So this chick I know said she won't date a guy who isn't Saved.

Originally Posted by bruce negro

With that being said my advice to OP, was that if the sistas aren't about business, or don't want to give you a chance just because your not saved, my suggestion to him was to move on and date outside your race, or think about dating white women.  I'm not trying to downplay sistas or anything of the sort, but sistas are going to have to get there act together as well if they are serious about being in a relationship because alot of GOOD brothas are getting overlooked for various reasons.  Such as "oh he doesn't drive a Mercedes, he's not saved", "he doesn't save whales on the weekend in his spare time".  The list goes on and on.  I'd be lying to you, OP, or anyone else in here if I said good brothas aren't in demand out here from various other races or cultural groups.  I'll say this in conclusion, if your a good black man, that has your act together (and that can mean a number of things) from a female dating standpoint, the world is your oyster.  If you don't know, now you know.

I agree with the stuff in bold. At the same time, however, I think that it's not just black men, but well-educated, driven men in general that are in demand. However, I have had some experiences with girls from overseas telling me that "black men are like a delicacy" in their countries. Sometimes certain groups just have those kind of odd leanings, I guess. I WILL say that races outside of blacks eat up handsome, intelligent black dudes. Not talking your trailer trash white girls either. I think it's just because, like any other race, we do have our attractive people. Yet the media portrayals of black men are often very negative, so many other races approach cautiously. Once they realize they've met a nice, personable black dude with good etiquette, many girls jump at the opportunity to get involved because it's something new and mysterious. It's actually ridiculous how many women, outside of black girls, find black models, actors, etc outstandingly attractive. These figures are almost always intelligent, well-spoken, and obviously good looking. When these girls meet a man like that in real life... well, you can guess what might happen.
That whole paragraph is basically true, especially from what I've experienced. I've heard about the same overseas, and I've seen some of this myself from international girls who move here, especially
throughout college. You would think it wouldn't be so odd, but for some reason it is. I don't mind at all
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
You sound silly.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] He really does though.[/color]
Per usual.

OK, Deuce.. it's your turn to call him a Joe Oliver (because you use that term instead of Uncle Tom cuz you're scared of getting banned

That's not my opinion of you btw, Fresh.
And yeah, I've had similar experiences. Dated a chick for two years, started talking about how we were gonna raise kids. She insisted on that Christian life, I was about that Catholic life at the time (
at me, but it's in the past). Downhill from there.
Aside from her hypocrisy, I don't see the problem in having standards. I don't date anyone who isn't an Atheist or Agnostic.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by oo206oo

You sound silly.
He really does though.
Per usual.

OK, Deuce.. it's your turn to call him a Joe Oliver (because you use that term instead of Uncle Tom cuz you're scared of getting banned

That's not my opinion of you btw, Fresh.

I'll actually do him and you a favor and give both of you a pass..........................for now
.  Also, I use the term Joe Oliver cause that's what I refer to any and all of these new and improved house !*#%%* out here that we have.  That's a term that I came up with, so I use it when I feel it needs to be applied.  I'm not scared or worried about using the term Uncle Tom for example, I just like to keep things fresh and new, nice try though champ.  Of course, lucky for you, you don't have to worry about me calling you a Joe Oliver type of person cause your not black, as much as you may want to or try to be.  Your just going to have to accept being on the outside looking in on this matter.  

Dated a chick for two years, started talking about how we were gonna raise kids. She insisted on that Christian life, I was about that Catholic life at the time (
at me, but it's in the past). Downhill from there. 

You should have been about that rehab life at the time champ, maybe then she would have stuck around and stayed with your sorry !%$.  Remember champ, we are your family here, we want the best for you.  That's why I want you to be cured of your addiction as soon as possible............"They like the drunk uncle in your family, you know they lame, you feel ashamed, still you love 'em the same"

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Dated a chick for two years, started talking about how we were gonna raise kids. She insisted on that Christian life, I was about that Catholic life at the time (
at me, but it's in the past). Downhill from there. 

You should have been about that rehab life at the time champ, maybe then she would have stuck around and stayed with your sorry !%$.  Remember champ, we are your family here, we want the best for you.  That's why I want you to be cured of your addiction as soon as possible............"They like the drunk uncle in your family, you know they lame, you feel ashamed, still you love 'em the same"

Nice try, that was before drugs, though. So anything you typed after that is null. And no, we're not ALL family. Like, you. I choose not to associate with people who are as close-minded as you.

And I never even gave the notion I wanted to be black. Being Korean is often advantageous.

And I like how being black is so awesome to you in threads like this, but in other threads, you make it seem like being black is a curse. But carry on.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Aside from her hypocrisy, I don't see the problem in having standards. I don't date anyone who isn't an Atheist or Agnostic.

I go by this rule, it saves time, a lot of these dudes chase church chick in hopes of saving them(the irony)

If anything OP should thank ole girl cause many belivers will try to convert and tell you to come to church, she letting him know up front

As for her actions maybe she is working on it and knows that, that is not something she want to continue later  in life. "Ill change later" mentality
My mother is a devout christian and her past is shaky she did a 360

Cap answer me you saved?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Deuce King wrote:With that being said my advice to OP, was that if the sistas aren't about business, or don't want to give you a chance just because your not saved, my suggestion to him was to move on and date outside your race, or think about dating white women.  I'm not trying to downplay sistas or anything of the sort, but sistas are going to have to get there act together as well if they are serious about being in a relationship because alot of GOOD brothas are getting overlooked for various reasons.  Such as "oh he doesn't drive a Mercedes, he's not saved", "he doesn't save whales on the weekend in his spare time".  The list goes on and on.  I'd be lying to you, OP, or anyone else in here if I said good brothas aren't in demand out here from various other races or cultural groups.  I'll say this in conclusion, if your a good black man, that has your act together (and that can mean a number of things) from a female dating standpoint, the world is your oyster.  If you don't know, now you know.

I agree with the stuff in bold. At the same time, however, I think that it's not just black men, but well-educated, driven men in general that are in demand. However, I have had some experiences with girls from overseas telling me that "black men are like a delicacy" in their countries. Sometimes certain groups just have those kind of odd leanings, I guess. I WILL say that races outside of blacks eat up handsome, intelligent black dudes. Not talking your trailer trash white girls either. I think it's just because, like any other race, we do have our attractive people. Yet the media portrayals of black men are often very negative, so many other races approach cautiously. Once they realize they've met a nice, personable black dude with good etiquette, many girls jump at the opportunity to get involved because it's something new and mysterious. It's actually ridiculous how many women, outside of black girls, find black models, actors, etc outstandingly attractive. These figures are almost always intelligent, well-spoken, and obviously good looking. When these girls meet a man like that in real life... well, you can guess what might happen.
That whole paragraph is basically true, especially from what I've experienced. I've heard about the same overseas, and I've seen some of this myself from international girls who move here, especially
throughout college. You would think it wouldn't be so odd, but for some reason it is. I don't mind at all

soooo... cool brotha + sense of direction + aight on the eyes = profit?
my body is ready.

tired of these chicken heads getting mad at all black men cuz they go after the stupidest ones...

i say this in all honesty... but i feel like i've been winning with the yambs... this newly found information has just confirmed that i'm not winning as much as i should cuz i havent tested the waters.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Dated a chick for two years, started talking about how we were gonna raise kids. She insisted on that Christian life, I was about that Catholic life at the time (
at me, but it's in the past). Downhill from there. 

You should have been about that rehab life at the time champ, maybe then she would have stuck around and stayed with your sorry !%$.  Remember champ, we are your family here, we want the best for you.  That's why I want you to be cured of your addiction as soon as possible............"They like the drunk uncle in your family, you know they lame, you feel ashamed, still you love 'em the same"

Nice try, that was before drugs, though. So anything you typed after that is null. And no, we're not ALL family. Like, you. I choose not to associate with people who are as close-minded as you.

And I never even gave the notion I wanted to be black.

LOL.  Bless your heart.

And I like how being black is so awesome to you in threads like this, but in other threads, you make it seem like being black is a curse.   

It's also hard to judge her based on her needing someone who has been 'saved.' Obviously every relationship you have ever been in helps determine what you need out of the next relationship you get into. Her needing a 'saved' man may be the result of a history of past awful, abusive or volatile relationships. She may not really need a guy that has been 'saved' per se, she may need a dude that exhibits the qualities she associates with being saved...she just doesn't know it. While you can question her devotion to her god or whatever, it's hard to judge her on her desires. I know people who drink socially but won't date someone who drinks because of past abusive relationships. I don't think it's being hypocritical to be protective.
man what the hell, how yall gonna derail then rerail and derail this thead over and over.

we were going somewhere with the dude prob got lied to.

down south chicks use Jesus as the nice way to say u ugly fambs.

up north they use I'm a lesbian
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Start messing with white chicks champ, problem solved.

Man I'm not too fond of white chicks at all.I really like black chicks but im finding out that I literally can't find any of them

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
Hmmm... so basically you are saying that if you are not on a females level you will resort to the next thing that will accept you at your current state even if its not optimizing your full capabilities. Sounds like you are just taking the lazy route... I can see it in your text I guess you are just the unmotivated type

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Man I'm not too fond of white chicks at all.I really like black chicks but im finding out that I literally can't find any of them

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
Hmmm... so basically you are saying that if you are not on a females level you will resort to the next thing that will accept you at your current state even if its not optimizing your full capabilities. Sounds like you are just taking the lazy route... I can see it in your text I guess you are just the unmotivated type


The only thing worse than being wrong is loud and wrong.  You dudes be reaching on so many levels to try and get your weak-minded assumptions and points across to me that you fall short, terribly.  You can change out the word "female" for "employer" or "potential job opportunity" and my advice would still be the same.  If a job that you applied to doesn't accept you are you just going to be mentally stuck on that one job that didn't accept you or didn't want you, or are you going to venture into other areas and apply to other employers to get accepted and eventually get a job.  It's the same thought process for both examples, simple as that.  You move and and go to the next one.

Also, who's to say that the OP isn't on the females level as you suggested, or even that the female isn't on OP's level??  Certain people are just more compatible with certain types of people.  It has nothing to do with optimizing your full capabilities which is what you are assuming.  Nice try though champ.    
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

It's pretty sad and hypocritical when she twerks,drinks,smokes weed and does whatever.

It's only hypocritical if she buys into all the nonsense the church's spew about those things being sinful with nothing to back up the claim of it being sinful.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
Hmmm... so basically you are saying that if you are not on a females level you will resort to the next thing that will accept you at your current state even if its not optimizing your full capabilities. Sounds like you are just taking the lazy route... I can see it in your text I guess you are just the unmotivated type


The only thing worse than being wrong is loud and wrong.  You dudes be reaching on so many levels to try and get your weak-minded assumptions and points across to me that you fall short, terribly.  You can change out the word "female" for "employer" or "potential job opportunity" and my advice would still be the same.  If a job that you applied to doesn't accept you are you just going to be mentally stuck on that one job that didn't accept you or didn't want you, or are you going to venture into other areas and apply to other employers to get accepted and eventually get a job.  It's the same thought process for both examples, simple as that.  You move and and go to the next one.

Also, who's to say that the OP isn't on the females level as you suggested, or even that the female isn't on OP's level??  Certain people are just more compatible with certain types of people.  It has nothing to do with optimizing your full capabilities which is what you are assuming.  Nice try though champ.    
Ok lets use the women/work comparison. So like you said what if the employer doesn't want you, you wouldn't think about why they don't want you? It may be because of certifications or qualifications that you don't have; so instead you will go to another employer or maybe even a lesser job instead of seeing what you can add to your resume to attract the employers that you really want.

I got you fambs instead of working at your craft and getting a job at Google, you'd rather just chill and work at Best Buy Geek Squad ... But no worries thats totally fine we need all different types of people in this World

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Hmmm... so basically you are saying that if you are not on a females level you will resort to the next thing that will accept you at your current state even if its not optimizing your full capabilities. Sounds like you are just taking the lazy route... I can see it in your text I guess you are just the unmotivated type


The only thing worse than being wrong is loud and wrong.  You dudes be reaching on so many levels to try and get your weak-minded assumptions and points across to me that you fall short, terribly.  You can change out the word "female" for "employer" or "potential job opportunity" and my advice would still be the same.  If a job that you applied to doesn't accept you are you just going to be mentally stuck on that one job that didn't accept you or didn't want you, or are you going to venture into other areas and apply to other employers to get accepted and eventually get a job.  It's the same thought process for both examples, simple as that.  You move and and go to the next one.

Also, who's to say that the OP isn't on the females level as you suggested, or even that the female isn't on OP's level??  Certain people are just more compatible with certain types of people.  It has nothing to do with optimizing your full capabilities which is what you are assuming.  Nice try though champ.    
Ok lets use the women/work comparison. So like you said what if the employer doesn't want you, you wouldn't think about why they don't want you? It may be because of certifications or qualifications that you don't have; so instead you will go to another employer or maybe even a lesser job instead of seeing what you can add to your resume to attract the employers that you really want.

I got you fambs instead of working at your craft and getting a job at Google, you'd rather just chill and work at Best Buy Geek Squad ... But no worries thats totally fine we need all different types of people in this World


Again, you are loud and wrong.  Now sit back and pay attention, open your eyes and ears and close your mouth.  To answer your question, I would think about why the employer/women didn't want me but I would still move on.  It may be because of certifications or qualifications that I don't have, but it could be because I have MORE certifications or qualifications than are required, I could be over-qualified for the job, or the female can just be taken back by a man that has his act together, either or. 

Also, who's to say that I, OP or anyone else would go to a "lesser job" or "lesser female" as you suggested??  Again, who said anything about taking a lesser job or being with a lesser women??  Your assumptions are piss poor at best.  You might get declined for one job, and then a few weeks later get accepted by a job that has a better salarly, and better benefits, it does happen.  The same happens in finding a person to be in a relationship with.  Your always suppose to aim high in whatever you do, so even if one employer/women that you find interesting doesn't accept you, you still move on as there are other opportunities and women out there that can be explored.  You obviously wouldn't know about that because your most recent posts and insight has been lackluster and shows a mental weakness on your part. 

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Deuce King

The only thing worse than being wrong is loud and wrong.  You dudes be reaching on so many levels to try and get your weak-minded assumptions and points across to me that you fall short, terribly.  You can change out the word "female" for "employer" or "potential job opportunity" and my advice would still be the same.  If a job that you applied to doesn't accept you are you just going to be mentally stuck on that one job that didn't accept you or didn't want you, or are you going to venture into other areas and apply to other employers to get accepted and eventually get a job.  It's the same thought process for both examples, simple as that.  You move and and go to the next one.

Also, who's to say that the OP isn't on the females level as you suggested, or even that the female isn't on OP's level??  Certain people are just more compatible with certain types of people.  It has nothing to do with optimizing your full capabilities which is what you are assuming.  Nice try though champ.    
Ok lets use the women/work comparison. So like you said what if the employer doesn't want you, you wouldn't think about why they don't want you? It may be because of certifications or qualifications that you don't have; so instead you will go to another employer or maybe even a lesser job instead of seeing what you can add to your resume to attract the employers that you really want.

I got you fambs instead of working at your craft and getting a job at Google, you'd rather just chill and work at Best Buy Geek Squad ... But no worries thats totally fine we need all different types of people in this World


Again, you are loud and wrong.  Now sit back and pay attention, open your eyes and ears and close your mouth.  To answer your question, I would think about why the employer/women didn't want me but I would still move on.  It may be because of certifications or qualifications that I don't have, but it could be because I have MORE certifications or qualifications than are required, I could be over-qualified for the job, or the female can just be taken back by a man that has his act together, either or. 

Also, who's to say that I, OP or anyone else would go to a "lesser job" or "lesser female" as you suggested??  Again, who said anything about taking a lesser job or being with a lesser women??  Your assumptions are piss poor at best.  You might get declined for one job, and then a few weeks later get accepted by a job that has a better salarly, and better benefits, it does happen.  The same happens in finding a person to be in a relationship with.  Your always suppose to aim high in whatever you do, so even if one employer/women that you find interesting doesn't accept you, you still move on as there are other opportunities and women out there that can be explored.  You obviously wouldn't know about that because your most recent posts and insight has been lackluster and shows a mental weakness on your part. 

How am I displaying a sign of mental weakness, I am continuosly promoting bettering ones self? Maybe you haven't been reading my post and just imagining what I say when you respond, or at least it looks that way. Honestly when I say this and don't take this that bad I think you may be the one dealing with mental weakness, your initial post screams insecurity and a lack of desire to attain one full ability...

How am I displaying a sign of mental weakness, I am continuosly promoting bettering ones self?
Are you trying to imply that white women are less than black women or are you saying being saved is more important in life than not being saved??  Either way based upon your posts and your constant usage of "bettering ones self" your hinting around at one of them.  Which one champ.   
Originally Posted by Deuce King

How am I displaying a sign of mental weakness, I am continuosly promoting bettering ones self?
Are you trying to imply that white women are less than black women or are you saying being saved is more important in life than not being saved??  Either way based upon your posts and your constant usage of "bettering ones self" your hinting around at one of them.  Which one champ.   
No not at all , you were the one mentioning the job situation and that is when I brought up discussing bettering ones self (if you read my post). At that point we were in general discussing " real world " situations, not white/black women, being saved, etc. If anything I think you were demoting white women, by saying that if a black woman wont work with you then a white woman would, so what does that make the white woman an easy person that is your second option if all else fails? I respect all women and all religions so I would never go down that road to disrespect or single out one group. However I like your attempt to try to turn the tables when all else fails .... Champ

No not at all , you were the one mentioning the job situation and that is when I brought up discussing bettering ones self (if you read my post)

Again, you are loud and wrong.  Post #112 in this thread which was from you ......."you will resort to the next thing that will accept you at your current state even if its not optimizing your full capabilities. Sounds like you are just taking the lazy route."  Now post #113 from me........"You can change out the word "female" for "employer" or "potential job opportunity" and my advice would still be the same."

 If anything I think you were demoting white women, by saying that if a black woman wont work with you then a white woman would, so what does that make the white woman an easy person that is your second option if all else fails?

No I'm not demoting white women.  If you go back and read post #97 everything that I needed to say and get across regarding the point that OP and others raised about some black women is addressed in that post.  It is even agreed upon by a few members shortly thereafter if that matters to you or not. 

I respect all women and all religions so I would never go down that road to disrespect or single out one group.
If that's the case why did you keep bringing up the point of getting with something/somebody lesser or not optimizing your full capabilities as you suggested??  That was you that raised that point and nothing I said alluded to that. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Start messing with white chicks champ, problem solved.

Man I'm not too fond of white chicks at all.I really like black chicks but im finding out that I literally can't find any of them

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
Sounds like demoting to me   
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Man I'm not too fond of white chicks at all.I really like black chicks but im finding out that I literally can't find any of them

I hear ya, but if that chick or any other black chick for that matter isn't about business then charge them to the game. Trust me when I tell you champ that alot of white chicks are cooperating with brothas out here.......and rightfully so. They're looking for that upgrade cause they know that brothas can deliver. Now's the time to cash in with the white chicks champ.
Sounds like demoting to me   

LOL.  That's not demoting at all.  You would have been better off ASKING me directly what I was referring to with certain comments, or asking me to explain more in-depth instead of you just asssuming.  That's why I had to put Regis in his place earlier, and now he doesn't even read posts from anyone unless they're white, but hopefully he gets over that fear sometime soon.  We can use a good soldier like him, I think he's good for the cause.  Same thing just happened to you, you assumed a great number of things and from there I had to correct you and now you find yourself being made an example of.  I not only preach, but I teach as well champ.

Now, to address your misconceptions in bold that I spoke on.........."any other black chick not being about business", meaning some black chicks don't want to take the time to either get to know you as a person or even help you get closer to Christ for you to eventually get saved if that desire is there.  "Alot of white chicks are cooperating", meaning alot of white chicks have been looking for and are really feeling brothas right now.  There's a number of reasons for that, such as the hip hop culture and other factors.  "Now's the time to cash in with white chicks champ", it's the same really as the previous comment I just made, alot of white chicks are feeling black men , particularly the ones that have a their act together, simple as that.  If you don't understand that you might want to travel around the world to different destinations or go to any predominantely white college campus here in America and see for yourself.  Just like I told OP, if sistas aren't checking for you or aren't trying to get with you for whatever reason, other females from different groups are or most likely in search for a good brotha.
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