So...NT. Anyone got a fetish? Vol. CFNM

Rape. i mean ravage. yeah.... ravaging a girl

i break into houses with my robber gear and instill fear.
im not going to post my fetishes with you beasts ill either get flammed or find out im just like everyone else....
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

some of you guys dont know what a fetish is


word...Im sittin here thinking the same thing
whats the difference between a prefference and a fetish? or more so, when does a prefference become a fetish?

most of these sound like prefferences
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Big girls

only online though, can't deal with them in real life... idk why

maybe cause it look like they enjoying it crazy?

son said "gangbang (ayo)"

at this thread all together..
I wouldn't call it a fetish, but I catch myself looking at girl's feet on occassion and I'd be down to suck toes if I could get some action inreturn. But I don't watch foot !%#%#@* porn or anything like that.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

some of you guys dont know what a fetish is


Thank you. This needs to be a stickied. Some of ya'll have no idea what having a true fetish feels like. When you indulge it, it can be sometimes betterthan intercourse itself and it almost feels like a high equivalent to drug use, no exaggeration.
Asian and Latin Women
Red Hair
Chicks washing dishes in a white Tee ( I know, right)
Sexy **@ legs
and the !%!% me boots (them things drive me crazy, lol)
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