Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
i’ve heard a few people complain about rogue one not being enjoyable because it was too dark or too unlike a typical star wars movie. i loved it. acting was top notch. the tension and action were great! humor fit in well (k-2so was perfect).

TFA = safe re-boot and what we needed to ease us into the Disney era
RO = Great way of going into a "bold" direction while being true to the essence of the previous movies. Movie was done right
TLJ = Wrong way to going into a "bold" direction and just ****ted on everything that came before it. Iron Man 3 levels here
Rogue One was dope. Dark but K-2SO was hilarious. It also showed that it doesn't take much to create a great Star Wars project. A side story wedged in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope- fantastic. TLJ is the first L in the Disney Star Wars era.
“Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.”

Just watched Kevin Smith's review.
confirming that I'm not insane or stupid for enjoying the hell outta TLJ.

If you're being narrow minded about the new things they did and the direction they took, that's on you.
If you ACTUALLY gave the movie a shot and didn't like it as a whole, then that's fair.

Bottomline is, I feel bad for everyone that didn't enjoy or love this film because it's one of the most exciting experiences
I've had in a movie theatre. Can't get enough of the little details and the big scenes. The characters are complex and
they provide us with a totally different Star Wars POV. Have a good holiday season everyone and may the force be with us all.





Kylo with that Han Solo x Anakin Skywalker x Luke Skywalker MEGA PILOT SKILLS!

I'm expecting a Poe and Kylo dog fight in 9 and that's where Poe dies.



I will end with this:
“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hatehate leads to suffering.”
/Film has placed a spotlight on an interesting detail nestled in Star Wars Insider Magazine’s special souvenir Star Wars: The Last Jedi issue. Leading off a section placing focus on Supreme Leader Snoke (and featured in bold for additional attention-grabbing action), we’re presented with the knowledge that Snoke has trained “at least one other apprentice” other than Kylo Ren. The presentation of the news sure as sugar doesn’t feel unintentional and invites all sorts of questions of what (and who) is to come with JJ Abrams’ Episode IX.
I was never in the "Snoke is Plagueis" camp, but what if the other apprentice was Darth Sidious... :wow:

Speaking of that, is rogue one good? Tried watching it with my kids but didn't want to after the first part when the parents get smoked.
it’s basically a war movie. if you’d let your kids watch saving private ryan or blackhawk down, then they can watch this one. if not....
Rogue One is great. It is the next best Star Wars movie after the OT, for me. But realistically, there isn't much in it that would appeal to kids. The only violence beyond normal Star Wars levels is Vader doing his thing at the end- even the one parent dying at the beginning isn't graphic at all, though the idea of a mother being shot & killed may be disturbing to young kids.

Unlike most Star Wars movies, there are no silly jokes... yes, there is humor, but a lot of it is sarcastic/dry/cynical humor; stuff only adults would appreciate. Everyone goes into the movie knowing that the heroes face long odds, and therefore most of them probably won't survive the movie, and that general dark tone is there throughout the movie. As a SW fan, you definitely need to see it. But I would probably wait to show the kids until they are older... Revenge of the Sith is in the same boat, IMO.

Kylo with that Han Solo x Anakin Skywalker x Luke Skywalker MEGA PILOT SKILLS! I'm expecting a Poe and Kylo dogfight in 9 and that's where Poe dies.
I never even thought of that! That would be incredible...
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Just watched Kevin Smith's review.

I get he's well respected in the Nerdom but I can't take anything this guy says seriously. Has he ever not liked anything? This is the same guy who saw a Batman costume in BvS and started crying:lol: Hell, didn't he see the Falcon while they were filming TFA and went online and started crying too?:lol:

He would never flat out say anything bad. Ever.

Kylo with that Han Solo x Anakin Skywalker x Luke Skywalker MEGA PILOT SKILLS!

I'm expecting a Poe and Kylo dog fight in 9 and that's where Poe dies.

That Kylo TIE sequence one of my top moments of the movie. Not just for the flight skills, but that moment between him and his mother. Deep.
But the Silver Surfer Leia followup scene just went off into wtf territory. No bueno.

Really think they're going to kill off one of the New Major Four?! That would be wild. Actually think dude redeemed himself this movie with more scenes and have more respect for the character.
I was never in the "Snoke is Plagueis" camp, but what if the other apprentice was Darth Sidious... :wow:

Rogue One is great. It is the next best Star Wars movie after the OT, for me. But realistically, there isn't much in it that would appeal to kids. The only violence beyond normal Star Wars levels is Vader doing his thing at the end- even the one parent dying at the beginning isn't graphic at all, though the idea of a mother being shot & killed may be disturbing to young kids.

Unlike most Star Wars movies, there are no silly jokes... yes, there is humor, but a lot of it is sarcastic/dry/cynical humor; stuff only adults would appreciate. Everyone goes into the movie knowing that the heroes face long odds, and therefore most of them probably won't survive the movie, and that general dark tone is there throughout the movie. As a SW fan, you definitely need to see it. But I would probably wait to show the kids until they are older... Revenge of the Sith is in the same boat, IMO.

I never even thought of that! That would be incredible...

Good post, missed that "Another Apprentice besides Kylo" reference. That might be a major plot theme in next episode. It's Kylo's way out and he redeems himself by joining with the other three against the new antagonist. Not sure I like that story path though.
I’m a serious Star Wars fan. I absolutely hated this movie when I watched it the first time. I’ve ranted and raved about it. I watched it again a second time and somehow enjoyed it 100x more. The pressure of it being an exceptional movie was gone. It actually had a lot of surprisingly high quality filmograph. I really let myself fall into the movie this time since I already knew what was happening and it was an overall enjoyable experience. Not to say anything that’s wrong with it got fixed or that this is the direction that I want. I’m just glad that I was able to still feel like I was somehow in the Star Wars experience.

Big edit: The one thing I didn’t like is that I more than ever realized how much they made this into a mashup of Twilight and some old women’s network movie. Literally all of the leaders of the resistance are grandmas lol. Also there was way more sexual chemistry between Rey and Kylo than I realized the first time around. I guess that’s what the modern generation wants and not something amazing like a battle being the Army of the Light and the Legions of the Sith
99% of the time, I am on the negative side of an argument like this one. I was not a huge fan of TFA, but I felt like Rogue One and TLJ were both really good movies.
We need george lucas to save us. It’d be his redemption.
Everything in this sentence is wrong. George destroyed the OT with his edits. He changed things like Han shooting first. He is sacreligious on his own art. Created Jar Jar, killed off Maul without even knowing anything about him. Horribly paced AoTC and shoehorned the conception and birth of the twins etc etc.

I can kinda see now what types of fans/people hate TLJ. Rian just gave us a masterclass in filmmaking and creating something new from an already existing myth. Screenshot this post because years from now you'll know it to be true.
Everything in this sentence is wrong. George destroyed the OT with his edits. He changed things like Han shooting first. He is sacreligious on his own art. Created Jar Jar, killed off Maul without even knowing anything about him. Horribly paced AoTC and shoehorned the conception and birth of the twins etc etc.

I can kinda see now what types of fans/people hate TLJ. Rian just gave us a masterclass in filmmaking and creating something new from an already existing myth. Screenshot this post because years from now you'll know it to be true.
stop everything was fine until you had to throw in the fact that a certain type of fans hate the last Jedi. It’s not a certain type it’s all different types. Just read this thread. You have had hardcore and casual fans point out serious flaws. Just stop that talk
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stop everything was fine until you had to throw in the fact that a certain type of fans hate the last Jedi. It’s not a certain type it’s all different types. Just read this thread. You have had hardcore and casual fans point out serious flaws. Just stop that talk
no you stop the talk.
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