SO my grandma passed away and...

Nov 16, 2002
i need advice. the death hasn't really bothered me...why? i don't know. but seeing it bother my mom is just
my mom tries to be strong and hide the fact that she thinks about it but i still feel it when she is crying. is there anyway i can honestly makeher feel better? or should i just give her time? my grandma passed away last week btw (r.i.p)
R.I.P. to yo grandma
. Only time will make yo moms feel better. The pain will never go completelyaway, but as time passes it'll become more manageable.
I lost my grandmother 2 years mom and her raised father around... I would give anything in this world to see her again. I know it hard myman but for you and your family...only time can wont heal your wounds but it will ease the pain.

my grandmom passed away on my sister's wedding day, totally out of the blue, got a call in the morning and my sister cancelled the wedding, worst day of mylife
I remember when my grandfather died. I felt helpless whenever my mom would cry. Like others said, just give it time. and RIP to your grandmother.
crying is okay. grief is okay. there is nothing you have to do, but be there for her. r.i.p. to your gram.
R.i.P, so you and your grandma werent close? I live with my grandmom I love her more than anything... just be there for your mom
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i need advice. the death hasn't really bothered me...why? i don't know. but seeing it bother my mom is just
my mom tries to be strong and hide the fact that she thinks about it but i still feel it when she is crying. is there anyway i can honestly make her feel better? or should i just give her time? my grandma passed away last week btw (r.i.p)

Just BE there. Don't pretend to be there, BE there for your mom. It's not much you can say, but it's notthe words she needs from you anyway. She needs you man
Good luck with that and take care. Lord knows I know how she feels
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

nothing worse than seeingmaking your parents or dad...


R.I.P. stay up though man and be there for your mom and make sure she is okay. I couldn't imagine losing my grandma because every since I was born she wasthe only grandparent I had and she is like a second mom to me. I would literally go crazy
Just thinking about losing my grandma gets me a little emotional, she was diagnosed with lung cancer last summer and we didn't think she would make it, butshe pulled through and is doing fine. Only advice I can give you is to be there for your mom.
thanks for the advice to everyone.

i'm trying to be here as much as i can for her...but damn i never felt so helpless. my mom came in from buying some stuff a couple hours ago and she justbroke down and started crying. i had to hold her so she can feel better. wish i can make it stop seriously
do the small stuff, clean the bathroom, wash the dishes, take out the trash, water the flowers,etc. Time for you to actually be there and part of that is beingaround at the house if you can.
Sorry to hear about you and your family's loss.

I honestly can't say this works, but maybe you can talk to your mom and ask her stories about your grandma?
It may bring back good times as well as a smile on your mom's face. More importantly, it may help your mom understand and be at peace.

Sorry if it doesn't help, but condolences to the family.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i need advice. the death hasn't really bothered me...why? i don't know. but seeing it bother my mom is just
my mom tries to be strong and hide the fact that she thinks about it but i still feel it when she is crying. is there anyway i can honestly make her feel better? or should i just give her time? my grandma passed away last week btw (r.i.p)
i'm scared to die but for some reason i dont want to out live my grandmom n my mom...i know that #+%% will !%%+ me up real bad....thinkingabout it damn near bring tears to my eyes
Your mom's grief is totally understandable. That's her mom after all. Just try to make things as easy as you can for her and be there for her. All youcan do really. RIP
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i need advice. the death hasn't really bothered me...why? i don't know. but seeing it bother my mom is just
my mom tries to be strong and hide the fact that she thinks about it but i still feel it when she is crying. is there anyway i can honestly make her feel better? or should i just give her time? my grandma passed away last week btw (r.i.p)
Thats how I was when my Grandpa passed last year but it did get me eventually. It really got the older members of my family. Give her a hug andtell her you love her. Usually brings on more tears but it lets her know your there. She'll be ok.

R.I.P and God Bless bro.
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