Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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The idea that because "some" bikers do what they do, act reckless and feel they are above the law because cops can't chase them down means that other motorists should just concede to their ways is just ridiculous.

Sure, if a big *** truck is weaving through traffic at 120 I'm gonna make sure I stay out of his path but if a motorcycle is acting wild because they think they can? **** that.

I don't blame the Range driver in the slightest. I feel bad that the dude that initiated the whole thing with his brake check wasn't the one who got mangled.

At this point I'm thinking the most likely scenario is that the bikers wanted to shut down the road so they could do their cute little tricks and ****, west side highway or not. The Range wasn't having it out of either just not knowing that was their intent or not caring/feeling like he has to let them do whatever they want. Dude on the bike was pissed, maybe heard about the 911 call on a scanner or whatever and figured he'd take it into his own hands by brake checking him and making him stop. Range driver bumps him, bikers dudes fly off the handle and the Range floors it to get the hell out of there.
The idea that because "some" bikers do what they do, act reckless and feel they are above the law because cops can't chase them down means that other motorists should just concede to their ways is just ridiculous.

Sure, if a big *** truck is weaving through traffic at 120 I'm gonna make sure I stay out of his path but if a motorcycle is acting wild because they think they can? **** that.

I don't blame the Range driver in the slightest. I feel bad that the dude that initiated the whole thing with his brake check wasn't the one who got mangled.

At this point I'm thinking the most likely scenario is that the bikers wanted to shut down the road so they could do their cute little tricks and ****, west side highway or not. The Range wasn't having it out of either just not knowing that was their intent or not caring/feeling like he has to let them do whatever they want. Dude on the bike was pissed, maybe heard about the 911 call on a scanner or whatever and figured he'd take it into his own hands by brake checking him and making him stop. Range driver bumps him, bikers dudes fly off the handle and the Range floors it to get the hell out of there.
Ugh did you even watch the video?  You think that dude's whole goal was to stop the Biker's fun? He was scared for him and his family life. Sure he went overboard driving over those people, but he was scared . 

Jeez at least watch the video or READ!
This reminds me of that Melt Down/ Critical Mass or whatever bike ride crap in Miami but not as bad.

65 pages in 4 days tho? damn!
Did my dude just say police can fight bikers with DRONES AND SNIPERS???.....

Serious he CANNOT BE
After an intensive search, police have found the chrome-helmeted “motor-psycho” who they say viciously beat a young Internet exec following a high-speed, caught-on-video chase up the West Side Highway, two sources told The Post.

Reginald Chance, 38, of Brooklyn, has lawyered up and is expected to surrender Thursday or Friday, according to law enforcement sources speaking on condition of anonymity.

LOL Reginald in for a world of legal hurt now. What a loser...he's 37 and he's a driver for a sandwich shop. Nice life he's made for himself. Probably makes like 14K a year and now he's gonna have to spend all of that on lawyer fees. He def lost.
lol its mad quiet in here now....well atleast for the ninjahood supporters. they not riding together figuratively no more..each one snitchin on each other lol...
Deserves EVERYTHING he's paying for!
LOL...he's gonna be ruined. Delivering sandwiches, trying to pay for lawyer fees? Good luck with that. Plus the lawsuit that'll hit em hard. Stupid squid. LOLOLOL. Bikers taking the L left and right on this one.
wrap it up
nah b, you see
da proof is in da puddin and
da truth will come once the NYPD dragnet
shows all the angles b
i doubt they will charge the bikers at
all once they see what the driver did that nobody has
seen or any camera has recorded or witness has said
or biker has called 911 about, snitching on each other
was part of the plan, you can't clear your name if you dont
get arrested and talk to the detectives b
"Da proof is in da puddin" gotta be one of NTs classic quotes man....

We need an NT's original quotes thread :rofl:

90% would be Ninjahood quotes
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wrap it up
nah b, you see
da proof is in da puddin and
da truth will come once the NYPD dragnet
shows all the angles b
i doubt they will charge the bikers at
all once they see what the driver did that nobody has
seen or any camera has recorded or witness has said
or biker has called 911 about, snitching on each other
was part of the plan, you can't clear your name if you dont
get arrested and talk to the detectives b

cmon fam.
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