Someone scammed me on Craigslist. I have his phone number. How can I ruin his life?

You shouldnt have let him know that you know you got fake shoulda seemed like you got into the concert without a problem and thanked him....Then see if he was selling other tickets on craigslist and bust his %@* up.

Take the L, you went about it the wrong way
Originally Posted by DJMano34

Instead of doing all that you should of just waited til he posted up again and search by his phone number. Most people are stupid and will continue to do the same thing. Then you reply with diff. email & number and meet him up. Then from there you know what to do, but you prob not bout that life.

this is a plan for real...
Originally Posted by DJMano34

Instead of doing all that you should of just waited til he posted up again and search by his phone number. Most people are stupid and will continue to do the same thing. Then you reply with diff. email & number and meet him up. Then from there you know what to do, but you prob not bout that life.

this is a plan for real...
That's cold bleed man, sorry to hear that
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