Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

we back in general?

#*!! yea!
It was moved?

I just thought the thread died down.
it was def in sports and training for a minute.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

we back in general?

#*!! yea!
It was moved?

I just thought the thread died down.

Ohh yeah it was in ST. It died down because no one goes in ST anymore if theyre not watching a game/a fan of a particular team. Its a deadzone over there.

I regards to the 1st video Wawaweewa posted: I hate to nitpick and be like this, but whe he said "medial deltoid" I cringed. Theres a significantdifference between lateral and medial and it bothered me that he said it incorrectly.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

workout plan i got in mind for next week. (fight club workout) changed it a bit.

Monday - Chest
3 - 40 push ups
3 - bench press
3 - incline press
3 - pec deck machine
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Tuesday - Back
3 - 10 pull ups
3 - seated rows
3 - lat pull downs
3 - t bar rows
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - arnold press
3 - laterals
3 - front raises
(15, 10, 5 reps)

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
3 - preacher curl machine
3 - ez curls cable
3 - hammer curls
3 - push downs
(15, 10, 5 reps)

exercise bike 60 mins

exercise bike 60 mins

Rest Day

Where's your compounds brah? Where's your chest flys, skull crushers, Squats, Deadlifts etc??? You don't even work legs or abs??


Anyway, constructive criticism:
-Cardio is way too long
-Lower back, traps, rear delts, triceps, legs, are being neglected
-Front raises unecessary
-Overall lack of functional exercises, considering you're an athlete

Irony? I listed best 2 compounds and best 2 isolations.
Came back from a back day today:

4x7 heavy weighted Deadlift
3x failure pull ups (the stupid weighted belt was broken)
4x10 moderate underhand BB row
10, 8, 6, 6 Lat Pull Down
4x10 DB row

AB Ripper X

I think I need to increase weight, but I just feel like my form will subside. I really want to lift heavy, since I dont really feel the burn. I take 30-40secbreaks in between sets. Im really stuck if I should increase sets or weight..

PS: I try to do what Mayweather does with the skipping rope haha, I can't do half what he does.. and I look like #!!$ doing it. But hey, speedy cross-ropethingi gets a few looks here n there
I wouldn't say he absolutely needs skull crushers, they're not for everybody and there's other tricep exercises that are more crucial, but yeah,you DEFINITELY need at least 1 leg day and learn to squat, lunge, etc... Using your legs to do cardio on the bike or anything else doesn't count as legday.
Question: Is it consensus that ON 100% Whey is "the best" out there? It seems like alot of guys on here have gotten good results with it
^ Its not the best whey out there.. but for value/quality its certainly up there.

I use it and a lot of my friends use it to. Its probably one of the best in my eyes.
So I decided I'm gonna be taking the next 3 days off to allow my body to recover. I've been beating my body up really good for the past 5.5 weeks...Ithink I've taken literally 5 days off rest out of the past 40 days

I've been lifting 4-5x a week, cardio 6x a week (either elliptical or jogging). The last 2 days I've been tired as he.ll which is a definite indicationof over-training.

Anyone have a suggestion on some good full body workouts? I absolutely hate doing single-muscle splits as it bores me to death. My days of dedicating one dayto chest, one day to back, one day to shoulders, one day to legs are probably over...that crap puts me to sleep

Over the last 5-weeks my splits have been really random but they've been along these lines...

One day I'll do something like this...
-barbell Bench
-Power cleans

Another day...
-Pull ups
-dumbell bench press

Another day (circuit style)...
-Barbell bench
-T-Bar row
-dumbell shoulder presses (this thing KILLS when circuit training)
-dumbell lunges
-bicep curls
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

So I decided I'm gonna be taking the next 3 days off to allow my body to recover. I've been beating my body up really good for the past 5.5 weeks...I think I've taken literally 5 days off rest out of the past 40 days

I've been lifting 4-5x a week, cardio 6x a week (either elliptical or jogging). The last 2 days I've been tired as he.ll which is a definite indication of over-training.

Anyone have a suggestion on some good full body workouts? I absolutely hate doing single-muscle splits as it bores me to death. My days of dedicating one day to chest, one day to back, one day to shoulders, one day to legs are probably over...that crap puts me to sleep

Over the last 5-weeks my splits have been really random but they've been along these lines...

One day I'll do something like this...
-barbell Bench
-Power cleans

Another day...
-Pull ups
-dumbell bench press

Another day (circuit style)...
-Barbell bench
-T-Bar row
-dumbell shoulder presses (this thing KILLS when circuit training)
-dumbell lunges
-bicep curls

heres some inspiration for you guys,

I started college fat, weighing in at 220lbs and about 23% body fat (for those misinformed about fitness, BF is a much better measure of bodycomposition/health/fitness level than weight reading on a scale), i was tired of being ridiculed by people for being the fatty and I wanted to make myself moreattractive to females. But what really got me going was my aunt passing away in December of 2007 due to unhealthy eating habits and insufficient exercise. Ibegan going to free swim at my university's indoor pool in January of 2008 and while I was producing results, they were minimal. At the end of my freshmenspring semester I was weighing in at 190lbs! That is when I decided to start messing with weights, I signed up to Xsport Fitness in Garden City, NY for thesummer but due to some complications, I was unable to drive to the gym to work out anymore, So for the rest of the summer (July - August) i stuck to running2.5miles 4 nights a week and starting every morning with push-ups, sit-ups, and chair dips.

At this point my weight loss began to slow down significantly, i assume because i started to build muscle mass while simultaneously burning adipose tissue(fat) and at the beginning of Sophomore year, I was weighing in at 180lbs 14% body fat. As soon as i moved back to school i put my engines into high gear andhit the gym 2x a week and swimming at free swim 3x a week (at this point I was still uneducated about fitness and weightlifting for me consisted of exerciseswith improper form, imbalance of muscle groups, and so on so fourth). I continued this regiment for the remainder of my sophomore year, and although I didntproduce very good results. The fear of putting back on weight is what kept me going.

Fast forward to Junior year (Fall 2009). I'm more ambitious than ever and I join up with the club swim team as i realize swimming is something I'm verypassionate about. Also, I was approached by the staff at my university gym to work for them as I was a 'poster boy' for what they stand for. As soon asi get hired i'm thrown into a class to take an exam to become a fitness specialist (personal trainer) right away! I take the knowledge i learned there tocater towards my own needs and produced some explosive results.

For those curious, my workout routine is as follows:

First and foremost I work on an upper body/lower body split then take the third day off. Also, On the Club Swim team at my school, I swim about 2000 yardsevery monday, tuesday, thursday, and saturday (saturday i go during free swim, so more like 1200 yards) So that is my main source of cardio (49 BPM Restingheart rate!!!! Lance Armstrong is at 41.). Anyway My weight lifting routine is as follows, its very simple but targets every major muscle group via compoundexercises, which in a nutshell are exercises that induce work from multiple joints:

Day 1
Upper Body:
-Bench Press (After my main set i throw on a light weight, maybe 25's on each side and perform an isometric hold for about 45 seconds)
-Clean & Jerk (Power clean into an overhead / military press)
-Military Press (With very low weights)
-Decline Dumbbell flys (Try these on a physio ball to get some core/stabilization work)
-Seated Rows/Bent Barbell rows
-Lat Pulldown
-Dips / Skullcrushers / Tricep pulldown via supersets
-Shrugs & Shoulder Circumvention exercises
*In between each set, i also a small number of calisthenics that supplement the muscle group im working, for example, in between sets of rows, i'll doabout 5 pullups and hold the last one for 15 seconds or so.
**I dont really endorse doing mindless bicep curls due to the fact that you work your biceps doing most other exercises. Coupled with forearm issues, i limitcurling to 1x a week, if at all

Day 2:
Lower Body
-Romanian Deadlift
-Back Hyperextensions
-Hack Squats
-Leg Extension
-Leg Curl
-Hip adduction / abduction

Abs / Core
*This is a tough one to explain as exercises share several names. In my specialist training I learned that sit-ups do long term damage to the spine and anypositioning that encourages keeping the back straight is good for the core & abs. With that said my ab routine consists of
-Planks / Side Planks (throw your legs on a Physioball to increase the difficulty)
-Reverse Crunches
-Physioball crunches
-Twist & turns
-Up & Downs
-Reach Thru's
+The list goes on, and i change up my ab routine almost every single time.

Also here goes my diet:

2x oatmeal packs (w/ skim milk)
4x hard boiled / friend eggs
1x Nutrigrain bar

Canned Salmon with brown rice (huge serving)

Chicken Breast
Steamed Vegetables
More brown rice

Also i snack as much as possible.. usually on fruits like Bananas, oranges, and grapes

I'll leave you with some advice guys: Weight loss doesn't come easy, anything you desire in life comes with a degreeof work to achieve. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't give up! Shortcuts usually have some sort of repercussions!

Here i Am the summer before freshmen year and here i am now @ 175lbs / 8% bf / 49 BPM resting heart rate / 102 - 69Blood Pressure.



trust me Im not trying to be a mini mod but im interested in learning how this doesnt belong in s&t lol
tkay your doing your thing man, good for you.

I like how you broke down everything, you could be the inspiration for alot of people in this thread.

Keep on keeping on...
why the

i usually do full body in favor of splits, also because i get bored and because i play a lot of basketball, and i'm going more for strength/conditioningthan size/bodybuilding. i get decent improvement in strength/mass as long as i don't overload too much on one muscle group (1 work set per exercise)during a given week. i'll have maybe 2 or 3 lifting days to go with 2 or 3 days bball, sometimes doing both the same day (lifting first). usually myroutine would be based off these movements, plus random ones to mix up emphasis:

bench (barbell/dumbbell)
pullups (different grips)
incline bench (barbell/dumbbell)
some kind of row (usually pendlay)
dips/decline bench
military press (barbell/dumbbell)
squats/lunges/bulgarian split squat
deadlifts/single legged deads
then finish up with core work (hanging leg raise/swiss ball situps/cable twists/reverse ab rolling with swiss ball/etc.)

i switch up doing legs first or last, and do alternate pushing and pulling movements consecutively with short rest periods.
and bball is my cardio
. it's almost like multiple sessions of HIITsince i run as hard as i can. i lose my mind on the treadmill/eliptical
Heres my explanation for Upper/Lower body split.

According to the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), muscles return to a state of atrophy, where muscles weaken and shrink 72 hours after working saidmuscle group. BUT the body needs 48 hours at least to recover and repair the torn fibers as a result of exercise. Thus, in order to receive the most optimalgains, an individual only has a 24 hour window after the initial 48 hours of recovery in order to continue muscle hypertrophy - gains in strength and size of amuscle and/or muscle group. Now I'm not saying lifting weights will be fruitless if one doesnt follow this theory, as its been proven that 3/4 splitroutines do indeed work. This is just to provide the most efficient and maximal muscle growth
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

tkay your doing your thing man, good for you.

I like how you broke down everything, you could be the inspiration for alot of people in this thread.

Keep on keeping on...
Thanks a lot man. I've grown a lot in the past couple of years to appreciate the time for physical activity and it's kinda become my lifegoal to help others achieve a healthy body comp. I just wish i had an opportunity to realize what I'm passionate about when i was selecting a major forcollege. Anwyay if you or anyone has any questions or just needs a pick-me-up, feel free to holla
Can anyone help me out?

I'm not really looking to bulk up on muscle but get down in weight. Would it be necessary to lift weight while you're losing weight? I'm planningto do cardio and a clean diet with reduced calorie intake THEN bulk up after I lose that weight
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone help me out?

I'm not really looking to bulk up on muscle but get down in weight. Would it be necessary to lift weight while you're losing weight? I'm planning to do cardio and a clean diet with reduced calorie intake THEN bulk up after I lose that weight
Common misconception especially amongst girls that cardio = weightloss. There are several different weight training programs that each offerseveral different results. You can lift lighter weights in high repetitions to increase your muscular endurance, or heavier weights in low repetitions toincrease your muscular strength - the amount of time you rest for also plays a factor ( 0-60 seconds = endurance, 60-90 = hypertrophy, 3 mins+ = Strength). Butregardless of what program you choose, as you work out, your muscles get bigger and replace preexisting adipose tissue. And muscle fibers require much morecalories for your body to perform maintenance on said muscles.

In more simpler terms, Google search and research on the Resting Metabolic Rate (also called the Basal Metabolic Rate) in a nutshell.. this is the least amountof calories your body can consume before you go into starvation mode. As you increase the mass of your muscles, your BMR will go up with it inadvertentlyburning many more calories at rest than what you would focusing on cardio.

Lastly, If i were you i'd start bulking before i tried to burn all that fat simply becaue when you cut, you lose a significant amount of strength and rawmuscle mass along with the fat on the body. Trying to cut down to a low body fat % then bulking back up will only take an obscene amount of time and effort,will leave you prone to stretch marks, and potentially cause problems.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone help me out?

I'm not really looking to bulk up on muscle but get down in weight. Would it be necessary to lift weight while you're losing weight? I'm planning to do cardio and a clean diet with reduced calorie intake THEN bulk up after I lose that weight
if you're going to be bulking up afterwards, i say keep lifting. if you stay around maintenance calorie intake, you put on some muscle massat the same time you lose some body fat, which will bring down your bodyfat %. if you do a lot of cardio without lifting, you're more likely to start offyour bulking with less strength and less muscle mass than if you lift the whole time. plus, by keeping or increasing muscle mass from the start, you can dohigher intensity cardio (HIIT for example) which is more effective for cutting down body fat.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone help me out?

I'm not really looking to bulk up on muscle but get down in weight. Would it be necessary to lift weight while you're losing weight? I'm planning to do cardio and a clean diet with reduced calorie intake THEN bulk up after I lose that weight

wait... you don't want muscle? well if you don't care about muscle loss and only want to lose weight why not just go on a VLCD?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

trust me Im not trying to be a mini mod but im interested in learning how this doesnt belong in s&t lol
Why should it be in ST??
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