref15

Make sure you put your blinker on when you go out of your parallel parking.
You had to parallel park for your test?
10 & 2
Use the signal
Like somebody else said, be overcautious

I remember when I took my test, the instructor was on his cell phone arguing with somebody lol
Parallel parking was tough I seriously thought I would fail because of it but got it on the first attempt which had me feeling like
.. failed the test though because I turned from the wrong lane
there was 4 lanes I figured it was a 2 way street.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

There's nothing to worry about you'll be fine. Just make sure you stop long enough at stop signs.

just watch out on the speed limits and look when making turns DONT rely on you mirrors because points will be deducted
I failed my first behind the wheel. The lane was merging into one and I didnt signal or shoulder check. Smh I was mad nervous.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

One of my mistakes was poor use of automatic gears.

Like seriously?

They always find something.
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