Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I got a flu shot last year but only cuz i had to get it cuz i was havin a me on flu shots
Oddly enough I refuse to get flu shots :lol:

Yeah, I am not required to get them, but my mom works in a hospital and she has to get them if not the alternative is wear a mask. Just don't trust them when all my colleagues get flu shots but still get the flu. :lol:

I got a flu shot last year but only cuz i had to get it cuz i was havin a me on flu shots

This is more a personal preference, but I am sure there is data out there on flu shots. Not sure if it falls under conspiracy or factual tho.
Ive been looking into the Mandela effect recently after watching a PF Flyers commercial with Jonny Quest

Ive watched this commercial before and I swear it was Johnny Quest, not Jonny. 

Raw footage taken from the 32nd floor of a New York University student dorm on September 11, 2001 is just now going viral, nearly 15 years after the World Trade Center attacks.

The video picks up shortly after the first plane hit the north tower, with two female students unsure what to make of the situation – one of them talking to her mom on the phone.
 the people jumping 

and their reactions once the second plane hits 
Ive been looking into the Mandela effect recently after watching a PF Flyers commercial with Jonny Quest

Ive watched this commercial before and I swear it was Johnny Quest, not Jonny. 

WTF?! I've always seen it as Johnny Quest, I would've noticed how weird Jonny is spelled.
Whats the difference? I'd appreciate any literature you have concerning your understanding of alchemy if you dont want to discuss it outright.

This book has the answers to your questions

Thanks for that, i checked out the audio book on yt. I have to say i was a little disappointed, it seemed more like a history leason. It led me to a few of his lectures though and i get the feeling you kinda gotta read between the lines with this guy. Good stuff though.
Raw footage taken from the 32nd floor of a New York University student dorm on September 11, 2001 is just now going viral, nearly 15 years after the World Trade Center attacks.

The video picks up shortly after the first plane hit the north tower, with two female students unsure what to make of the situation – one of them talking to her mom on the phone.
Still remember 9/11 and being so close to the buildings like it was yesterday.

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Still remember 9/11 and being so close to the buildings like it was yesterday.

don't know what to think of this.... Strange that within 30 secs of the 2nd plane the one chick yells it's a terrorist attack and their overall mood is strAnge

Btw... Full believer that 9/11 was an inside job
Pirated satellite feeds revealing U.S. media personalities’ contempt for their viewers come full circle in Spin. TV out-takes appropriated from network satellite feeds unravel the tightly-spun fabric of television—a system that silences public debate and enforces the exclusion of anyone outside the pack of journalists, politicians, spin doctors, and televangelists who manufacture the news. Spin moves through the L.A. riots and the floating TV talk-show called the 1992 U.S. presidential election.

This tape documents an interesting period of time in the early '90s when people with a satellite dish could receive pre-air non-broadcast feeds. The author captured hundreds of hours of this footage and it is an invaluable look at the way politicians craft media appearances. An extremely valuable tape, both for the general knowledge of media and a specific look at the 1992 presidential race.

Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters about "homos," Al Gore learns how to avoid abortion questions, George Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon -- all presuming they're off camera.

Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite footage, Spin is a surreal expose of media-constructed reality.

Dude predicted the super bowl winner from last season. Now hes done it again with this years NBA finals. Not only did he predict the winner of the series, but he also picked what 2 teams would make it and how the winning team would win in upset fashion. (sports fans cant tell me yall didnt have GS out of the series when they went down 3-1 to OKC and Cavs out down 3-1 to GS) He posted the video over a month ago before the series finals. I gave him a chance on his prediction and won $100.:smokin Then he throws in some interesting points like the day of game 7 being on June 19th. June 19th is King James of Scotlands birthday. Who else is called King James? :nerd: :wow: So what yall think? Is the NBA rigged? Is it scripted word to WWE?

Heres his follow up video which was posted hours after the game.
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^ yeah I didn't wanna believe that kid but it's true

Agreed. Most will still write it off as nonsense like I thought it was going to be once both teams were down 3-1. But he nailed it. There are so many dots hes connecting and some you cant deny. Other points obviously sound far fetched especially if one isn't up on subjects he talking about. But if you do the research on some of the points hes making, they are valid. I'm def not going to be looking at sports the same way after this.
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