Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

BirdsIView wrote:
Why should the mods move this to General, this is the Sports & Training forum.
How many people do you know that TRAIN? The vast majority of things discussed in this thread arent about training. It's people looking forexercises/nutritional advice.

Judging by the overweight thread, it looks like a lot of people would like/need advice and ST simply does not get that traffic.

It baffles me why this thread is here. It has nothing to do with sports or training.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I never do cardio so that doesnt effect me.

You're a braver man than I. I personally don't feel right without running a bit (and I hate running--figure that one out).

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Personally, I enjoy running sprints in the cold. You warm up quick and feel warm for a good while after.

You're just insane.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

I never do cardio so that doesnt effect me.

You're a braver man than I. I personally don't feel right without running a bit (and I hate running--figure that one out).

In a given week, I might do 15 min of aerobic activity. Thats a good week too. I hate it.
Thank you, JRose!

Originally Posted by BirdsIView

Why should the mods move this to General, this is the Sports & Training forum.

hush up.

I was looking for this thread two days ago... couldnt find it.

now that its back
i have catching up to do
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Found an amazing new exercise to build giant quads and a really strong core.
The risk/benefit ratio on this one is through the roof...

This is a really good way to kill yourself.

quick question... what time do you guys goto the gym?

I want to start early morning training.. Im an after noon type of person.
Originally Posted by Durden7

BirdsIView wrote:
Why should the mods move this to General, this is the Sports & Training forum.
How many people do you know that TRAIN? The vast majority of things discussed in this thread arent about training. It's people looking for exercises/nutritional advice.

Judging by the overweight thread, it looks like a lot of people would like/need advice and ST simply does not get that traffic.

It baffles me why this thread is here. It has nothing to do with sports or training.

The fat thread was 90% excuses and 10% positive
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Personally, I enjoy running sprints in the cold. You warm up quick and feel warm for a good while after.
You're just insane.
Maybe it helps that it doesn't get terribly cold in Florida. I'd hate doing anything in the snow because I like to train outdoors and that would out of the question. Inthat case I'd probably just do complexes or burpees.

It's great that this got moved. Hopefully now we can get this thread moving
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

I never do cardio so that doesnt effect me.

You're a braver man than I. I personally don't feel right without running a bit (and I hate running--figure that one out).

In a given week, I might do 15 min of aerobic activity. Thats a good week too. I hate it.
saxman, there are other ways to get your cardio benefit in besides running. i prefer bball, but you can do sports, circuit training, complexes,or tabata... and you can do all of these indoors.

i think the hardest thing to get used to when doing workouts outdoors in the cold is the feeling in your throat and lungs from breathing cold air so quickly
Is it bad to work out every muscle group in one workout or is it better to break them apart?

If so whats a good rotation?
Not sure if this has been posted or not but here are some resources that helped me get started into weights:

Anyone looking for some good workout programs to start on read this thread Here

I recommend Rippetoes for beginners having done it myself.

Not sure how to do an exercise? This has a list of exercises by muscle; each one has a GIFshowing how to do them well.

Regarding nutrition; Don't over do it. While heaps of people swear by the Chicken Breast & Oatmeal diet for doing weights there are better ways: Readthis post for a different perspective Here
Originally Posted by GIveMEshoes

Is it bad to work out every muscle group in one workout or is it better to break them apart?

If so whats a good rotation?
It's better to break them apart.

You can group them, like chest/triceps, back/biceps, and shoulders/legs, or you do a five day split, giving each muscle its own day(chest/back/shoulders/legs/arms).
whats you guys opinions on doing arm days? right now i do chest/tri and back/bi but i kind of want to just dedicate a day to arms. any recommendations on whatday i should do it on? usually i'd do chest/tri on monday then back/bi tuesday, so i was thinking doing

thursday- arms
Originally Posted by shaolin

quick question... what time do you guys goto the gym?

I want to start early morning training.. Im an after noon type of person.
I love working out in the morning. Theres a few people here who are mornings, and a few of the exact opposite (Joe/Audi I believe)

If I have lifted yet and its past 5 pm I just skip the day. I simply cant do it. Earliest im at the gym is like 7, but its normally around 9 or 10.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

I never do cardio so that doesnt effect me.

You're a braver man than I. I personally don't feel right without running a bit (and I hate running--figure that one out).

In a given week, I might do 15 min of aerobic activity. Thats a good week too. I hate it.
saxman, there are other ways to get your cardio benefit in besides running. i prefer bball, but you can do sports, circuit training, complexes, or tabata... and you can do all of these indoors.

i think the hardest thing to get used to when doing workouts outdoors in the cold is the feeling in your throat and lungs from breathing cold air so quickly
I'm thinking that's what I'm gonna have to go back to. Only reason I gave it up in favor of weight training was that things getsuper-competitive, and next thing you know you've been hooping for three hours and don't even wanna hit the weights.

And working in the cold is just ridiculous. I don't do cold. Funny as it drops to 0 degrees here regularly, but we'll see how things end up here inabout two months.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Every exercise has someone saying they're bad for you. Some people say bench presses are bad for you. Some people say squats are bad. Shoulder presses of any form are bad to some people. upright rows are fine, the problem is when people go too heavy on them, rotate their elbows back as they pull the bar up, and then let the bar drop down and almost pull their arms out of socket at the bottom. If you've had shoulder injuries in the past, like a rotator cuff injury or a torn ligament and you're still recovering, it's best to leave them alone for a little while, but if your shoulders are ok, they should be fine.
i'll post up some info later

but i really would no recommend doing upright rows at all, light weight or not. the injuries don't come right away so it can be deceptive.
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