So, my hometown is considering changing it's largest street to "Obama Way," Gaining speed.

Mar 3, 2006

Push to Honor Obama with Seaside Street

Posted: Sep 6, 2009 07:35PM

SEASIDE, Calif. - Speeches and falling approval ratings aside, there's a campaign underway in Seaside to change the name of one of the city's major streets to recognize President Barack Obama.

Broadway Avenue could soon be named after Obama, as organizers recently presented the idea to the Seaside City Council. Among them is former mayor Don Jordan, who says it's important to highlight the country's first black president.

"It's good especially for the young people to say to them that there are no limits anymore," Jordan said. "The sky is the limit so we think its an excellent opportunity by renaming the street so everyone can get a chance to see it."

The city is currently reviewing street renaming procedures and any costs. Jordan says to save money, people would have the choice of using either Broadway Avenue or the Obama street name in postal addresses.


Broadway is the major hub for Seaside residents, and former-mayoris trying to change it to Obama Way.

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Just like I think it's too early to call him a Marxist antichrist I think it's too early to name streets after the dude
Oh I definitely do, but I find it very entertaining to think my city has to stoop down to naming a street after Obama for pub.
I don't think its early.. He will ALWAYS be a historic president.. for better or worse.. Seaside is a damn hippie town anyway.. doesn't really matter..

Stopped Reading after that.....

....jk my dude. There's boxing heads in Seaside?!

Real talk, I got a homie that just moved there (He goes to CSUMB).....and I didnt know Obama had love out there like that.
@ CSUMB, easily the worst CSU in the entire state of California, unless he's an ecologist.

Lots of minorities in my city (blacks, Asians, Hispanics), so we're pretty well represented.

Boxing itself ain't that big, but local hometown hero Robert Guerrero is 30 minutes away from Seaside, Gilroy.

There's been a few up-and-comers coming out of Monterey area, but Robert is easily the biggest current athlete.

Reggie Jackson has a lot of history in Seaside though, and Herm Edwards (
) was raised in Seaside and represents well.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

@ CSUMB, easily the worst CSU in the entire state of California, unless he's an ecologist.

He's a Business Major

Ghost. Gotta rep Cali fighters.
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