Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

hadegbite- Good work man.
Can anyone help me out on whats good to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner if your trying to eat healthy. Also any snack ideas. I been going to the gym for a while now and have seen progress in my strength and mass gains but i have also gotten a little stomach due to bad eating habits. Im trying to get my abs back in check and I know dieting is a big part of it. I recently started running track 2 days a week also. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

try eating a good sized breakfast with oatmeal, fresh fruit, light yogart, and black coffee or green tea. eggs, whole wheat or grain bread (toast), and turkey bacon can be beneficial, too, but don't everdue it. 

for lunch, go for a large salad with plenty of GREEN lettuce and veggies (iceberg lettuce is crap) with light dressing and baked chicken or fish.

eat 5 small snack for the rest of the day, or like 3 snacks and a small dinner. large dinners are generally bad for your metabolism, especially if you're going to be heading to the couch to watch TV or bed shortly after.

cut out the junk - foods high in refined sugar, corn syrup, salt, and trans fats.

cut out soda and overly sugared juices and sports drinks. regular gatorade/powerade is the average recreational athlete's worst enemy.

eat more leafy greans and put the crappy salad dressings on hold (i.e. ranch, blue cheese, 1000 island, anything with Mayo).

cut out red meat. chicken, fish, and mushrooms will substitute nicely for red meat in countless dishes.

significantly reduce or cut out butter.  nobody needs butter, but our grandparents all think we do, ha.

limit the starches - white rice, potatoes, etc.

use turkey bacon instead of pork or beef.

snack on fruit, veggies, and plain, raw nuts like almonds throughout the day.

In the US, tons of money has been spent by for-profit companies to program us from an early age to LOVE beef, salt, candy, soda, sugar, and most fast food, but it doesn't have to be like this. And you don't have to become a "health nut" to enjoy eating right.

Always check out the nutrition facts of the foods you're eating. In the gorcery store, this info is almost always on the packaging. Pay special attention to the amounts of calories, trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. In resturaunts, they should always be able to provide you with a nutritional breakdown of what's in the meal you'd like to order. If they don't, I'd refuse to eat there.

In additon to making you look good and feel better, eating well can generally help increase your life expectancy while also reducing your risk of several health ailments including congestive heart failure, diabetes type 2, and certain types of cancer.

It always irks me when I see LeBron or Dwight Howard push McDonalds on us since there's no way they let that crap into their bodies.  Conversely, I'm loving that Charles Barkley is pushing the Taco Bell 5 buck box or whatever.  He's a great example of what eating like crap will do to your body. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by hadegbite

Diet alot of Chicken and Fish. Cut back on Breads, French Fries and Pizza...those were killing me. I also worked out 5 days a week and lifted 4 days a week. Only supplement i took was protein drink 3 times a day.
What sort of workouts were you doing? Lots of cardio or mostly weightlifting with cardio on the side? Congrats on the progress by the way.

Sorry for the IMAX Diagram but this may help somebody...i just drafted this up and said i would stick to it for a month! I never did any running Just kickboxing and BJJ. 

I forgot to put that i trained early saturday morning.
Originally Posted by clkru


try eating a good sized breakfast with oatmeal, fresh fruit, light yogart, and black coffee or green tea. eggs, whole wheat or grain bread (toast), and turkey bacon can be beneficial, too, but don't everdue it. 

for lunch, go for a large salad with plenty of GREEN lettuce and veggies (iceberg lettuce is crap) with light dressing and baked chicken or fish.

eat 5 small snack for the rest of the day, or like 3 snacks and a small dinner. large dinners are generally bad for your metabolism, especially if you're going to be heading to the couch to watch TV or bed shortly after.

cut out the junk - foods high in refined sugar, corn syrup, salt, and trans fats.

cut out soda and overly sugared juices and sports drinks. regular gatorade/powerade is the average recreational athlete's worst enemy.

eat more leafy greans and put the crappy salad dressings on hold (i.e. ranch, blue cheese, 1000 island, anything with Mayo).

cut out red meat. chicken, fish, and mushrooms will substitute nicely for red meat in countless dishes.

significantly reduce or cut out butter.  nobody needs butter, but our grandparents all think we do, ha.

limit the starches - white rice, potatoes, etc.

use turkey bacon instead of pork or beef.

snack on fruit, veggies, and plain, raw nuts like almonds throughout the day.

In the US, tons of money has been spent by for-profit companies to program us from an early age to LOVE beef, salt, candy, soda, sugar, and most fast food, but it doesn't have to be like this. And you don't have to become a "health nut" to enjoy eating right.

Always check out the nutrition facts of the foods you're eating. In the gorcery store, this info is almost always on the packaging. Pay special attention to the amounts of calories, trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. In resturaunts, they should always be able to provide you with a nutritional breakdown of what's in the meal you'd like to order. If they don't, I'd refuse to eat there.

In additon to making you look good and feel better, eating well can generally help increase your life expectancy while also reducing your risk of several health ailments including congestive heart failure, diabetes type 2, and certain types of cancer.

It always irks me when I see LeBron or Dwight Howard push McDonalds on us since there's no way they let that crap into their bodies.  Conversely, I'm loving that Charles Barkley is pushing the Taco Bell 5 buck box or whatever.  He's a great example of what eating like crap will do to your body. 
This is almost my exact diet!!! I cant remeber the last time i ate red meat, i always buy turkey sausage turkey bacon and turkey beef....i will take a picture of what i have been eating for the next couple of days and post it. 


This is the best tasting stuff on the planet i drink it like juice! Just and water and stir plus it blends sure their are better proteins out their that are stronger scientifically but they usually taste like CHALK! Atleast with this i dont dread drinking it! I drank it 3 times a day First thing in the morning, right before lunch our with my lunch, and before i go to bed.
Originally Posted by clkru


try eating a good sized breakfast with oatmeal, fresh fruit, light yogart, and black coffee or green tea. eggs, whole wheat or grain bread (toast), and turkey bacon can be beneficial, too, but don't everdue it. 

for lunch, go for a large salad with plenty of GREEN lettuce and veggies (iceberg lettuce is crap) with light dressing and baked chicken or fish.

eat 5 small snack for the rest of the day, or like 3 snacks and a small dinner. large dinners are generally bad for your metabolism, especially if you're going to be heading to the couch to watch TV or bed shortly after.

cut out the junk - foods high in refined sugar, corn syrup, salt, and trans fats.

cut out soda and overly sugared juices and sports drinks. regular gatorade/powerade is the average recreational athlete's worst enemy.

eat more leafy greans and put the crappy salad dressings on hold (i.e. ranch, blue cheese, 1000 island, anything with Mayo).

cut out red meat. chicken, fish, and mushrooms will substitute nicely for red meat in countless dishes.

significantly reduce or cut out butter.  nobody needs butter, but our grandparents all think we do, ha.

limit the starches - white rice, potatoes, etc.

use turkey bacon instead of pork or beef.

snack on fruit, veggies, and plain, raw nuts like almonds throughout the day.

In the US, tons of money has been spent by for-profit companies to program us from an early age to LOVE beef, salt, candy, soda, sugar, and most fast food, but it doesn't have to be like this. And you don't have to become a "health nut" to enjoy eating right.

Always check out the nutrition facts of the foods you're eating. In the gorcery store, this info is almost always on the packaging. Pay special attention to the amounts of calories, trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. In resturaunts, they should always be able to provide you with a nutritional breakdown of what's in the meal you'd like to order. If they don't, I'd refuse to eat there.

In additon to making you look good and feel better, eating well can generally help increase your life expectancy while also reducing your risk of several health ailments including congestive heart failure, diabetes type 2, and certain types of cancer.

It always irks me when I see LeBron or Dwight Howard push McDonalds on us since there's no way they let that crap into their bodies.  Conversely, I'm loving that Charles Barkley is pushing the Taco Bell 5 buck box or whatever.  He's a great example of what eating like crap will do to your body. 
Thanks for the help man, I really appreciate it. Time to get serious. 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

StaXX wrote:
hadegbite- Good work man.

my bad forgot to give props for this

indeed, keep at it

notice in the pics you can actually see it in his face also. gettin in shape is great
Thanks, Bro that was the biggest thing for me a lean face!!! makes a world of difference! Crazy i didn't think i could lose weight in my face but my facial structure is definitely impacted by my diet.

i guess you can add tuna somewhere & whole wheat?

i need to start working on my abs.. havent worked out much in 2 months
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by hadegbite

Diet alot of Chicken and Fish. Cut back on Breads, French Fries and Pizza...those were killing me. I also worked out 5 days a week and lifted 4 days a week. Only supplement i took was protein drink 3 times a day.
What sort of workouts were you doing? Lots of cardio or mostly weightlifting with cardio on the side? Congrats on the progress by the way.

Mostly weightlifting in the 2 months i probably ran like 3 times. I did kickboxing which is a form of cardio.
Dont forget them carbs lol

They do help to an extent, especially with bulking. Just eat them at the right time thats all.
I cant imagine my results with proper dieting. Oh and by the way, Kashi bars are great too. I'm currently eating their snack bars as well as their cereal. Low sugar, fairly high protein, the stuff is almost all natural. No corn syrup or anything like that in their products. I got 8 steaks currently in my freezer though, ahhh red meat may be my demise. I'll try out the turkey sausage/ham/everything though. Good lookin out!
Originally Posted by iLLest


Yo can you put me on EXACTLY how to go about fasting?

Strict fasting is when you consume no calories. There are different lengths of fasting that different people do for their own purposes. Before you choose one, decide whether you'd like to do it daily or weekly. Also, see how your schedule is and when you exercise. Make it work for you because intermittent fasting(IF) is very flexible and can work for anyone.
For a daily approach, look up LeanGains. It is a bodybuilding approach to IF where you fast for 16 hours and eat your daily calories in an 8 hour window. Look up the leangains blog for more info. It's basically skipping breakfast and pushing lunch a few hours back. You could do 12pm-8pm or however you'd like.

For a weekly approach, look up Eat Stop Eat. You basically skip meals for 24 hours. You do this fast once or twice per week for 20-24 hours a piece. After the fast is finished, you don't make up your calories that you skipped though. Just eat a regular sized meal after and act like it didn't happen. It's hard, but very rewarding and flexible. It doesn't have to be on the same days each week either.

There is one other approach where you undereat during the day rather than water fast. This also known as the Warrior Diet. You basically eat very light throughout the day. You only eat fresh fruits, vegetables, light protein, and coffee/tea. You alkalize your system in the undereating phase. In the evening, when you eat your larger meal, you eat(in this order) salad, protein, fuel(either high carb/low fat, or high fat/low carb). It's not very easy to explain, so I recommend checking the book out for all of the details.

It's not very hard and after doing IF/undereating you eventually prefer to do it because you feel better during the day when you do it. I personally do a mixture of Warrior Diet with Eat Stop Eat. So basically there are two days that I water fast and eat a moderate meal after. The other days, I eat light during the day and eat a larger meal in the evenings. It's the best of both worlds imo.

Just one thing to note. Many people complain about feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or weak while fasting. That is because their bodies are not used to using other sources of energy than food energy. Glycogen stores are usually small and the body probably isn't good at burning body fat for energy. After a while of this, the body will adapt. Here's a test though: One day, when you wake up, see how you feel. Wait until you feel TRULY hungry before you eat. Just because your stomach makes noise, doesn't mean that you're actually hungry. See how long you can go. This a good way to see how you'll do on IF/undereating.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask either in this thread or by PM.
I've finally got the muscle up down enough to do 4 in a row. It's tough, but now I'm really aiming at gaining strength with static holds and more difficult moves.
The basis of my training for now:
Muscle up
Handstand push up
Front Lever
Pistol Squats
Thoughts on cheese strings???
they are high in protein and taste so good. soo convenient, i must have three a day. yay or nay?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays


Can anyone link me to a youtube video or article link on how to carry or lift the dumbells off the floors and rack safely, or give me an explanation? And if possible, more specificly, how to go about placing them on my thigh and getting it in the air without assistance and without screwing up my back? ( setting them up on the decline bench, and incline)

I was doing really heavy dumbell presses and I screwed something up... Not severely but I don't want this problem to worsen. ( or well I'm hoping) I'm pretty sure it was because I was either lifting the weights off the floor/rack wrong, or dropping/setting them down wrong?

Tried looking for something to no avail. It'd be MUCH APPRECIATED.
Quoted because I really need an answer.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays


Can anyone link me to a youtube video or article link on how to carry or lift the dumbells off the floors and rack safely, or give me an explanation? And if possible, more specificly, how to go about placing them on my thigh and getting it in the air without assistance and without screwing up my back? ( setting them up on the decline bench, and incline)

I was doing really heavy dumbell presses and I screwed something up... Not severely but I don't want this problem to worsen. ( or well I'm hoping) I'm pretty sure it was because I was either lifting the weights off the floor/rack wrong, or dropping/setting them down wrong?

Tried looking for something to no avail. It'd be MUCH APPRECIATED.
Quoted because I really need an answer.
I would love to know aswell.
Oh man, I'm a cheese fiend myself. Just be willing to work off whatever you eat, and try to make sure its natural cheese and not something similar to that nasty yellow chemistry-experiment-gone-wrong junk Kraft tries to pass off as cheese.

The health benefits of dairy are massively overblown by pro-business lobbyist groups like the Dairy Farmers of America and crap. A few years ago they tried to boost sales by saying that drinking milk "will" help you lose weight (no scientific evidence shows any direct relationship between weight loss and milk consumption, and whole milk actually contains a crapload of fat), but got caught and had to revise their ad message to say that it "may" help you loose weight. Since most humans are lactose intolerant to a certain degree (some more than others), you can get just as much of the benefits of cow milk from calcium- and vitamin-enriched soy or rice milk without downside (bloating, cramping, etc.).

Anyway, I always regard cheese as fat. Just consume cheese in moderation and be willing to work it off and you'll be all right!
Why are so many folks against bread?
because unless it contains a high amount of fiber or grains, its empty carbs.  The world would be a better place without any white bread whatsoever.

Only bread worth eating regularly should have no more than 3 grams of sugar, at least 3 grams of dietary fiber, and 0 grams of fat per slice.  And the more fiber the better!  
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