Some Jordan Collectors are Hypocrites, at least IMO...


Oct 23, 2007
Heres my opinion:
I know ima get a lot of heat on this topic but its been on my mind for a while.
I hate how people only seem to like OG colors. Why, just cuz their OG??? IMO OGs are over hyped and overrated.
For example lets talk about the 8s.
We know no one liked the recent pea pods, and orange stealths, but we also know damn well many and most of you would have like these if they first appearedaround 1993. And it Vice Versa with the OGs, come on now lets be real, how many people would have actually liked the aquas if they werent OGs???
I bet that if the pea pods were OGs and the Aquas were released last year for the first time their selling aftermath would have been the complete opposite, peapods would have sold out and Aquas would be hitting sale racks in a couple weeks. You know its true.
It's not just 8s either.
If grapes, carmines, those 7s from MJ vs Mike Jackson commercial, aquas, and shadows were not OGs everyone would be hating on those, talking about how JordanBrand has been putting out crap and all this other stuff you guys be saying.
Lets put in another more recent example.
Those limited basketball leather 22s, them!!@!%* are ugly!! But i bet in a couple years when they retro those along with some different color 22s that end uplooking real fresh, those basketball leathers will be selling out and the fresh new colors wont.
If you think this way maybe you can school me on why, maybe i dont get it. I know a lot of people are going to be responding oh its cuz hes a youngin' andhe just dont get it, well here is my response to that, na its not even that im young and i dont get it, there is nothing to get, all those shoes i listed arejust plain ugly.
For the record i dont like any of the shoes i have talked about or named in this post, new or OGs.
Let me know what you think. Damn hopefully people dont start getting all butt hurt, i just want to know if im alone on this and if so then why.

No its not seeing him perform in the shoes, i am also a collector and collect because of the stories that come from behind the shoes, i get what you are sayingon that, like i said maybe i didnt get to see him on all his ships but i saw half, and ive seen tapes of all the other ones and many reg season games.

Im not hating on all OG colors, some are real fresh.
I know that collecting Js is not only about shoes that seem to be "in" because thats not why i collect, i collect because i loved seeing MJ play inhis kicks, but that dosent mean ima go get some ugly shoes just because he wore em, id rather just watch the tapes over and see him wear them and ill get theOG colors that i actually like, thats one of the reason why i collect T-Macs as well, i buy what i like because i too know of the stories that come with theshoes.


I hate young kids coming in here and telling us older guys what we should like, when they have no idea why we're here in the first place.
Honestly, I don't care if it's OG or not. If the colorway is ugly, it's ugly.

But I do see your point and agree. But you have to see you wouldn't understand because they can hold personal reasons to people.
i agree with you, but i also agree with blco02. because mj wore them. that is why.
blco02 hit the nail right on the head. I may only be 20, but seeing MJ play in the shoes or even just seeing pictures of him in them make the shoes look thatmuch nicer.
I see what you're saying. You do have to understand a couple of things though.

Most of those colorways released back then, weren't very popular either. Mainly the Bulls colorway Jordans sold. Concord XI's didn't sell well atall when they came out. Other colorways as well for many shoes (especially early in the line). Even as of 2000 with the Laney V's, those didn't sellwell at all either.

A lot of the OG colorways though, Grape V's and Aqua VIII's for example, do thye look similar to a lot of the funky colorways today that are disliked?Yes. But the fact that the shoes with that colorway were released years ago in the Jordan playing era, with the fact of the value, with the fact of the rarity,with the fact of the story behind them, with the fact of who wore what, all plays a role.

Today, you have tons of ridiculous clown colors on clothing, shoes, hats, etc. Its a common 'style'. So all the colorways are nothing new to us now.New releases (retro +) with shoes is nothing new or surprising. But the mere fact of bringing something back from the past with all its perks (see aboveparagraph) plays a big popularity role.

Its the same concept with player exclusives as well. People want, people say "I'd defintily cop" "JB release those!" But we arebasically getting them. We are getting them with the orange, the navy, the green, the maize, the carolina colorways. But people want more. They want somethingwith a story behind them. Hence, OG colorways from years ago.
Originally Posted by MastaAce718

Honestly, I don't care if it's OG or not. If the colorway is ugly, it's ugly.

People like OG's because it takes them back to a time in their life when they were young and looked up to MJ for the athlete he was and admired how uniquehis shoes were as well. The OG colors have always added to the mystique of the man who played in them.

Everybody wants to be like Mike and the closest any of us are ever gonna get to that is wearing a pair of OG colored Jordans to marvel at besides drinking aGatorade.
Originally Posted by blco02

Concord XI's didn't sell well at all when they came out.
Actually, they did.

Another NT rumor gone wild.

Not necessarilly, it depends where you live. In my area the OG Concords were sittin on shelves 6 months after they released.
^ But overall, they sold very well.

That's part of the reason they were retroed so soon. If noone bought them initially, why would they bring them back out again so soon?

OF COURSE they sold well nationally, they are most people's favorite Jordan of all time. People were going crazy over them in many places across thecountry.
Agreed also their was a post about the laney 5s but if they came out when the DTRT era happned it will be in the clearance racks
Originally Posted by blco02



I hate young kids coming in here and telling us older guys what we should like, when they have no idea why we're here in the first place.

MJ played in the OG colorways. That's how I remember him and the shoe.
^Exactly. To me, it's not only the model that makes the Jordan shoe, but the colorway he wore of the model as well. Did that make any sense?

I hear where youre coming from though. But in the bay, theres a lot of my friends who like the newer colorways more than OGs. VIIIs for example. The newcolorways are popular just because theyre similiar to Warriors or Giants colors..
Originally Posted by blco02

^ But overall, they sold very well.

That's part of the reason they were retroed so soon. If noone bought them initially, why would they bring them back out again so soon?

OF COURSE they sold well nationally, they are most people's favorite Jordan of all time. People were going crazy over them in many places across the country.

Noone is arguing your point here. But perception isn't always reality, and they weren't a grand slam when the first originally released in someareas as I mentioned although still popular enough.

My feeling as to why the shoes came out so soon is obviously the shoes grew in admiration. The same people around my way who didn't cop the first time forwhatever reason were all over these the second time they dropped. It happens with alot of shoes, the Grape 5's were an example. (I am strictly talkingabout my area here). People left them on the shelves in favor of the Metallics and Fire Reds and now 18 years later they are one of the most revered colorwaysin history. Time changes and people's taste in things change as well. But you're right the Concords are classics and always have been IMO.
Laney 5's suck and they still suck. They were not original either.....

But to the original post. I agree w/ blco to an extent. I started buying J's because of Mike. It's simple. The shoes, the style, the performance wereall characteristics of the player. I love original colors because I remember Mike hitting ridiculous shots in them. I remember Mike dunking on everyone inthose shoes. Those are the shoes I wanted and still want today.

That being said, I hate some original colors. In fact I think the French blue 7's are the best 7's to ever come out. I like what I like. I don'tcare original or not. I also loved the 8 lows. I think those shoes are amazing. Same goes for the 6 lows. I like low top shoes, kill me. Here's one thing Idon't like. People who just started collecting telling me how the colors coming out are so "hott" or "fresh". I think what has recentlycome out has been a big load of crap. I respect your opinion, but don't come in here and tell me that my opinion holds no water. The best Jordan ever isthe black/red 14 IN MY OPINION. Retro pluses have always been weaker than most original colors, but don't come in here and tell me Iwon't buy a retro + because it's a +. I buy what I like. You should do the same.
See what you're sayin but Jordan was the reason why people bought the shoes. Wanting a pair of shoes that Jordan played in was the talk and the style. For grapes, auqa some of those non bull color shoes, they weren't appealing. But if you saw MJ in them u had to get them to.
Originally Posted by EMac291

Heres my opinion:
I know ima get a lot of heat on this topic but its been on my mind for a while.
I hate how people only seem to like OG colors. Why, just cuz their OG??? IMO OGs are over hyped and overrated.
For example lets talk about the 8s.
We know no one liked the recent pea pods, and orange stealths, but we also know damn well many and most of you would have like these if they first appeared around 1993. And it Vice Versa with the OGs, come on now lets be real, how many people would have actually liked the aquas if they werent OGs???
I bet that if the pea pods were OGs and the Aquas were released last year for the first time their selling aftermath would have been the complete opposite, pea pods would have sold out and Aquas would be hitting sale racks in a couple weeks. You know its true.
It's not just 8s either.
If grapes, carmines, those 7s from MJ vs Mike Jackson commercial, aquas, and shadows were not OGs everyone would be hating on those, talking about how Jordan Brand has been putting out crap and all this other stuff you guys be saying.
Lets put in another more recent example.
Those limited basketball leather 22s, them@+#$*$ are ugly!! But i bet in a couple years when they retro those along with some different color 22s that end up looking real fresh, those basketball leathers will be selling out and the fresh new colors wont.
If you think this way maybe you can school me on why, maybe i dont get it. I know a lot of people are going to be responding oh its cuz hes a youngin' and he just dont get it, well here is my response to that, na its not even that im young and i dont get it, there is nothing to get, all those shoes i listed are just plain ugly.
For the record i dont like any of the shoes i have talked about or named in this post, new or OGs.
Let me know what you think. Damn hopefully people dont start getting all butt hurt, i just want to know if im alone on this and if so then why.

Simple, it's because you don't understand.
Last decade's Jordan shoes were classic Air Jordan colors, which is totally different from the retro+.
Yes, people really do like them it's because it is OG color and MICHAEL JORDAN ACTUALLY WORE THEM!
No, I'm not a veteran who's been wearing Air Jordan since OG Is. But I've been wearing and beating them since I was in elementary school.
I really did actually grow up watching him play, watching him win, watching him retire, watching him lose, and watching him win again.

If you really notice, most of the OG colorways are pretty close to each other. White, black, red (or any red that close to other red i.e Maroon), concords(or any blue that close to that).
I believe there's no OG colorway with GREEN or YELLOW or ORANGE, which makes the shoes look futuristic.
Some people love it to keep them classic, some don't. I believe you're in the latter group.
But believe me, some Retro+ colorway are pretty close to OG colorway, THAT IS WHY THEY SELL AND RESELL VALUE IS CRAZY.

And lastly, the word "hypocrite" is too offensive if your intention is just to create a discussion; you might have made pissed people off.

Yes, I agree. IMO, Basketball leather XX2 is not that appealing. BELIEVE ME! They won't sell that well..
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by blco02

Concord XI's didn't sell well at all when they came out.
Actually, they did.

Another NT rumor gone wild.

Not necessarilly, it depends where you live. In my area the OG Concords were sittin on shelves 6 months after they released.

Let me try to clarify things here. The XI's sold first. People wern't lining up for these. You could walk into most stores a few monthsafter the release and cop any size you wanted. They simply didn't fly off shelves like some Jordans do today. It took time for people to catch on to these.Once the steam picked up in these you couldn't find them anywhere.


Peapods and all this other crap weren't OG's for a reason....THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF THE COMPANY HAD TASTE BACK THEN!!!!
The grape V's are not ugly. And the only good new color of the VIII's is Athricite. It's all opinion. Why do you care what other people like?
Originally Posted by blco02



I hate young kids coming in here and telling us older guys what we should like, when they have no idea why we're here in the first place.

I hate old guys that think they know everything and can stereotype anyone and everyone.

Actually i didnt see all the ships mj won but i did see his last three since my dad was a fan and he got me being a fan, and its only a coincidence that myfavorite are the 11 12 and 13 since i think the 14s is ugly. Either way, whether MJ wore em or not if a color way is ugly, its ugly.
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