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Apr 18, 2010


If you have a reddit account.... upvote
That site looks TURRIBLE! hard to navigate and everything is all over the place. rip NT sloppy seconds but they can have all that. I think anyone who is smart will stay away from that joint.
When I first logged on "Sneakertalk" today, I thought NT just went through some hosting upgrade hence the layout change like some other forums go through. Then I read some of the new posts and found out about the shady bizz that yuku was attempting and saw a link to this forum from a member.

So before finding out about all of this, I was unaware of the changes and thought "Sneakertalk" was Niketalk which is FALSE.

Like me, I still see some members posting there still thinking its the real NT.

I think another good way to spread the word is to update our sig over at sneakertalk or something and tell people to come over here to the real NT for those that are still unaware.

BTW, I love the new site. The subscriptions to to threads actually work and send out a notification when there is a new post. Helps keeping up with the discussion of new releases and restocks.
The crazy thing is the fact that dudes are getting banned over there for sending a link to the REAL NIKETALK! The salt is strong at YUKU :rofl: :smh:
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damb all they get iz banz

I've never been banned......I wonder how it's like? :lol:

I know it's about to go down over there tonite though :nerd:

We've got to get all the Niketalkers to the correct site!
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Lol so now the time I have at work to sneak onto this site I have to spend learning this new format. This will definitely take some getting used to...

SMH at my join date being like 6+ years after my real join date. Guess I've got some digging to do in order to figure this ish out.
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When I first logged on "Sneakertalk" today, I thought NT just went through some hosting upgrade hence the layout change like some other forums go through. Then I read some of the new posts and found out about the shady bizz that yuku was attempting and saw a link to this forum from a member.

So before finding out about all of this, I was unaware of the changes and thought "Sneakertalk" was Niketalk which is FALSE.

Like me, I still see some members posting there still thinking its the real NT.

I think another good way to spread the word is to update our sig over at sneakertalk or something and tell people to come over here to the real NT for those that are still unaware.

BTW, I love the new site. The subscriptions to to threads actually work and send out a notification when there is a new post. Helps keeping up with the discussion of new releases and restocks.
thought the same thing until i stumbled onto this topic.
And they say that they want to PRESERVE the history of NT..

The so called "mods" there doesn't even give a rat's *** about sneakers.

Suck my @*#$
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I'm so confused. I damn near **** myself when i was in the starbucks drive thru this morning, and i hit the boomark on my iphone to come to NT. I'm like WTF is sneakertalk.

I need to go read exactly what is going on. NT is not on Yuku anymore? And yuku is pissed so they created sneakertalk?
Wouldn't it be best if instead of goin suicide bomber on the site, we infiltrate them?....like try to get the mod spot and as a mod you obviously have more leverage to run that piece of crap to the ground....no?
I lost enough posts to keep me from posting in the buy/sell forum. I even had an active, current thread on the old site. So apparently I hafta go buck wild now and try to post on every topic so that I can get 50 more posts and have 300. NOT happy about this...at all.
Yep, me too... Lost my posts and can't sell now. They need to get this taken care, I have been a member since 2000
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