Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

i see, that makes more sense.

what is a snatch pull, bench off rack, and clean pull?

im guessing clean pull = hang clean and so snatch pull = hang snatch, if there's such a thing?

as you can tell i'm not an expert on oly lifts

but i do want to start doing em i just never get around to it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

For striclty losing the winter weight, going to the gym strictly for cardio (and diet of course) is the best route. No weight lifting at all, anything

I tend to get extremely lazy after I do my weight lifting routine, I usually do a quick warmup then hit the weights. Im either too tired or just wanna leave the gym after, but tif I do cardio before ill be too tired to get a good workout.

Weight lifting burns a lot more calories than cardio and is much more effective for losing fat than steady state cardio is.
plus you will retain more of your muscle mass and strength. i'm cutting right now, zero cardio for me.

I assumed zero cardio went with the bulking phase. Care to explain why I thought wrong?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i see, that makes more sense.

what is a snatch pull, bench off rack, and clean pull?

im guessing clean pull = hang clean and so snatch pull = hang snatch, if there's such a thing?

as you can tell i'm not an expert on oly lifts

but i do want to start doing em i just never get around to it.
Hope I can do that when i;m that old.

Clean Pull (snatch pull is exactly the same movement except� it's done with a snatch grip).
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

For striclty losing the winter weight, going to the gym strictly for cardio (and diet of course) is the best route. No weight lifting at all, anything

I tend to get extremely lazy after I do my weight lifting routine, I usually do a quick warmup then hit the weights. Im either too tired or just wanna leave the gym after, but tif I do cardio before ill be too tired to get a good workout.

Weight lifting burns a lot more calories than cardio and is much more effective for losing fat than steady state cardio is.
plus you will retain more of your muscle mass and strength. i'm cutting right now, zero cardio for me.

I assumed zero cardio went with the bulking phase. Care to explain why I thought wrong?
youre not wrong....that's the common way to do it and it makes sense although you can still bulk w/some cardio as long as you keep thecalories up.

i'm just avoiding cardio due to laziness and desire to retain as much muscle mass as possible. i am still new to cutting so i am being extra careful aboutit.

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i see, that makes more sense.

what is a snatch pull, bench off rack, and clean pull?

im guessing clean pull = hang clean and so snatch pull = hang snatch, if there's such a thing?

as you can tell i'm not an expert on oly lifts

but i do want to start doing em i just never get around to it.
Hope I can do that when i;m that old.

Clean Pull (snatch pull is exactly the same movement except� it's done with a snatch grip).

hmm never seen those before. thanks.
Hands-down, if you're looking to gain muscle and mass, you have to at the VERY LEAST do the big four : bench press, squat, deadlift, and military press (ordumbbell shoulder press).
I been a vegetaran (lacto- vegetarian to be exact) for 10 days and I'm not really feeling any noticable difference yet like some people claim. In fact, Ithink I felt more sluggish the beginning of last week than I ever have. I did "cheat" today to finish these egg whites I have in my fridge, buthenceforth the majority of my protein is going to be dairy and stuff like beans and I want to order a good whey and a rice protein from TrueProtein
i would take 1 - 2 g of creatine a day if you go vegetarian......most vegetarians/vegans are creatine-deficient. that can have a whole variety of unpleasanteffects.
can anyone recommend me a good fat burner. im looking to get one to incorporate with my diet + training
well to be honest fat burners are not something i personally use because im not really ever looking to cut weight, but i have heard nothing but good thingsabout Universal Nutrition's "Animal Cuts"

i use there stuff for my pre and post work out, my vitamins, and i have used their gainer. all of their products are top notch and a good bargain.

here is the link for their website
you can just good animal cuts and you'll be able to find a ton of places that have it for a good price.
how do people manage to cut when the semester starts up again

I manage to cut 2-4 lbs during the breaks but last semester I couldn't cut a single pound
and next semester is going to be worser... pretty much school from 10:30-4

what food can I bring to school to eat during my 10minute breaks inbetween class and will keep....
i do 2 or 3 miles a day on the treadmill but i cant control my eating....any suggestions on a good diet plan and ways to stick to it? on several differentoccasions ive lost 20-35 lbs but i always end up gaining it back
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

when you guys deadlift, do you drop the weights when youre done or go down with it?>

Its important to make the downward motion as smooth as the up....dropping the weights from your knees isnt going to do anything for you because the downward motion specifically targets the lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

Long story short... just go down with it and keep form
If youre buying a barbell with weight plates that all sum up to 100. you can increase the weight yourself with heavier plates and sub them in for the 10 lbsplates and its fine right? It wont mess up the bar? It would be a bar from like walmart or sports authority nothing crazy expensive.
Originally Posted by MillenTR

Hands-down, if you're looking to gain muscle and mass, you have to at the VERY LEAST do the big four : bench press, squat, deadlift, and military press (or dumbbell shoulder press).

i like how you think
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Nope, not overtraining Joe atleast I don't think so. I'd like someone to critique my routine every week, just keeping in mind that I can only go to the gym 2x a week

Monday - HIIT in the morning followed by 45 min stretching session
Tuesday - Chest, Quads, Biceps, Traps, Calves
Wendsday- Ab routine
Thursday - Back, Hams, Lats, Shoulders, Triceps
Friday - Either HIIT/heavy bag work during the day and abs in the night

Sat or Sun if I feel in the mood I do a body weight strength training workout.
There is no need for you to do 15 exercises per workout if you can only workout 2x a week at the gym.

Doing compound lifts are most beneficial for everyone. If you want to get stronger, faster, leaner, more bulky, compound lifts are the way to go.

If I were you, I'd do something like this. Feel free to switch it up but here's a list of exercises so that you get the idea...

Day 1: bench press, squats, barbell rows, and then throw in some additional exercises like dips or incline bench press or dumbell presses...lunges or leg pulldowns or cable rows.

On day 1 you've just worked out quads, chest, back, lower back, abs, biceps and triceps with only a handful of exercises

Day 2: standing military press, deadlifts, pull ups, and then throw in an additional hamstring exercise like hamstring curls, and do additional shoulder exercises.

These exercises will work out your shoulders, upper back, lower back, hamstrings, biceps, abs.

You can still get great results by going to the gym only twice a week. Just focus more on compound lifts rather than isolation exercises which are time consuming and likely wont get you the results you desire. Also remember that going to the gym only twice a week is better than not going at all.
Damnt this thread has jacked up in the last few weeks!

I like this compund exercise idea.

With basketball season coming around, I can't afford to commit to the gym 5 days a week + intense trainings = $*#% body recovery time. Im thinking ofhitting the gym 3x max, and I plan on doing just compound lifts for strength, explositivity but also recovery. I took the last 2.5 weeks off and played ballthe 2nd time this year, im jumping higher than ever, dunking easier.

I was thinking:

Day 1: Squats, Lunges, Bench, Pull ups
Day 2: Deadlift, Bent over row, Lat Pull, Abs
Day 3: Clean jerk/Military press, Inc/Dec DB bench, curls

Something along those lines.. I want to try and minimize the weights this season and more on cardiovascular/endurance.. as it makes a big difference to me. Recovery is also something I slept on last season... overworked.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

For striclty losing the winter weight, going to the gym strictly for cardio (and diet of course) is the best route. No weight lifting at all, anything

I tend to get extremely lazy after I do my weight lifting routine, I usually do a quick warmup then hit the weights. Im either too tired or just wanna leave the gym after, but tif I do cardio before ill be too tired to get a good workout.

Weight lifting burns a lot more calories than cardio and is much more effective for losing fat than steady state cardio is.
plus you will retain more of your muscle mass and strength. i'm cutting right now, zero cardio for me.

I assumed zero cardio went with the bulking phase. Care to explain why I thought wrong?
Bulking and cutting pretty much just comes down to your diet.
Originally Posted by Derek916

how do people manage to cut when the semester starts up again

I manage to cut 2-4 lbs during the breaks but last semester I couldn't cut a single pound
and next semester is going to be worser... pretty much school from 10:30-4

what food can I bring to school to eat during my 10minute breaks inbetween class and will keep....

I have a sack full. No pun intended. Or was there?

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

For striclty losing the winter weight, going to the gym strictly for cardio (and diet of course) is the best route. No weight lifting at all, anything

I tend to get extremely lazy after I do my weight lifting routine, I usually do a quick warmup then hit the weights. Im either too tired or just wanna leave the gym after, but tif I do cardio before ill be too tired to get a good workout.

Weight lifting burns a lot more calories than cardio and is much more effective for losing fat than steady state cardio is.
plus you will retain more of your muscle mass and strength. i'm cutting right now, zero cardio for me.

I assumed zero cardio went with the bulking phase. Care to explain why I thought wrong?
Bulking and cutting pretty much just comes down to your diet.

Damn you Joe if your getting good results with no cardio

I know for me, I have to do at least some cardio 2-3x a week, whether it be like a basketball scrimmage/training or to HIIT sprints. Im liking the extra carbsthough eh.. its hard to reduce them and reduce calories too, I do want to lose some BF though, probably around 13-14 now @#*#.
I run about 6.5 to 7 miles 5 times a week. And tend to eat right. But not as good as i once was. But i found that i maintain my body weight pretty well. I burnabout 5000 calories a week working out...And i read it takes about 3500 calories burned to burn a pound of body fat. So i think if you workouit and burn 3500or more calories a week, and really eat right you can melt the fat off quick.
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