So my potna just got locked up for capital murder vol. killed 3 people

Aug 18, 2008

so this dude i grew up and went to school with almost all my life has just got locked up for a triple murder/robbery.
i feel bad for him because he has always had a rough life, ie crack addict mother, father nowhere to be found. we grew up in the projects together and we justgraduated from high school back in may of this year. and to hear news like this saddens me that he would waste his life robbing and not try to get in school orget a job.

ps this happend blocks away from my house like literally around the corner. my condolences to the hispanic family he robbed.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

OP, you gotz tew keap on swangin on dhem swangaz, dough
Are you speaking English?

Sorry to hear about your friend....
at the murder though.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

OP, you gotz tew keap on swangin on dhem swangaz, dough
i already knw bro. my boy david stayed on a set of swangz that he never payed for. lmao

ps..i already knw no sympathy will be shown towards him but its still a sad situation for him because he is gone for life! that sucks to be in jail for therest of your life and be soo yung.
Perhaps he was a good friend to you, but utilitarianly (and sensibly, really) speaking, our city is better off without him free to do this again. Chances arethat this wasn't the first time he's done something horrific, and if it was, chances are he'd do it again.

Sorry for your loss?
Originally Posted by blaxoid

$$#+ your 'Potna' for robbing innocent people.

bro them mexican dudes were far from innocent, they were drug dealers as well, i aint saying that justified it but they were no angels themselves.
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