Jul 20, 2008
A very slept on shoe imo. Are these hard to find? With all these re retro'd mikes coming out these need to be kept in mind, I could use another pair
Still in great shape, even though the toes feel like they have steel in them people are going to be crying in a few years for not picking these up.

Mine are good...thank you for asking. I wanted this color so much as a kid, I had to get them when they came back out. My wife and I didn't have a lot ofmoney so I secretly bought them...she saw them for the first time the other day and asked, "When did you get those?" I acted like I had them forever.By the way I don't support lying to your wife...but it was the Olympic 7s...I mean come on.
i wasnt really in the game then but this was around the time i started and jus wasnt paying the re-sell price for em
they were so hyped, a month later prices were dropping below retail. picked mine up for retail, it was too big for me and i couldn't sell them since priceswere so low. 6 months later i found a buyer for them for retail + tax but dude flaked on me and stood me up. so i just went right into footlocker that we weresupposed to meet asked the manager if i could return these and dude was extremely excited saying he's gonna ebay these and make 300$ while i was thinkinglol he's not even gonna get back retail. so i got my money back and haven't regretted it since.

only recently i see them go up a little in value but still not much. they were going for retail or less for like the past 4 yrs. only 7's i've likedwere the french 7's...very comfortable and very nice looking.
I'll never forget the luck I struck with these....walked into Champs down in Olympia two weeks after they released......and they still had my size12!......was forced to sell unfortunately due to bills a few months ago.....need another pair
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

still have mine with a bit of crease and yellow on the front..

sounds like mine.... anyway to fix the yellow? I onlt thought clear soles yellowed not rubber soles
Wow. Can't beleive it's been that long. I got them the morning of moving back to college to start senior year. Damn, im old. Mine are still VNDS. Loveem
I got mine a few weeks after the release date at the finishline on Fulton street, the store was now opening a new branch and i looked in and saw all the 7s inthe window, i was mad happy so i asked the guy the exact opening time and he told me the next day so i was prepared to go early the next day but somehow iended up down there the same day and rain was falling so passign by the store, i see a whole heap of peeps in there so i run in and and ask for the olympicsand they say all my size are sold out and only a few are left after having quite a few pairs. I ended up taking a bigger size (12) than usual but was stillhappy. On the sour side, the sole came out on me a few months back, the upper looks brand new but the sole unstuck. I'll post some pics of it, got them inmy car trunk because i just couldn't bring myself to throw them away.
Oh ......& I don't know if anyone's heard me say this before ....but, I only need the OG Olympics to complete my Air jordan VII collection!

I think I might have mentioned it once or twice!
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