Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

Just remember that when you're arguing with one of these police apologist about cops harassing and often murdering black men you're talking to either an Uncle Tom or a white man. There's really no point.
facts only,sad but true,cant even blame a white guy that has no idea what its like,but an uncle tom tho
,smh no words for that 

Y'all ain't get it yet?

I'ts a simple concept.

Pigs aren't here to help us. They're here to keep us penned in and subservient.

This is a part of a planned and funded system of control and oppression.

Devils took off the robes and put on the badges.

Only way to get them off our backs is to bust back.

Bottom line.
**** like this gets cosigned on NT....


THAT IS A WOMAN. Come the **** on. These dudes get badges and think they're gods. *******
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Hopefully the cops or someone they love gets killed

**** was mad unnecessary
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Hopefully the cops or someone they love gets killed

**** was mad unnecessary

Wishing death on innocent people for the actions of another man is mad unnecessary.

Don't mind him, he's not too intelligent.

But you worked full time and got no benefits LOL

Yea, you're bright.

How does it taste?

Must taste good.

I don't get down like that. We see where you're at mentally though. Anything else you wanna say? I know youre just trying to catch me slipping so you can snitch. Lol
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Hopefully the cops or someone they love gets killed

**** was mad unnecessary

Wishing death on innocent people for the actions of another man is mad unnecessary.

Nah. Coming from my lineage it'll never be unnecessary. They deserve to pay for what they did.

Your lineage?


Yea the ones who were forced over here ...not illegally

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Hopefully the cops or someone they love gets killed

**** was mad unnecessary

Wishing death on innocent people for the actions of another man is mad unnecessary.
Don't mind him, he's not too intelligent.
Nah I knew he was a clown but this is some next level ****.

Takes a special kind of ignorance and immaturity to wish death on a person who has never in their life harmed you.

Someone they love could range from their 5 year old daughter to their 86 yr old grandmother.

How do you see nothing wrong with wishing death on them and justify it by saying "I'm black"?
Did I say anything about "black" lol...

Keep reacting though

I love assumptions....:x
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Hopefully the cops or someone they love gets killed

**** was mad unnecessary

Wishing death on innocent people for the actions of another man is mad unnecessary.

Don't mind him, he's not too intelligent.

Nah I knew he was a clown but this is some next level ****.
Takes a special kind of ignorance and immaturity to wish death on a person who has never in their life harmed you.
Someone they love could range from their 5 year old daughter to their 86 yr old grandmother.
How do you see nothing wrong with wishing death on them and justify it by saying "I'm black"?

You can't expect better from kids man. They'll say anything to get attention.
All he had to do was get arrested by 6 armed idiots. rather than try to fight 6 armed idiots. yall that disagree would end up meeting the same fate, whether it's right or not. gun+ stupid people= your dead. it's not that complex of a situation
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