So, its a crazy time in life

Jan 3, 2008
So NT, I didnt show up for work today so I guess I basically quit. I only had about another month an a half before we all got laid off but I just couldn't handle it any more. They had us working every day of the week for a minimum of 10 hours a day. I had no free time and when I did, I was usually too tired to even try to go out and do anything. I began drinking every night and eating fast food everyday after work. So now I have no job because I was so stressed out, I was basically killing myself. Drinking 3 energy drinks a day and not having any friends kind of put me into deep depression. Yesterday night I basically snapped out and had a nervous breakdown. Cussed out my sister, snapped at my parents, everything. It was pretty crazy so now its got me thinking that I dont even care about money. I just want to have fun in life and try to go back to school so I can get a job that I actually like and am not miserable every day that I wake up. Well theres more to the story but I'll end my rant

get a blog

who cares

true blues

Yo that's what they want you to do. They either want you to snap out from the stress, or kill yourself by trying to keep up. Do whats right for YOUR LIFE man. This is YOUR LIFE. No one else's.

I think you did the right thing and I admire your courage. Take care of yourself man.
I think we complicate life way too much, and it's pretty simple if you want to be happy.

Find what you love to do and find who you love to be with and forget the rest... I guarantee if you do this you'll be happy.
A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.

That is true, but at the same time a huge number of people don't even look or act when the opportunity is there. They're so wrapped up in making money and keeping up that they don't realize they could be doing what they love and still supporting their family. Of course sometimes you'll have to sacrifice the pay for your passion but you can live off anything if you're willing to deal with it. Most people don't want to give up a high earning job for something like $30,000 a year doing something they love and they don't realize that $30,000 is enough to support oneself if they live within their means.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Yo that's what they want you to do. They either want you to snap out from the stress, or kill yourself by trying to keep up. Do whats right for YOUR LIFE man. This is YOUR LIFE. No one else's.

I think you did the right thing and I admire your courage. Take care of yourself man.
Couldn't have said it any better. People let their work place rule and run their lives (slaves), I applaud you OP. As buggz05 said.. it's YOUR LIFE. 
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.
Truer words have never been spoken. Keep your head up OHyeah10 this is just an obstacle in your life.
I needed a break from my job too. I was starting to hate coming to work so I had surgery on my foot 2 weeks ago and I won't be able to work for 8 more weeks. You mentioned you want to go back to school and get a job you actually like, do you have anything particular in mind?
You need to take your $!% back over there and wait until they fire you so you can get unemployment.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

You need to take your $!% back over there and wait until they fire you so you can get unemployment.

dude when you drive 110 down the freeway and dont care if you crash, unemployment is the least of your concerns. 
I would love to do something creative in school. I dont know what exactly but Im sick of doing manual labor every day all day and want to actually use my mind instead of being a mindless drone
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by RavageBX

You need to take your $!% back over there and wait until they fire you so you can get unemployment.

dude when you drive 110 down the freeway and dont care if you crash, unemployment is the least of your concerns. 
Obviously you did care if you crashed because you're still here. 
i think it's funny you mentioned inb4 true blues.

but in all seriousness, it's your life. do what you want to do.
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

been there op, this is the time where you define what you're made of, 
stay focused there's a book that keeps track of the "little things in life" we forget due to everyday pressure.
it's called "life's little instruction book". read a page a day before you head out.

life is challenging for everyone, i get moments where timing is just off and it seems like everyone is ****ing on you...but they're really not.
just LIVE, don't take things personal and stop and enjoy the little things everyday. the future is inevitable LIVE for TODAY!
I will be picking up this book...I enjoy reading books like this.
OhYeah...look at how far you've come.  You used to get %+$+*++ on every time you posted but you still stuck in there with all our !*+! should do the same thing with your life.  I keep reminding myself and telling people that this life is way too short.  people are telling you what to do and tugging at your from all sides.  There really is no right way to live your life, but the most important thing is to LIVE your LIFE.  

Sometimes we live life just to survive, and other rare moments we actually live.
damb, so you were serious when you offered to be friends with other lonely NTers

but i hope you get everything sorted out. fix the relationships you've broken and get a job with a company you can see yourself staying with in the long run.
Are you in any debt? Got any bills? If not, you're lucky and prob can afford to quit. Still, if you're considering going back to school, if prob won't hurt to hold down a little side job.

If you ARE in debt or have bills, your credit will be hurting if you miss payments. Probably not wise to screw up your credit at a young age.
I feel you man. Live your life and do what makes you happy. Thats really all we can do brotherman.
Chick asked me the other day what my number one goal in life was, Happiness man. It's what lifes about, we all have downtimes, but 10 hour days back to back to back is for the birds man. Ideally you want a backup gig, but sanity > employment
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

been there op, this is the time where you define what you're made of, 

Sounds like that quarter life crisis.

Gotta pull yourself out of that and really get your priorities, emotions and routines straight going forward.

Apologize to your loved ones that you flipped out and try explaining to them that you hit a breaking point. The support of family and friends can really help you getting through times like this.

Right now you have to come to terms with your past and your future...Where you've been and where you want to go.

Forgive yourself, love yourself and move forward in your life with strength, love and happiness. 

Good luck OP.
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