Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

First week of cutting is behind today and the scale was only showing -0.1kg

I know it might be because of variety in morning weight but it sure wasn't encouraging.

Imma just stick to the diet and wait for results.
Alright my fitness brethren I need some quality advice with changing up my 2-day routine

Since fall of last year I was used to doing chest, traps, hams, calves, biceps on the first day then taking a couple days rest and doing back, lats, shoulders,quads, triceps on the 2nd workout day later in the week.

What I'm wondering is if I start doing a full body routine which includes alot of compound excercises as well as some isolated movements sprinkledinbetween, would it work to my advantage if I do 80% of the same excercises on that first day a couple days later with some substitutions here and there interms of size and strength gain?

The reason I was prompted to ask this was that although I've made some good strides in strength and a bit in growth I wanted to know if doing a full bodyroutine 2x a week would result in better gains than doing single muscle groups 1x a week.

Advice appreciated.
Is it possible to get toned without losing or gaining weight?
I'm pretty happy with my weight right now and how my clothes fit so I do not really want to bulk up just a bit cut and toned for the summer.
if you are looking to just become more toned than do low weight high rep work outs..they will allow your body to gain muscle strength and not as much musclemass... that being said you will still get slightly bigger because using your muscles will add size. if you are not concerned with the strength aspect thencardio cardio cardio is the way to become more cut... it will burn calories and reduce fat making your muscles appear by sheer body fat %
back to lifting and HIIT.

Doing legs (squats/deadlifts) again and i love this #$%!...

If i'm not absolutely ripped by spring break then i'm a walking fail...
I've been avoiding squats and deads for a few weeks now. Finally did them yesterday and I'm in great pain today, but a good pain.
My legs day is killing me... about half way through i feel like im just gonna pass out. Here's what I do:

Squats 3x8 at 235 lbs
DB Walking Lunges 3x8 40lb
Deadlifts 3x8 225lbs

I used to do 5 reps for the longest time til I switched my routine up a couple weeks ago. I also used to just do Squats for legs and did deadlift on my backdays. Anyone know why I'm feeling so worn out even before I start my deadlifts? These three exercises take up about an hour for me to do. I'm alsotaking Intrabolic during my workout but I'm almost done with it.
i was wondering if there is an exercise that gets rid of the fat underneath the chin, im a skinny guy but i just cant get rid of it to have a strong jawline.
My body hates doing squats for some reason, even with little weights I just cant get the form down.
Originally Posted by you right

i was wondering if there is an exercise that gets rid of the fat underneath the chin, im a skinny guy but i just cant get rid of it to have a strong jawline.

cardio bro, and if you drink, stop. see if that changes anything. and for the people who hate squats, get perfect form with just the bar, and do a couple weekswith no weights. quality>quantity, and trust me squats are the truth...
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

For striclty losing the winter weight, going to the gym strictly for cardio (and diet of course) is the best route. No weight lifting at all, anything

I tend to get extremely lazy after I do my weight lifting routine, I usually do a quick warmup then hit the weights. Im either too tired or just wanna leave the gym after, but tif I do cardio before ill be too tired to get a good workout.

Weight lifting burns a lot more calories than cardio and is much more effective for losing fat than steady state cardio is.
plus you will retain more of your muscle mass and strength. i'm cutting right now, zero cardio for me.

I assumed zero cardio went with the bulking phase. Care to explain why I thought wrong?
Bulking and cutting pretty much just comes down to your diet.

Damn you Joe if your getting good results with no cardio

I know for me, I have to do at least some cardio 2-3x a week, whether it be like a basketball scrimmage/training or to HIIT sprints. Im liking the extra carbs though eh.. its hard to reduce them and reduce calories too, I do want to lose some BF though, probably around 13-14 now @#*#.
yeah we'll see how it goes i'm not even a week in so time will telll.....i cut my target cals down from 2700/day to 2500/day......soi'm starving 24/7 now

if it's not working though, i will throw in some HIIT (awesome stuff) and maybe go down to 2200 cals.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright my fitness brethren I need some quality advice with changing up my 2-day routine

Since fall of last year I was used to doing chest, traps, hams, calves, biceps on the first day then taking a couple days rest and doing back, lats, shoulders, quads, triceps on the 2nd workout day later in the week.

What I'm wondering is if I start doing a full body routine which includes alot of compound excercises as well as some isolated movements sprinkled inbetween, would it work to my advantage if I do 80% of the same excercises on that first day a couple days later with some substitutions here and there in terms of size and strength gain?

The reason I was prompted to ask this was that although I've made some good strides in strength and a bit in growth I wanted to know if doing a full body routine 2x a week would result in better gains than doing single muscle groups 1x a week.

Advice appreciated.
I do a full body workout 3x a week, done it since june and have gained 15 lbs ( think I need to change it now)
I do the same exercises every day but drop the weight (day 1- heavy, day 2 - medium, day 3 - light)
I got it from here:

Ultimately you have to see for yourself what works better for you.
Damn new years revolutionarys at my schoolgym...I was waiting for equipment inbetween sets...I hate having bad workouts
Originally Posted by Gmills23

My body hates doing squats for some reason, even with little weights I just cant get the form down.

I didnt do any gym for around 2 weeks and did squats yesterday.. boy was I struggling to maintain the weight I squatted last year, SMH..
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Damn new years revolutionarys at my school gym...I was waiting for equipment inbetween sets...I hate having bad workouts
word same here....i was standing around waiting forever

good video

o yea i take Tonalin CLA right now also

along with good diet, ive shredded the holiday weight already.

i do these morning an follow my big beyond belief schedule at my usual time.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

officially lost 20 pounds since mid-October...
good job

you must have had to replace your clothes.
thanks, but not yet...

My goal was only to lose like 10-15 pounds... now I'm going to concentrate on lifting for the first time since HS football.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

anyone have squat videos? do your knees stay parallel or do they turn when you go down?
Parallel throughout the entire movement.

if you are looking to just become more toned than do low weight high rep work outs..they will allow your body to gain muscle strength and not as much muscle mass... that being said you will still get slightly bigger because using your muscles will add size. if you are not concerned with the strength aspect then cardio cardio cardio is the way to become more cut... it will burn calories and reduce fat making your muscles appear by sheer body fat %

What? Where did you hear this info??
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by you right

i was wondering if there is an exercise that gets rid of the fat underneath the chin, im a skinny guy but i just cant get rid of it to have a strong jawline.

cardio bro, and if you drink, stop. see if that changes anything. and for the people who hate squats, get perfect form with just the bar, and do a couple weeks with no weights. quality>quantity, and trust me squats are the truth...
Nothing like getting your !!+ to the grass with 2 plates (each side) on the bar.
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