Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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That SNL sketch is the best part about this new trilogy honestly...Also I'm like 90% sure that the shirtless Kylo scene in TLJ was to show that he was totally ripped with an 8 pack :lol:...

On Point.
Already said that these Prequels and Sequels weren't made for Older Original fans, so I let a lot slide because getting into Hardcore FanBoy detailed arguments disinterest me. But will admit when someone mentioned earlier that movie had a Twilight theme going on made sense. And I've never seen any of that cr@p.

My new favorite Star Wars word: Force Skype.

George Lucas calls them laser swords. And he invented them.

Luke calls it a laser sword in this movie.

So no, to your meme.

Light Sabre is just a cool name given to them merely to sound awesome.
Laser sword wasn’t used in the original film only in ep 1 and ani brings it up
Shirtless Kylo was like a deleted scene from Girls. I was expecting Lena Dunham to walk in topless looking like a Gungan stripper.
Now I remember why I hated his face as soon as he took that mask off in TFA..,..he was from Girls. and I hated him in that show. (not as much as I hate Lena)
George Lucas calls them laser swords. And he invented them.

Luke calls it a laser sword in this movie.

So no, to your meme.

Light Sabre is just a cool name given to them merely to sound awesome.

Laser sword is a facepalm worthy term regardless of who uses it
Movie was fantastic, I have no idea what some of you watched. :lol: :rofl:

You guys piss and moan that TFA was a carbon copy, then piss and moan there wasn't a 98th shootout with stormtroopers. Pick a lane folks. :lol:

Leia force usage :wow:

Snoke room :wow: :wow: :wow: :pimp:

So, uhhhhhhhh.....about Kylo telling Rey her parents are nobodies....... :lol: :nerd: Anyone ever heard of misdirection? You guys really don't see a bigger setup? She's just ridiculously strong in the Force cuz junkers? :lol: Pretty damn strong connection between her and Kylo, almost like they're....... :wink:

The imagery :pimp:

I swear I expected Billy Dee at that casino.

Rian did a tremendous job and completely stands out from other films in a good way. My single biggest complaint was the base lookin like Hoth at the end. Remove that, takes away the ESB parallels.

Luke and Kylo were great, really well done.

Daisy is bae. BAE. My God what a sweetheart.

Completely LOVED the force projection by Luke. A master on a Jedi planet can learn some **** others can't, not difficult to grasp. "Learn from others failures" Hello.

One thing about Luke I don't like, EU Luke is thee GOAT. THAT Luke is who we deserve. This Luke, sad he lost a dozen Jedi, closed from the Force, that's just rewriting the prequel sensitive fellow Jedi. EU Luke would DESTROY this version, and this version was still badass. Think about that.

Driver was tremendous.

Will see again tomorrow or Saturday, can't wait. And 9 is going to be very interesting how they close everything out.

@darthska page 885

I don't know if you wanna read 50+ pages tho. :lol:
The scene where Kylo has water on his hands after getting into Rey's head, and somewhat being where she was, explains how Luke died. I think he felt Kylo's lighsaber go through him just as Kylo felt and saw the water on his hands. Why else would they have the scene where Kylo saw water on his hands?
Reminds me of the Hitler rant about
Is that the black storm trooper that combed the beach in Space balls
:rofl: :rofl:
Star wars is overrated
Saw this yesterday
Movie was ok i guess
Leia floating thru space
Thought i was watching a marvel movie
Laser sword
Little green dude with big ears can control lightning
Thought i was watching a marvel movie
Asian chick could get it
That ending
The hell
Glad I didn't pay
Luke was booked strong here, I thought. Used Instant Transmission x After Image combo technique and Tien'd himself cause it was such a power draining move.

I think they'll rebuild Snoke's body on some Freiza stuff and Luke will be like King Kai to Yoda's Elder kai.

Son Rey will master the power pole and get lasers on it. Perfect Kylo will fight Prince Finngeta and kill him, which will turn Son Rey Super Jedi 2 (she'll get a bang) and they'll beam struggle at the end.

Then they have a tournament to find the strongest and a strange force is felt arriving...
I greatly appreciated the DB plugins here

But :rofl: @ she gets a bang for super Jedi 2. Not even blond hair, a bang :lol:
If Luke had truly shown up on the planet and been taken down, people would have compared that to Ben in ANH. We'd be repeating scenes again. And people would ***** and whine, like they are now.
Not if it was after a badass lightsaber fight.

Hell, if you're gonna repeat a SW scene, they should've repeated the Darth Maul fight. **** could've led in to the Resistance cave and they could've been fighting among those crystal foxes and ****.

Oh well. I don't give a single **** about force astral projection. Its not that impressive of an ability in most mediums. Mainly used for reconnaissance and spying and ****. Using it as an illusion to trick an emo lame aint saying much.
There's no defending TFA from a thematic or plot standpoint. Make millions off a lazy rehash and set up the subsequent films while doing the absolute bare minimum to flesh out characters and storyline.
But they don't hear you though.
All y’all complaining about the ending

Luke had been disconnected with the force for a long time. He comes back and immediately uncovers and uses one of the strongest force powers we’ve ever seen from the light side of the force.. imagine sitting on a couch for a year straight and then having to lift 800lbs to save someone’s life.
But he could've got up off his *** and went to Crait or hopped in a TIE and blasted some FO ships out there.

He could've tried.
FINALLY got my first watch in.


C CP1708 & Master Zik Master Zik , where in this thread does your input on TLJ start?
It starts here with a few early in theater posts. A few pgs later (that same day - a Friday - I think) I post my full review.

To get straight to it I liked the movie. To me its better than JJ's rehash nonsense. I consider myself a casual SW fan but I love film, so there's a lot to talk about with this movie as a sequel and on its own merits both positive and negative.

The movies forces humor a bit, is beautifully shot, thin on character development, has great action, and a bit inconsistent with theme. The storytelling and acting is what I value most and in this movie it could've been much better.

To be clear though, I find myself agreeing about certain things in the movie with ppl who hated it. I happened to enjoy this movie despite its flaws and at tikes because of them. I'm not that invested and TFA already had things start off bad to me so its not like I been waiting for this new trilogy since the prequels :lol: I will say I wanted the movie to be great and expected it to be great. Its not.

I also don't have much of a high opinion of Rian Johnson as a writer.
The scene where Kylo has water on his hands after getting into Rey's head, and somewhat being where she was, explains how Luke died. I think he felt Kylo's lighsaber go through him just as Kylo felt and saw the water on his hands. Why else would they have the scene where Kylo saw water on his hands?

Then that means he should have died after they blasted his Pac Hologram to hell
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