So you like eating Mcdonalds huh?

So McDonald's is going to use more humane ways to kill chickens.


Protestors, put away your signs.McDonald’s is changing slaughterhouse practices and plans to ethically source all its chicken from humane slaughterhouses by 2024. New guidelines will require chicken providers improve conditions by giving birds perches and clean coops in the slaughterhouse. Chickens must also be slaughtered by a process called “stunning,” or peaceful suffocation, rather than live slaughters.

But fear not, nugget-munchers, McDonald’s will bear the brunt of the cost for these changes, not consumers. According to Bruce Feinberg, a senior director at McDonald’s who oversees chicken, beef, pork, fish and dairy products, the changes are being made to ease animal cruelty-conscious customers’ minds.

He said in a statement: “While this might not be a direct impact on sales at McDonald’s, it might help certain segments of our customer base make purchasing decisions that they might not have otherwise made.”
While some of the picket signs may come down, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of improving slaughterhouse supplier conditions across the fast food industry. Animal activists are commending the changes made, but as Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle wrote on his blog, there is much more to be done.

“[McDonald’s] failed to act on the most severe problem within its poultry supply chain,” he wrote, “allowing its suppliers to use breeds of chickens that have chronic health problems; the birds are extremely obese and grow so rapidly that some of them have a hard time standing or walking.”

Still, McD’s is clearly trying to get on the right side of the issue. Slaughterhouse changes are just some of the new, healthier improvements the chain is making. The McVegan — a vegan-friendly sandwich that launched in Finland on a trial basis until mid-November — is a meatless burger completely made of soy with the same topping options as the classic Big Mac
Birthdays and holidays? If I was a heartless ******* I’d say karma. But I’m just an *******.
So McDonald's is going to use more humane ways to kill chickens.


Protestors, put away your signs.McDonald’s is changing slaughterhouse practices and plans to ethically source all its chicken from humane slaughterhouses by 2024. New guidelines will require chicken providers improve conditions by giving birds perches and clean coops in the slaughterhouse. Chickens must also be slaughtered by a process called “stunning,” or peaceful suffocation, rather than live slaughters.

But fear not, nugget-munchers, McDonald’s will bear the brunt of the cost for these changes, not consumers. According to Bruce Feinberg, a senior director at McDonald’s who oversees chicken, beef, pork, fish and dairy products, the changes are being made to ease animal cruelty-conscious customers’ minds.

He said in a statement: “While this might not be a direct impact on sales at McDonald’s, it might help certain segments of our customer base make purchasing decisions that they might not have otherwise made.”
While some of the picket signs may come down, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of improving slaughterhouse supplier conditions across the fast food industry. Animal activists are commending the changes made, but as Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle wrote on his blog, there is much more to be done.

“[McDonald’s] failed to act on the most severe problem within its poultry supply chain,” he wrote, “allowing its suppliers to use breeds of chickens that have chronic health problems; the birds are extremely obese and grow so rapidly that some of them have a hard time standing or walking.”

Still, McD’s is clearly trying to get on the right side of the issue. Slaughterhouse changes are just some of the new, healthier improvements the chain is making. The McVegan — a vegan-friendly sandwich that launched in Finland on a trial basis until mid-November — is a meatless burger completely made of soy with the same topping options as the classic Big Mac
Pass, I need to taste the fear and pain in my chicken.
The story mightve been fake. But coming from someone who worked at 3 different fast food establishments from 16-20. I can tell yall that most of the general public has consumed human waste or some type of tainted food without knowing it.

Just make sure your not the costumer thats pissing off the person who is taking your order. And dont be that person all extra changing your order or just straight up complaining about the quality of the food.

Your at a fast food restaurant. They hire kids still in HS/young people/careless people. People need to stop acting like there hiring top notch chefs who went to school to cook for a living.

Your literally getting what you pay for. Cheap processed low quality food with low costumer service. Never messed with fast food after working in them places. Fast foward to now.

I havent eatin fast food in a few years. Ive been to a couple of up scale restaurants a few times. Anything from out i keep to a bare minimum. There killing us with that crappy food. People on here getting upset about people commenting about (people still eating fast food).

Yea i think the same way. You dont care about yourself eating that crap. Even if your eating it a couple of times a month. Its still a bad habit. Ive seen cats out here buying $50,000 - $150,000 cars + expensive up keep for maintenance. $200.00 - $1,000 shoes and jeans. Plus jewlery.

But will fill up there bodies with fast food and processd food on a daily. People will spend like crazy to keep up the exterior. But wont spend the money to up keep a healthy body/lifestyle. People are far from woke out here. Most people are about to be eating cloned meat and dont even know it lol.
Your literally getting what you pay for. Cheap processed low quality food with low costumer service. Never messed with fast food after working in them places. Fast foward to now.

This is facts. I get wanting to get the most bang for your buck but if you play cheap games you win cheap prizes.

McDonalds is absolutely basura and no amount of protesting nor humane slaughtering of chickens will change that.

Grimey prices get a grimey experience.
Low custom service? Grimey experience?


Yall better join the rest of us in the 21st century :smokin
Aight that's fuego

McDonalds is still 1/5 though. Convenience cant convince me to eat plastic, all them 3AM HS/College nights...

The relationship is done until infinity b
btw i dont eat any type of ranch or mayo or anything of similar taste, texture or color

still gonna get my mcdoubles, my fries, my hash browns, my sausage biscuits my nuggets and my dry salads

**** it we all gotta go one day

you not gonna be on your death bed glad you never ate mcdoubles
my go to struggle meal which i had for dinner tonight 1 mcchicken, 1 double cheeseburger with mac sauce and small fries for 5.75 :pimp:
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