Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Thanks to whoever moved this back. No seriously. Moves a lot quicker...


What's good with fish oil pills? (from your experience)
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Thanks to whoever moved this back. No seriously. Moves a lot quicker...


What's good with fish oil pills? (from your experience)
take them ..... you won't "feel them" but they provide essential fatty acids that most of us don't get enough of through ourdiet. cheap and effective. i personally take "NOW" brand ones, they're fine but unflavored, some people hate the "fishy" taste so theyget lemon-flavored or whatever. that's fine too.
So just to re-clarify. Eating before you sleep isn't any worse for you than not? Total calories per day is key?
Started back this past Monday. Body well sore, could hardly lift my arms. Progress pics in about 2 - 3 weeks.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

hey guys I've been eating at a caloric deficit since November 2008 and I've dropped ALOT of weight from 267 lbs to 157lbs(stomach still ain't flat)And I'm thinking about trying to eat at maintenance and just do 4-5 day split lifting and maybe 1-2 sessions of HIIT a week instead of what I'm doing now which is compound lifts(deadlifts,squats,bench) 3 days a week with 30 minute of cardio everday of the week. I think that if I continue cutting like this the end result isn't gonna look that nice.. because I don't have much lean muscle mass at all. I'm thinking eating at maintenance and just lifting hard might make me gain some mass and lose fat at the same time but happen slowly. Good idea?bad idea?
wow, your 157 and your stomach still isn't flat? how tall are you?
I was around the same as you, (270) im at 200 now.
Can somebody please tell me the difference between these two?

I was looking to get the first one that someone recommended earlier in the thread, but they were out, so I picked up the second one.


workout plan i got in mind for next week. (fight club workout) changed it a bit.

Monday - Chest
3 - 40 push ups
3 - bench press
3 - incline press
3 - pec deck machine
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Tuesday - Back
3 - 10 pull ups
3 - seated rows
3 - lat pull downs
3 - t bar rows
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - arnold press
3 - laterals
3 - front raises
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
3 - preacher curl machine
3 - ez curls cable
3 - hammer curls
3 - push downs
(15, 10, 5 reps)

exercise bike 60 mins

exercise bike 60 mins

Rest Day
I'm not really looking to bulk up on muscle but get down in weight. Would it be necessary to lift weight while you're losing weight? I'm planningto do cardio and a clean diet with reduced calorie intake THEN bulk up after I lose that weight
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

workout plan i got in mind for next week. (fight club workout) changed it a bit.

Monday - Chest
3 - 40 push ups
3 - bench press
3 - incline press
3 - pec deck machine
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Tuesday - Back
3 - 10 pull ups
3 - seated rows
3 - lat pull downs
3 - t bar rows
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - arnold press
3 - laterals
3 - front raises
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
3 - preacher curl machine
3 - ez curls cable
3 - hammer curls
3 - push downs
(15, 10, 5 reps)

exercise bike 60 mins

exercise bike 60 mins

Rest Day

Where's your compounds brah? Where's your chest flys, skull crushers, Squats, Deadlifts etc??? You don't even work legs or abs??
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can somebody please tell me the difference between these two?

I was looking to get the first one that someone recommended earlier in the thread, but they were out, so I picked up the second one.



The higher Lignans are better.
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can somebody please tell me the difference between these two?

I was looking to get the first one that someone recommended earlier in the thread, but they were out, so I picked up the second one.

The higher Lignans are better.
Is the one I picked up any good at all?

My plan was to just use it since I already have it, then pick up the other one when it's time to re-up.
warmachine - i'll keep that in mind. i play soccer everyday, so i count that has a workout for my legs, haha. for abs i do ab ripper x from p90x.
Just pulled a single on the deadlift. I almost never go for a 1 rep max. Today I was just thinking of pulling as heavy as possible, and on the last set, afterthe first rep, I was pretty sure that was all I was getting, because it seemed like it took 3 minutes to get that bar from the floor up to lockout. Felt goodthough. Thought I was gonna do some flat bench afterwards, but it was a done deal at that point. I'm surprised though, I basically pulled 90lbs heavierthan the heaviest weight I've attempted in the past.
Originally Posted by quik1987

So just to re-clarify. Eating before you sleep isn't any worse for you than not? Total calories per day is key?
Basically. But if you're stuffing your face all day and then decide to eat before bed, then the extra nutrients will be stored, namely, bodyfat.
finally back

and HIIT is the truth. i do it at least 3 times a week, and i'm slowly but surely getting a 6-pack. my diet is mediocre, and i don't sleep that well soi can just imagine how i'd look if i did.

my hiit is :
5 min warmup
45 second sprint, 1:15 jog for roughly 15 minutes
5 minute cooldown

i burn nearly 300 calories that way, and the main benefit is the increased metabolism. i used to jog at a moderate intensity for a longer duration, andi'll say this is much more beneficial.
i started at 30 second sprints and eventually got up to 45. hopefully i can get up to minute sprints, but i'm already at a pretty advanced level.
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

workout plan i got in mind for next week. (fight club workout) changed it a bit.

Monday - Chest
3 - 40 push ups
3 - bench press
3 - incline press
3 - pec deck machine
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Tuesday - Back
3 - 10 pull ups
3 - seated rows
3 - lat pull downs
3 - t bar rows
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - arnold press
3 - laterals
3 - front raises
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
3 - preacher curl machine
3 - ez curls cable
3 - hammer curls
3 - push downs
(15, 10, 5 reps)

exercise bike 60 mins

exercise bike 60 mins

Rest Day

Where's your compounds brah? Where's your chest flys, skull crushers, Squats, Deadlifts etc??? You don't even work legs or abs??


Anyway, constructive criticism:
-Cardio is way too long
-Lower back, traps, rear delts, triceps, legs, are being neglected
-Front raises unecessary
-Overall lack of functional exercises, considering you're an athlete
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by gatorad3

hey guys I've been eating at a caloric deficit since November 2008 and I've dropped ALOT of weight from 267 lbs to 157lbs(stomach still ain't flat)And I'm thinking about trying to eat at maintenance and just do 4-5 day split lifting and maybe 1-2 sessions of HIIT a week instead of what I'm doing now which is compound lifts(deadlifts,squats,bench) 3 days a week with 30 minute of cardio everday of the week. I think that if I continue cutting like this the end result isn't gonna look that nice.. because I don't have much lean muscle mass at all. I'm thinking eating at maintenance and just lifting hard might make me gain some mass and lose fat at the same time but happen slowly. Good idea?bad idea?
wow, your 157 and your stomach still isn't flat? how tall are you?
I was around the same as you, (270) im at 200 now.
I'm 5'6 and I weigh 155 now. I mean my stomach is much smaller now like I wear large/xlarge shirts and I look like I don't have abelly with shirts on... but I do.
I been in my garage for a while now just trying to get my core muscles strong again.

I figure I'll stay cooped up in there thise whole fall/winter and when Spring comes I'll be ready and able for some serious gym weightlifting.

My back is starting to look crazy ripped already. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I know I'm getting hella stronger week by week but I don't wanna look like a damn mountain so early on in my weigh training.

Better this than being a pencil neck though I guess.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Every exercise has someone saying they're bad for you. Some people say bench presses are bad for you. Some people say squats are bad. Shoulder presses of any form are bad to some people. upright rows are fine, the problem is when people go too heavy on them, rotate their elbows back as they pull the bar up, and then let the bar drop down and almost pull their arms out of socket at the bottom. If you've had shoulder injuries in the past, like a rotator cuff injury or a torn ligament and you're still recovering, it's best to leave them alone for a little while, but if your shoulders are ok, they should be fine.
i'll post up some info later

but i really would no recommend doing upright rows at all, light weight or not. the injuries don't come right away so it can be deceptive.
Joe, I've been doing upright rows of nearly 6 years and have never had an injury from it. I've showed my brother and various friends howto do it and they haven't had problems.
The problem is the exercise is so simple that many do it wrong. People keep their hands way too wide and do not keep the bar touching the body at all times.

This is prob why so many people get injured doing upright rows...

This is not the right way to do upright rows.

This is the correct way;

I'm sure there's more videos of correct and incorrect ways on YT but these were the first 2 I just came across.
just started hittin the gym monday..
atleast 4 -5 days a week.. my protein powder came in wednesday too

im about 5'8" 160.. definitely need to add some pounds..
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