Soles 4 Souls Charity Effort Inspired by Ronnie Fieg and KITH - Please Help!!

Sep 20, 2012
A handful of us started a Soles 4 Souls group after reading about Ronnie Fieg and KITH's charity effort in Haiti. Our goal is to raise $4,000 in a month. So far we have raised $2,170 with 19 days left but we've slowed down significantly and could really use some help!

If you can, we would truly appreciate any donations, tweets, facebook posts, emails, etc. This is truly a great cause.

From Ronnie Fieg's kithnyc site earlier this month:

This last year has been one of the best years of my life. With Kith having success in such a short period of time, I believed it was extremely important to put time aside and remember how fortunate we all are to have shoes to put on everyday. I want to bring awareness to all of you and stress how important it is to give to the unfortunate whenever you are in a position to do so.

This colorway and final sample was sent to me over 3 years ago and the inspiration was the Soles for Souls  T-shirt colorway which was green and white. I was lucky enough to have ASICS agree to work on a charity project that would bring over 300 pairs of brand new sneakers to the less fortunate in Haiti. I wanted to not only bring the Haitians sneakers but give them something fresh for the new year. Brand new kicks made with heavy materials that would last them a while (until the next time I come through).

Heading over to Haiti is Kith’s very own Pete Forester. Pete will be there to distribute the sneakers and t-shirts starting tomorrow and will spend 5 days with the Haitians doing different activities. Pete has played such a major role with growing Kith this past year and was quick to volunteer. I mean he REALLY wanted to go. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Pete. These are the type of gestures that will never go unnoticed.

There are other plans that will put in effect soon. A plan that will involve some of you to help with this program. Until then, lets wish Pete a safe trip! Make sure to follow pete on his journey here.

More information about Sole for Souls:

In developing countries, and regions that have experienced recent turmoil, the populations live without resources that we take for granted. Whether it be consistent electricity, hot or running water, or even clean drinking water that might be hard to find or far away. They live in houses without proper roofing, go without warm clothes, and many without shoes. Not all of these problems are immediately solvable, but Soles for Soles  is an organization that strives to solve a part of it.

You’re reading this on a blog that is largely about footwear and about exposing you to the next best pair. It’s easy to forget that these shoes perform important functions. Without shoes distances become unsafe to walk, without the support or protection from footwear ankles can be sprained, cuts can be exposed to bacteria and parasites.

Soles for Soles takes shoes (new and gently used) and brings them to underprivileged communities all over the world. Communities in Haiti, Tanzania, Costa Rica, and more, allowing these people to safely transport themselves to areas with safer resources, homes, and communities.


I searched the forums and saw that similar links have been posted here in the past. My apologies if threads like this should no longer be here.
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