Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Rogan still goes back and forth on some subjects. He's constantly playing devil's advocate. All while claiming Occam's razor. I don't see why one can't be fluid in thoughts? He still has plenty of guests who disagree on subjects, specifically 9/11. Otherwise, he'd never have Eddie Bravo on his show.  
Rogan still goes back and forth on some subjects. He's constantly playing devil's advocate. All while claiming Occam's razor. I don't see why one can't be fluid in thoughts? He still has plenty of guests who disagree on subjects, specifically 9/11. Otherwise, he'd never have Eddie Bravo on his show.  :lol:

True. Can't deny any of this. Dude is just obnoxious to me I won't even front :lol:
I don't recall him changing opinions on 9/11. He still stands by the most potent evidence of 9/11; that America's military industrial complex/police state beneficiaries took complete advantage of that tragedy and maybe even turned a blind eye to who was behind it.

He did change his stance on the moon landing, though. But who wouldn't after having a face to face sit down with Neil Degrasse Tyson lol.
Joe can definitely change up depending who's on the show, last time Adam carolla was on the show it was unbearable. The smugness was through the roof. Also, he had a ex-fbi agent on his show, and Joe basically let him spew his propaganda with no type of rebuttal.
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I feel like most of us may have some advanced head knowledge but still live catering to our lower nature (myself included)

Which version of Frank in this vid are you

Service to others seem to be a common theme but heres what i dont understand. In relation to the video you posted, he gives up the donut cause its detrimental to him, he gives up the money cause its detrimental to him. So how is giving these things to other people helping them? If they were bad for him, why is it considered good or helpful to pass it off to someone else? Is that really helping them?

In general, ive always wondered whats the purpose of helping any and everyone if the majority of people are going to be materialistic and selfish anyway. You are essentially making it easier and more convenient for them to continue in the tradition of materialism/individualism/capitalism. If i were to take in a homeless child and provide everything that child lacked in terms of basic necessities, seems like it would just be easier for that child to fall into the bad habits and negativity that most youth suffer from. Social media, materialism, competition, self interest ect...
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What is detrimental to you can be a blessing to someone else.

Gluttony, Love of Money

When given to someone homeless it takes on new life.
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I feel like most of us may have some advanced head knowledge but still live catering to our lower nature (myself included)

Which version of Frank in this vid are you

Service to others seem to be a common theme but heres what i dont understand. In relation to the video you posted, he gives up the donut cause its detrimental to him, he gives up the money cause its detrimental to him. So how is giving these things to other people helping them? If they were bad for him, why is it considered good or helpful to pass it off to someone else? Is that really helping them?

In general, ive always wondered whats the purpose of helping any and everyone if the majority of people are going to be materialistic and selfish anyway. You are essentially making it easier and more convenient for them to continue in the tradition of materialism/individualism/capitalism. If i were to take in a homeless child and provide everything that child lacked in terms of basic necessities, seems like it would just be easier for that child to fall into the bad habits and negativity that most youth suffer from. Social media, materialism, competition, self interest ect...

You raise some valid points. To answer your question, I dont know. But my guess is when you help someone, you are giving of yourself / broadening spiritual/conscious reach to connect with anothers'. Your spirit resides in and confined to your body and good deeds of selflessness (among other things) can allow your spiritual self to extend beyond your physical self. We are all connected and when we consciously stimulate that connection by the mere act of caring for a need (physical/emo/spiritual), this evokes a transcendent expansion. You are becoming more one with the Universe/God/The Creator/ the highest force, because its breeds life and all living things are connected.

We must focus on the spiritual but we cannot neglect the physical. We are still physical beings. Like dealing with a vehicle, it still needs gas, oil, and every component maintained (physical needs). However, the most important part is the driver (spirit). Our spirit/consciousness is the most important part. Educating others on what REALLY important is great, but we also have to remember that it can take time to become spiritually aware and not all people ever get there. Sometimes you gotta cater to a physical need before you can begin to cater to a spiritual one. We have to exercise a greater level of understanding of what someone needs. You wouldn't reason with a crying baby, you would give it milk. Then when you feel they are of appropriate age, educate them on the true values of life while living in this materialistic physical realm. It is a balancing act. But it is one that should be more spiritually focused.

I have difficulty articulating this kinda stuff so I hope I making some kinda sense.
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Yall beleive in aliens? :nerd:
If that's what you want to call them.
Hell, we might be the Aliens.

I used to think that.
We crash landed on this planet in a huge spaceship.
A bunch of us.
Created a huge crater thats been filled by water at this point ( atlantic ocean)
our crashed wiped out the dinosaurs ( dust cloud that blocked out sun/ massive flooding/ wutever)
we forgot or chose to not pass down our history/origin
now we outchea
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Nothing I've really wanted to post. I'm in here reading and watching what you guys post just about every day but I play background. I haven't been going to the places I was sourcing things from, and I don't deep web crawl anymore. Had weird stuff happening with my web traffic, and government listed and foreign IPs making attempts on my old system. I try to stick to basic web activity and educational stuff now.

I will tell you there are a lot of huge photos in NASA's image servers and in some cases they are undoctored, unedited, raw photos. You just have to dig. Google will lead you to where you need to look but the anomalies you see people trying to identify on YouTube are pulled from these servers.
Long story short, I spent a lot of hours in the deep web over time crawling pages and batch downloading basically entire repositories worth of data to sift through at my leisure. I was using software to monitor my connections to be safe and through looking up some of the IP addys that were trying to connect to me, I found that some were listed to government computers and some outside of the US.

Realizing what was going on I wiped everything and got rid of the computers I was using. I just recently purchased a new laptop after honestly not even wanting one in my house anymore, and have no intentions of getting seriously involved in deep web browsing again. I don't know what connections were made while I wasn't aware, I don't know what information was taken from me, or what was in some of the piles data I acquired. I just found it best to get rid of everything.
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