So, who else is fascinated by the Deep Sea?

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by taymane23

I used to be when I was younger but now ehhhhhhhh I'm str8 a lot of those fish aren't bigger than your hand they just look menacing

this plus that megalodon aint real... at that depth how would it eat enough to sustain life... if great whites r a ton then that things at leas 2.5 tons... thats alottttta giant squids it must eat a day

b/c great whites eat seals like candy bars for the fat content needed for them to survive...

i dunno i need more convincing material than a tooth

not exactly..
if the mega shark had live in those pre historic time, most likely  animals that it preyed on would had been pretty large size as well. the giant squid could have been a lot bigger back then than it is right now. 

it would be cool to have these still around but as human we can't have nice thing...
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by taymane23

I used to be when I was younger but now ehhhhhhhh I'm str8 a lot of those fish aren't bigger than your hand they just look menacing

this plus that megalodon aint real... at that depth how would it eat enough to sustain life... if great whites r a ton then that things at leas 2.5 tons... thats alottttta giant squids it must eat a day

b/c great whites eat seals like candy bars for the fat content needed for them to survive...

i dunno i need more convincing material than a tooth
Why do you think they went extinct? And, just because it's bigger doesn't necessarily means it required an outrageous amount of food. Great whites expend much more energy than the average creature of the deep sea. Deep sea creatures can literally just coast in water for days on end with no need to move. They don't eat a lot because the don't use a lot of energy.

Not saying that they didn't need a lot of food, but to say that they couldn't have possibly eaten enough to survive is just terrible logic. Plus, who knows what animal they might have hunted to extinction?
Originally Posted by MiamiBoy

Amazing stuff to think about.

this. I duno if its a good thing or bad thing that I want a megalodon shark or w/e its spelled like to be somewhere in the deep sea
that infographic is awesome!

Just went to Museum of Natural History last month and they have a pretty cool wall of some of those deep sea guys! Totally neet!
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

One of my fav topics to discuss. This video is very cool. If you can find the OG documentary it's much longer and the narrator explains things in detail. Check out the copepods at 2:45, freaking shooting out bioluminescent bombs for defense. SO COOL OMG!�

Man, this thread creeps me out and fascinates me all at the same time.

My friend and I always talk about how little we know about the deep sea.
I get a little creeped out looking into the water at night.
OP came through with A LOT of information.
Definitely appreciated.
This also got me more curious in what is out there.
Endless possibilities.
Originally Posted by toine2983


When you see some +*@@$+ up !!@+ like that, why in the hell wouldn't there be some sort of living blob or something floating around in space...

That !!@+ is crazy.
This and Deep Space has always made my mind think so much about it. Like what if Aliens visited our planet and crashed in the middle of the deep sea ocean at one point, and survived and as time went on adapted to living in our ocean, thus having those crazy $$$ alien looking fish that we discovered so far. o_0

but really, I'm also really interested in what goes down below what we can see. There's a whole world below us that we know so little about
I always had an interest in the deep sea, though I know that food in the deep sea, well there's very little of it down there. Though I always had this theory that there must be some creatures down there that would've lasted when the dinosaurs became extinct and even the ice age because they were so deep down there it won't even effect them.

I'm waiting on some discovery on some colossal sea beast who were around millions of years ago
Good thread. Some of that @#$# is creepy as hell though.

After seeing that 21 foot crocodile I'm convinced that there's some giant squid or some @#$# down there
Yes, great thread OP.

The Blue Planet episode "The Deep" is my favourite documentary ever.
It covers all of the creatures OP posted (unfortunately Part 2 has been taken down by youtube.)




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