Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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NH hit the abort button a whole ago, he will never admit wrong but at least he's not in here posting nonsence.
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This wasn't a fight and if my boy got ran over by a car of course id report it, what type Of stupid question is that?
He was implying that you'd be as stupid as these squids and get involved in a high speed pursuit and eventually commit assault and battery on the driver. 

When in actuality you'd get the plate number, call the cops...and testify against the idiot in a court of law along with several other witnesses. This is assuming a hit and run occured where the driver wasn't DEFENDING HIS LIFE BY FLEEING WITH HIS VEHICLE.

That's the difference between mature, educated adults, and these imbecilic barbarians. What they don't understand is that cuts and bruises heal...quickly. But you know what doesn't just go away? Criminal charges and convictions that remain on your record for a loooooooong time, lawsuits, impound fees...etc. Those sorts of things hurt waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse and are way more permanent, than minor injuries. A child retaliates physically, an adult will hurt you where it counts, legally and financially. 

This was self defense in the case with Lein. The video says so, the DA says so, and even the bikers are saying so without even knowing it (because they are dumb as dog ish)
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Well there won't be much of case for the wheelchair dude. Just a lot of lost money in lawyer fees. Too many incriminating posts by ****** bikers. Ol boy who deleted his instagram, like it matters at this point because it's all over the web, is hilarious. Does he think that just because he deleted it, the evidence just disappears like it never happened? It's even right here on NikeTalk of all places. He already stated that they were beating the **** out of the vehicle with helmets, intimidating the driver...right before he sped off. Lein will get off scott free. The bikers are snitching on each other, and dropping the dime by accident because they are ******s...plain and simple. It's a squid club...not a bike club.

The shattered window on the passenger side further incriminates the bikers alleged assault on not just the driver, but his wife as well. Expect counter lawsuits. Multiple assault charges. 

And unlike these broke idiots, Lein is caked up real clean. He has cash for miles. Im sure his representation will not suck. Stupid squids deserve what they got, and have coming to them.

Is it a coincidence that everyone siding with the bikers think's that Lein is guilty of vehicular manslaughter, yet not a single charge has been filed against him? Obvious self defense is obvious. Video proof + multiple testemonies by bikers + multiple frantic 911 calls = Lein walking away from this. 

Hilarious how NH has completely dipped from the thread in light of all that has surfaced lately. Not a good look once that biker idiot admitted that they were assaulting and intimidating the family right as they dipped out and crushed that squid.
well you wouldnt expect people who partake in this kind of gang/culture to be the sharpest tools in the shed. bunch of cowards hiding behind large crowds in real life and multiple screen names online
This wasn't a fight and if my boy got ran over by a car of course id report it, what type Of stupid question is that?

This wasn't a fight and if my boy got ran over by a car of course id report it, what type Of stupid question is that?

You'd just report it :lol:

Dudes, and the roles they play on the internet . You're no different than NH. Every situation is black and white, and you ignore a lot.
so if someone break checks me im cutting them off?
Dude not interested in a back and forth...
The situation is bad for all parties...
As a man pride will get you killed and in this situation cooler heads on both sides did not prevail and it's sad a 2 year old will be traumatized for life over something this stupid...
Once again I have no particular stance because road rage is real, the range rover could have just slowed down and let them pass and the bikers were ***** for take all those lanes of traffic up..
This happens alot in houston, I have a pathfinder and when I see bikers I just let them go because I know my temper and I don't want my girl to be involved in something like this... It's just a ****** situation, Take that how you want, don't care for debating because nobody sees the middle and this has been a pissing contest from jump
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This wasn't a fight and if my boy got ran over by a car of course id report it, what type Of stupid question is that?
You'd just report it

Dudes, and the roles they play on the internet . You're no different than NH. Every situation is black and white, and you ignore a lot.
that would be the logical thing to do. do you expect him to go running after a car trying to bash its windows in? what good would that do him?
You'd just report it :lol:

Dudes, and the roles they play on the internet . You're no different than NH. Every situation is black and white, and you ignore a lot.

Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?
Dude not interested in a back and forth...
The situation is bad for all parties...
As a man pride will get you killed and in this situation cooler heads on both sides did not prevail and it's sad a 2 year old will be traumatized for life over something this stupid...
Once again I have no particular stance because road rage is real, the range rover could have just slowed down and let them pass and the bikers were ***** for take all those lanes of traffic up..
This happens alot in houston, I have a pathfinder and when I see bikers I just let them go because I know my temper and I don't want my girl to be involved in something like this... It's just a ****** situation, Take that how you want, don't care for debating because nobody sees the middle and this has been a pissing contest from jump

It's funny how only certain people see this.

And it's mostly because most people already have a preconceived bias and hate against bike riders.
This wasn't a fight and if my boy got ran over by a car of course id report it, what type Of stupid question is that?
lol real talk. People don't understand the whole "don't snitch" thing is a code for criminals. It shouldn't apply to normal law abiding citizens. If you commit crime with someone else then tell, that's being a rat.
Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?

So did the guy who hit you drive away?
Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?
So did the guy who hit you drive away?
even if he did his friends would have wrote down the plate number and reported it. not everyone hangs out with uneducated goons, its really not that hard to understand
Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?

what if the car LEFT the scene and your boys had super fast roller blades on & a clear path behinf the driver that was running away??...

that would change the events of that day... that im positive of.
Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?
what if the car LEFT the scene and your boys had super fast roller blades on & a clear path behinf the driver that was running away??...

that would change the events of that day... that im positive of.
ehh i dont see it, now if the driver had his family in the car... now THAT would change everything
even if he did his friends would have wrote down the plate number and reported it. not everyone hangs out with uneducated goons, its really not that hard to understand

Then the situation is different.

Someone sees someone grab a womans purse.

Some are going to run to the lady. Some are going to run after the offender. Some are going to do nothing. That's human nature.

People assume that everyone on a bike moved as a collective and knew everything that occurred.

It has nothing to do with being uneducated, some people have a certain code with their friends.
Wait what?..."I'd just report it?"

Are you implying that if my boy got ran over the only logical thing to do is in fact to attempt murder in retaliation???....

See bro, I'm civilized, my friends are civilized, I was struck by a car some years back on my block, the driver swerved a pump and turn he corner fast and took my legs from under me, I was unconscious and with a gash on the back of my head from the impact of the windshield, my boys didn't think to riot and kill the driver, instead they came to my help, reached out to my mother and called an ambulance first thing....the situation was dealt with in a legal and civilized manner....what is wrong with you?
Yeah...shocking that you would act in a civilized manner. Shocking that your friends did too. LOLOL. Yeah right.  Magic thinks that everyone is so insecure about their masculinity that they have to fake a persona online that would chase down a vehicle that struck you or a friend and "serve justice like a man would". I'm sure what happened  legally and financially to the driver that hit you was a much bigger revenge than inflicting temporary injuries and damage to his person/property. 

What's worse for him....a senseless beating from your boys? Or criminal charges, lawyer fees, and a lawsuit that probably resulted in 20,000-100,000 in liability.

Beating his *** is very temporary. Taking the legal and financial route RUINS HIS LIFE INDEFINITELY.

Not everyone on NT is an immature, insecure person who has to put up some fake macho image to gain credibility. There is a real world out there and assault and battery charges carry a much heftier and substantial result that "beating this fool down". Get out of here with that hood mentality. 
Why would he? boys didn't threaten his life...

The reaching is pure comedy at this point

People get involved in hit and runs all day every day. That's not the only reason people drive away.

It's pure comedy, because now I see why you and NH go back and forth so much.

Neither one of you concede that things are never just black and white. Instead you ignore and play naive.
even if he did his friends would have wrote down the plate number and reported it. not everyone hangs out with uneducated goons, its really not that hard to understand
Then the situation is different.

Someone sees someone grab a womans purse.

Some are going to run to the lady. Some are going to run after the offender. Some are going to do nothing. That's human nature.

People assume that everyone on a bike moved as a collective and knew everything that occurred.

It has nothing to do with being uneducated, some people have a certain code with their friends.
when someone takes a womans purse the point of chasing him down would be to make sure they dont get away because if they do you will have no way of finding them again

if you have someones plate numbers then you can easily find out who they are or at least the police can, so after you reported them chances are they will be found

what good can ever come from chasing down a car (much less a rr)
when someone takes a womans purse the point of chasing him down would be to make sure they dont get away because if they do you will have no way of finding them again

if you have someones plate numbers then you can easily find out who they are or at least the police can, so after you reported them chances are they will be found

what good can ever come from chasing down a car (much less a rr)

You just saw your man get run over by a 4,000lb vehicle, not everyone is going to handle the situation the same.

Some of the bike riders didn't make smart decisions in the first place, which is why the situation should have been avoided...from both sides. I would expect it to come from the guy in the 4,000 vehicle with his wife and kid in the car.
Lmaooooooo. Y u guys STILL arguing about this. Bikers got what they deserved so did the driver
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