(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)


Would it be safe to assume that with next weeks episode being 66 minutes long,we're probably being set up for the most satisfying and best season finale yet? Interested in how they'll fit everything together but I can't wait for Tyrions escape,Stannis and the cavalry coming to the Nights watch's defense and LS making her appearence all in the same episode :pimp:  

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The way this season is going. saying best season finale ever is a bit farfetched. this season had good moments. but the turns it took kinda throws it off. we'll see though

I don't think we're getting LS personally.. Stannicoming in to save the day plus Jon meeting up with mance talking to him... i dont know either all in one ep???


They also have to show Snow becoming Lord Commander

There was a small rumor saying D&D wasn't going to have this happen.
I mean they killed off pip and edd (AND NOW THEIR WATCH HAS ENDED)
AND They were the main people who got him voted in..

A lot of stuff can wait til next season honestly....especially since they need to slow down a bit and wait for these books to be released.
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I definitely hope they show LS this season.

Looks like we'll see the Tyrion/Tywin scene for sure though. Peep the 11 second mark...


So if Bran meets The Children already, I'm guessing they may skip the fight with the Walkers? Or him finding the dead brothers?

At first, I disagreed with the notion that 66 mins was not enough time but the more I think about what should happen the more I agree.

- Jon meeting Mance and Stannis coming. Possibly Stannis offering Winterfell up?
- Arya/Hound fight then her leaving and finding a ship.
- Dragons killing the kid? IDK what other direction they'll go with Dany's story. The suggestion of the wedding? Fighting pits?
- Tyrion's scene with Jaime then Varys then Shae then Tywin then Varys again?
- LS?
- Bran's story.

Seems like an awful lot to get through in only 66 mins but we'll see.
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The way this season is going. saying best season finale ever is a bit farfetched. this season had good moments. but the turns it took kinda throws it off. we'll see though

I don't think we're getting LS personally.. Stannicoming in to save the day plus Jon meeting up with mance talking to him... i dont know either all in one ep???
There was a small rumor saying D&D wasn't going to have this happen.
I mean they killed off pip and edd (AND NOW THEIR WATCH HAS ENDED)
AND They were the main people who got him voted in..

A lot of stuff can wait til next season honestly....especially since they need to slow down a bit and wait for these books to be released.

From earlier previews it definitely looks like we're getting Stannis at the wall, I remember seeing a clip of armed cavalry taking on wildlings during the season trailer.

I was thinking that they'll show LS mostly because of all these little hints that some actors have been dropping during this season. It would be a fitting end to Briennes storyline and what better way to end the season than with that introduction just off of the :wow: factor alone just like the white walkers marching in season 2.

I was saying it could possibly be the best finale if they're actually able to fit in all of these major events into it (Tyrions escape and revenge, Stannis in the North, Arya leaving the Hound to die for Braavos,LS, Bran meeting the children). It'll definately be a challenge though seeing as they're also sneaking in some Dany/dragon action from the preview.

Gonna be a little disappointed if they do away with Jon becoming LC.
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Mainly this


And the Lena Headey IG pic of a heart made of of stones

I hope they do show her

My favorite part of book 3
Jsbajxjaknaibzhaj agsjnsvahxhahksivaizbakzh

Yeah the reveal is also one of the best moments of the book for me.

Should they show her next week,it would be fitting if it was done right at the end of the episode kind of like how her chapter was the epilogue of ASOS. That would definately still have people buzzing and talking for a while after the season ends
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I wonder how they will do selection of the new Lord Commander, weren't Pyp and Grenn still alive when that happened in the books? Wish they didn't kill them :frown:



I was thinking the same thing. 

Considering the speech Alliser gave Jon on top of the wall and Janos Slint hiding like a coward.

I think they are going to have the Night's Watch will give him command without a vote.
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I think there will still be a vote. Remember Slynt told Thorne he should let Jon go to Crasters Keep before the choosing so he would get killed since jon is so popular.
Did Thorne get killed on the show? Last we saw him he was being dragged away while yelling at the men to hold the gate.

He was still alive, just injured I think.

i thought we'd get a bit more of Briennes adventure plus like i said, idk if D&D want to really get book 4 heavy next season... book 3 and 4 are suppose to be the same time line...and we got a little from bok 4 but not everthing..
EDIT::: seems i got that mixed up..

So they would still need to split the season up to fit the story in. hell if it took 2 seasons for book 3 alone.
book 4 and 5 could go technically for 2-3 seasons. which gives us another year or 2 for winds of winter. (which may be a big book)

so next season is going to be a mind F*(*&(*& if you ask me.

book 4 and 5 are mixed in my head, didnt we get most of Aryas bravos story in book 4? or was that book 5?
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:wow: this is the game of thrones book thread?????
how have i been skipping this thread all this time :lol:
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Edit: Sorry on mobile forgot for a second.


Book 4 was focused on Arya in Bravoos, Cersei, Jamie, Brienne, Sam in Oldtown, Arienne, Sansa as Alayne, I can't remember who else.

All I remember was Bran was pretty much non existent
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That they run into each other in next week's episode. The red squares are pointing out the armor looks the same.
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Book 4 was focused on Arya in Bravoos, Cersei, Jamie, Brienne, Sam in Oldtown, Arienne, Sansa as Alayne, I can't remember who else.

All I remember was Bran was pretty much non existent

wait i thought book 4 is when we got introduced to some new characters.

The Prophet
The Captain Of Guards
Cersei I
Brienne I
Samwell I
Arya I
Cersei II
Jaime I
Brienne II
Sansa I
The Kraken's Daughter
Cersei III
The Soiled Knight
Brienne III
Samwell II
Jaime II
Cersei IV
The Iron Captain
The Drowned Man
Brienne IV
The Queenmaker
Arya II
Alayne I
Cersei V
Brienne V
Samwell III
Jaime III
Cersei VI
The Reaver
Jaime IV
Brienne VI
Cersei VII
Jaime V
Cat Of The Canals
Samwell IV
Cersei VIII
Brienne VII
Jaime VI
Cersei IX
The Princess In The Tower
Alayne II
Brienne VIII
Cersei X
Jaime VII
Samwell V

book 5
Tyrion I
Daenerys I
Jon I
Bran I
Tyrion II
The Merchant's Man
Jon II
Tyrion III
Davos I
Daenerys II
Reek I
Bran II
Tyrion IV
Davos II
Daenerys III
Jon IV
Tyrion V
Davos III
Reek II
Jon V
Tyrion VI
Daenerys IV
The Lost Lord
The Windblown
The Wayward Bride
Tyrion VII
Jon VI
Davos IV
Daenerys V
Melisandre I
Reek III
Tyrion VIII
Bran III
Daenerys VI
The Prince of Winterfell
The Watcher
Tyrion IX
The Turncloak
The King's Prize
Daenerys VII
Jon IX
The Blind Girl
A Ghost in Winterfell
Tyrion X
Jaime I
Jon X
Daenerys VIII
Theon I
Daenerys IX
Jon XI
Cersei I
The Queensguard
The Iron Suitor
Tyrion XI
The Discarded Knight
The Spurned Suitor
The Griffin Reborn
The Sacrifice
Victarion I
The Ugly Little Girl
Cersei II
Tyrion XII
The Kingbreaker
The Dragontamer
The Queen's Hand
Daenerys X

i thought we'd get a bit more of Briennes adventure plus like i said, idk if D&D want to really get book 4 heavy next season... book 3 and 4 are suppose to be the same time line...and we got a little from bok 4 but not everthing..
EDIT::: seems i got that mixed up..

So they would still need to split the season up to fit the story in. hell if it took 2 seasons for book 3 alone.
book 4 and 5 could go technically for 2-3 seasons. which gives us another year or 2 for winds of winter. (which may be a big book)

so next season is going to be a mind F*(*&(*& if you ask me.

book 4 and 5 are mixed in my head, didnt we get most of Aryas bravos story in book 4? or was that book 5?


I think they've stated the show is gonna go 7 seasons...

So I think next season is gonna smash most, if not all of book 4&5 into next season

Then onto the new stuff.

I have a feeling that WoW is gonna drop before the next tv season... I just can't believe that GRRM wants the show to finish his signature work.
Naw. The show is contracted for 6 sesons currently, as Benioff and Weiss are only under contract through seasons 5 and 6 but there's no way they make the show without them and the target is 8 seasons. Not 7 (since they stretched book 3 into 2 seasons.) The target end date is 2018 whether or not the books are done, but they hope they will be.

And there's been rumors swirling for a while on the net of some brainstorming/meetings over a prequel season -- there's no way HBO and the writers haven't brainstormed on how it'd be possible -- but nothing official.
Spartacus went back and told a prequel season. That’s also an option. We have prequel. We have the Dunk and Egg novellas, which take place a hundred years before. And I’ve just published The Princess and the Queen, which takes place two hundred years before. So there’s lots of Westeros material out there, if we want to keep doing Westeros projects, but not necessarily that. But, you know, I realize—I don’t want to sound too glib about this. This is a serious concern. 
He also said to IGN:
On the idea of a Game of Thrones prequel:
Well I have been writing for a number of years, a series of novellas set in the same world, in the world of Westeros about 100 years earlier, about two characters called Dunk and Egg… I’ve published three of those novellas – The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight – and I have in mind about nine or ten more novellas about the adventures of Dunk and Egg. So, we have been playing with the idea of doing those, you know, as prequels. They would be prequels in a sense they’re 100 years earlier, but in the same world. They’re somewhat lighter in tone than the main series, a little more adventurous but my fans love them and I love the two characters too, and it all ties into Westeros. So maybe, maybe that will be what we do, we’ll see.”
When pressed by the reporter about whether the prequel idea was “something that you guys have been talking about in terms of a series?” Martin responded: “Yeah… yeah.”
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