So this chick I know said she won't date a guy who isn't Saved.

Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Blacks and Christianity is the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Hypocrites, the lot of them.

I'm not shocked it was a Black female who said that to you either.
That's interesting, I never though of it like that. I wonder what Africans worshipped/prayed to/ etc. before the slave trade began

Spoiler [+]
Why is it saying that worshipped is wrong? Worshiped just looks off. %@!@ it I'm keeping it 'worshipped'


Blacks took to religion differently in the North American than those who were sent to Latin America

look up Candomble and Umbanda...they mixed their gods in w/saints from Catholocism to kind of preserve their culture/spirituality while in N. America is was completely eradicated and replaced w/Christianity...

you'll still see HEAVY african influences in religions in Brazil, Colombia, Haiti/DR

thats an horrible overview but its a starting point if you wanted to learn about it...
i know you didnt ask about Latin America but it gives a little insight into the difference here and in other parts of the world slaves went to

*takes off nerd glasses*
Don't even know what the problem is you have 3 options:

1) Get saved
2) Find another chick
3) Nas ski mask
Originally Posted by Regis

Is the girl Cap from NT?
Sounds like her.

She saved?LolAnyways op isn't this like the second Christian broad you messed withAre you meeting them at church
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Man I'm not too fond of white chicks at all.I really like black chicks but im finding out that I literally can't find any of them

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    
Originally Posted by bogusreality

shes lying to God, why are you not lying to her?
We need a reps option on this site
This reply is gold.
since it had to be a race thread... i've had a white girl i was seeing tell me she couldn't do it since i'm the farthest you'll get from religious. i'm like aight and keep it moving. two days later she's talking about she misses me. -_-
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

But you really do sound silly champ. 
You the same one out there talkin bout brothas lacking father figures in the hood yet you promoting white girls like theres something inherently wrong with sistas.

Then you wonder why black men are absent...its cause they share the same thoughts you do.

You think you above a black woman.
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by oo206oo

You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

But you really do sound silly champ. 
You the same one out there talkin bout brothas lacking father figures in the hood yet you promoting white girls like theres something inherently wrong with sistas.

Then you wonder why black men are absent...its cause they share the same thoughts you do.

You think you above a black woman.

I think this is not true famb... black women as a whole show more disrespect towards their male counterpart than any other race of people...they respect and admire ridiculous things. General statement. Not all)
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by oo206oo

You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

But you really do sound silly champ. 
You the same one out there talkin bout brothas lacking father figures in the hood yet you promoting white girls like theres something inherently wrong with sistas.

Then you wonder why black men are absent...its cause they share the same thoughts you do.

You think you above a black woman.

he is saying what tariq nasheed taught him
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

well damb. #$#+ just got real
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs
I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
You sound silly.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] He really does though.[/color]
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by oo206oo

You sound silly.

he does that a lot        

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

But you really do sound silly champ. 
You the same one out there talkin bout brothas lacking father figures in the hood yet you promoting white girls like theres something inherently wrong with sistas.

Then you wonder why black men are absent...its cause they share the same thoughts you do.

You think you above a black woman.

I would have preferred you asked me a direct question instead of just assuming and pointing out a bunch of nonsense, but either way we're here now.  OP stated his case, and before I even asked the race of the girl he was referring to it was stated that she is black.  Now I can speak on this from personal experience cause alot of sistas are looking for a saved man, which isn't wrong in my eyes whatsoever.  However, because alot of sistas are looking for an already saved man, or they "say" they are looking for a saved man they pass up on alot of GOOD brothas in general that are ready to to either settle down or be in a committed relationship.  The challenge or opportunity that alot of sistas are missing out on in my opinion is helping that man get closer to Christ.  If you go to any black church in America I guarantee you that there are more woman there than men.  I know men are "suppose" to be the leaders in a family and in a relationship but I think alot of sistas can help lead a man to Christ, or to be saved if that man potentially has a desire to draw near to Christ, but alot of sistas to me don't put in the effort and don't want to put in the time.  They want a perfect little package already bundled up for them, and alot of them are going to find out the hard way that it doesn't always work like that. 

With that being said my advice to OP, was that if the sistas aren't about business, or don't want to give you a chance just because your not saved, my suggestion to him was to move on and date outside your race, or think about dating white women.  I'm not trying to downplay sistas or anything of the sort, but sistas are going to have to get there act together as well if they are serious about being in a relationship because alot of GOOD brothas are getting overlooked for various reasons.  Such as "oh he doesn't drive a Mercedes, he's not saved", "he doesn't save whales on the weekend in his spare time".  The list goes on and on.  I'd be lying to you, OP, or anyone else in here if I said good brothas aren't in demand out here from various other races or cultural groups.  I'll say this in conclusion, if your a good black man, that has your act together (and that can mean a number of things) from a female dating standpoint, the world is your oyster.  If you don't know, now you know.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Blacks and Christianity is the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Hypocrites, the lot of them.

I'm not shocked it was a Black female who said that to you either.
That's interesting, I never though of it like that. I wonder what Africans worshipped/prayed to/ etc. before the slave trade began

Spoiler [+]
Why is it saying that worshipped is wrong? Worshiped just looks off. %@!@ it I'm keeping it 'worshipped'


Blacks took to religion differently in the North American than those who were sent to Latin America

look up Candomble and Umbanda...they mixed their gods in w/saints from Catholocism to kind of preserve their culture/spirituality while in N. America is was completely eradicated and replaced w/Christianity...

you'll still see HEAVY african influences in religions in Brazil, Colombia, Haiti/DR

thats an horrible overview but its a starting point if you wanted to learn about it...
i know you didnt ask about Latin America but it gives a little insight into the difference here and in other parts of the world slaves went to

*takes off nerd glasses*
Interesting. I don't mind learning about Latin America, I'm Colombian myself. I don't know what it is I've just been reading a lot about different religions lately and becoming less enamored with the whole idea. I blame NT.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Deuce King

So, a white guy and a lonely black chick take offense to my comment.  Can't say that I'm surprised.    

But you really do sound silly champ. 
You the same one out there talkin bout brothas lacking father figures in the hood yet you promoting white girls like theres something inherently wrong with sistas.

Then you wonder why black men are absent...its cause they share the same thoughts you do.

You think you above a black woman.
I would have preferred you asked me a direct question instead of just assuming and pointing out a bunch of nonsense, but either way we're here now.  OP stated his case, and before I even asked the race of the girl he was referring to it was stated that she is black.  Now I can speak on this from personal experience cause alot of sistas are looking for a saved man, which isn't wrong in my eyes whatsoever.  However, because alot of sistas are looking for an already saved man, or they "say" they are looking for a saved man they pass up on alot of GOOD brothas in general that are ready to to either settle down or be in a committed relationship.  The challenge or opportunity that alot of sistas are missing out on in my opinion is helping that man get closer to Christ.  If you go to any black church in America I guarantee you that there are more woman there than men.  I know men are "suppose" to be the leaders in a family and in a relationship but I think alot of sistas can help lead a man to Christ, or to be saved if that man potentially has a desire to draw near to Christ, but alot of sistas to me don't put in the effort and don't want to put in the time.  They want a perfect little package already bundled up for them, and alot of them are going to find out the hard way that it doesn't always work like that. 

With that being said my advice to OP, was that if the sistas aren't about business, or don't want to give you a chance just because your not saved, my suggestion to him was to move on and date outside your race, or think about dating white women.  I'm not trying to downplay sistas or anything of the sort, but sistas are going to have to get there act together as well if they are serious about being in a relationship because alot of GOOD brothas are getting overlooked for various reasons.  Such as "oh he doesn't drive a Mercedes, he's not saved", "he doesn't save whales on the weekend in his spare time".  The list goes on and on.  I'd be lying to you, OP, or anyone else in here if I said good brothas aren't in demand out here from various other races or cultural groups.  I'll say this in conclusion, if your a good black man, that has your act together (and that can mean a number of things) from a female dating standpoint, the world is your oyster.  If you don't know, now you know.


I agree with the stuff in bold. At the same time, however, I think that it's not just black men, but well-educated, driven men in general that are in demand. However, I have had some experiences with girls from overseas telling me that "black men are like a delicacy" in their countries. Sometimes certain groups just have those kind of odd leanings, I guess. I WILL say that races outside of blacks eat up handsome, intelligent black dudes. Not talking your trailer trash white girls either. I think it's just because, like any other race, we do have our attractive people. Yet the media portrayals of black men are often very negative, so many other races approach cautiously. Once they realize they've met a nice, personable black dude with good etiquette, many girls jump at the opportunity to get involved because it's something new and mysterious. It's actually ridiculous how many women, outside of black girls, find black models, actors, etc outstandingly attractive. These figures are almost always intelligent, well-spoken, and obviously good looking. When these girls meet a man like that in real life... well, you can guess what might happen.
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