Stan Lee Superhumans

Sep 10, 2005
So I was browsing youtube and came across videos from this show. It was my first time hearing about it, but the vids are crazy.

The Unbreakable man had me like :wow: :wow:

Man who can make any material stick to his body with mind power

Man who can survive at high altitudes with minimal oxygen

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bruh what the hell @ that first one 
haha I've been watching this show the past two weeks. There's some dude with a super human arm.

Oh for f**ks sake I couldnt even watch that damn monk drill himself had the
 face on the whole time
Damn, this used to be my favorite show because of the fact that it seemed real. So many of the people/stories were great. But i caught a recent episode dealing with teleconesis (moving objects with only brain power) and felt it could be fake. I did some google searches and found some sites which stated that episode was fake. Anyone else see that episode and have any other input?
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