Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Yeah whats with water weight? how long does it take to subside?

I remember gaining like 6-7kgs after 2-3 days lol...
Im planning on buying the super pump but this iish is kinda expensive. I'm starting again tomorrow and i need to buy it in-store. What's the cheapestplace to go get in if im looking to buy in-store.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I've got a couple of questions... I finally found a real gym with all the things my previous gym didn't have.

For triceps... is doing skull crushers AND close grip bench press really that bad? (I supplement these two with triceps kickbacks, is there a better detailing exercise?) both those exercises together is fine. I would start with close grip presses and eventually go heavy, like 8-10 reps on the last 2 sets. With the skullcrushers, stay 10-15 reps per set. Kickbacks are good, but I prefer overhead rope extensions and cable pressdowns for detail.

For chest... is incline, decline and flat bench press just fine (like doing all 3)? I vary between barbell and dumbbell. I'd alternate the decline press with dips every other workout, and do the dips with your elbows out a little and your feet behind you. Other than that, all 3 is ok, just choose one that you'll do for 4-5 working sets and just do 3 sets of the other two for now. Rotate them each week, so if this week you start with flat, next week start with incline, etc... and don't forget to add some dumbbell or cable flyes in there afterwards.

For back... I've been doing deadlifts, unilateral dumbbell rows and weighted pull ups. Am I set? Pretty much, but add bent rows, and then non-weighted pullups with a different grip at the end of that. Only do the dumbbell rows every other workout, and experiments with some other lifts, like v-bar rows, t-bar rows, etc...

For triceps... I've just been doing preacher curls, barbell curls (straight bar). I take it you mean biceps. Add dumbbell curls in there so you have to work each arm individually and every other workout, do them as hammer curls.

For legs... I've been doing leg press (hoping to switch these with squats if my doc approves it. I have scoliosis), and will be adding in lunges. I warm up with leg curls and extensions.
Would doing leg press and squats be frowned upon? No, it wouldn't be frowned upon, just see what your doc says, cause I have no idea how severe your scoliosis may be. You could also do Hex-Bar squats as an alternative or even front squats after the leg press, since it doesn't put the same direct pressure on your spine.

For shoulders... Arnold DB press, front and sides raises. Is this fine? I'd say start doing regular miltary presses and keep your chest arched up while doing them. Also, no need for front raises, since we use the front delts so much for shoulder presses and all the bench presses. If you have even a mild scoliosis, I have a feeling your shoulders are at least a little bit rounded forward, so you want to do more to work your rear delts and traps, like wide-grip upright rows, regular upright rows, and bent laterals. Shoulders is usually as simple as 4 sets of military presses and then 3 sets of each of the following: Upright rows, upright wide-grip rows, lateral dumbbell raises, bent laterals, shrugs (in your case, I'd suggest doing the shrugs with dumbbells). I would only do that every other week. On the off weeks, just do the presses, laterals, and bent laterals 3 sets each of 8-12 reps.

My breakdown is chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs right now. I should be changign it shortly... what is most recommended?
I would try doing shoulders on their own day, or doing them with bi's and tri's and giving chest and back their own days. Legs need their own day most of the time if you want to push yourself on them enough to grow and get stronger.
Would something like:
Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Arms
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Back
Saturday - Arms
You would def. overtrain your arms with this split. I would just take Wednesday as a rest day and start the rotation with back on Thursday, then shoulders on Friday or something like that.
be good?

Woah. Thanks for all the advice. So you'd have me do: Monday - Legs Tuesday - Chest Wednesday - Rest Thursday - Back Friday - Arms Saturday - Shoulders Sunday - Rest ??? Also as far as reps go, I've been doing a lot of reverse pyramid work lately. Starting with 6 at my heaviest weight, and moving up to 8 then 10. What kind of exercises is this kind of scheme really beneficial with though? Compound??? I already do upright rows... I forgot to add those. ...then could I start the rotation again? Like do
First off, good advice by Pana; almost word for word what I would've said. Since you're not doing squats, I would make sure you hit your hamstrings harder, though, with romanian deadlifts if you can. Also, I'd ditch the isolation exercises for your warmup, and warmup doing light compound movements like bodyweight squats and good mornings with just a bar (your medical condition permitting, of course).

It doesn't really matter too much when you do a 5-day split. You can do it pretty much however you want, since each muscle group doesn't affect the others all too much. Here's what I do and the rationale for the order:

Monday: Chest (Favourite workout of the week, so I do it first.)
Tuesday: Back (Get the 2nd major upper body muscle group out of the way)
Wednesday: Shoulders (Smaller muscle = lighter day to rest up after doing two hard days)
Thursday: Arms (By now, biceps and triceps have had enough rest from the first 2 days)
Friday: Legs (Hardest day, so I do it last to get 2 full days of rest after)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

In addition, I do abs on M/W/F, and throw in cardio and yoga whenever I feel like it, ususally 1-2x per week. I do a lot of functional training, though, so it's more like almost every day is a full body functional workout, but each day has a .different emphasis.
Yo chewtoy im thinking of copying this split, but i am concerned about the once a week workout each bodypart gets. With chest for example you dontwork it out after monday until 7 days later. Do you get good results with this long rest?
^ Rest is really good, especially if your going hard.. trust me.
Originally Posted by it is wat it is

I'm 220 and I want to loose weight but I'm lazy....whats a good start for me...I was real active in highschool with playing football and was like 185 my senior year now I'm a junior in college and out off shape.
you sound identical to me. i was 220 three years ago. my high school weight was 185 and i was playing bball, football and softball (allintramurals). right now i'm 195 lbs. if you're lazy, you gotta start with the diet. that right there can make you drop 15 lbs without exercising(i'm living proof). if you don't have time to workout/life weights, go with the HIIT running. if you're just starting out, it should only take 20minutes per session. no excuses! change how you eat and quantity!
Alright well I'm 18 and 6'2 and about 215 pounds, so I'm not huge nor am I skinny. I never really worried about my shape until about April of thisyear when I had gotten to about 235 pounds. I finally decided it was time to change some things so I re-upped my gym membership and was there about 4 or 5 daysa week working my a** off. By mid-August I had gotten down to about 209 pounds and I could tell I looked different, but not as good as I wanted. Now thatI'm at school I get to the gym about 4 times a week but the issue is I don't feel like my chest or stomach are any leaner meanwhile I've lost about3 inches off of my waist. Any tips for how to slim down my upper body? I'd like to look built but I feel like before I get to that point I need to slimdown my upper body first. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I've got a couple of questions... I finally found a real gym with all the things my previous gym didn't have.

For triceps... is doing skull crushers AND close grip bench press really that bad? (I supplement these two with triceps kickbacks, is there a better detailing exercise?) both those exercises together is fine. I would start with close grip presses and eventually go heavy, like 8-10 reps on the last 2 sets. With the skullcrushers, stay 10-15 reps per set. Kickbacks are good, but I prefer overhead rope extensions and cable pressdowns for detail.

For chest... is incline, decline and flat bench press just fine (like doing all 3)? I vary between barbell and dumbbell. I'd alternate the decline press with dips every other workout, and do the dips with your elbows out a little and your feet behind you. Other than that, all 3 is ok, just choose one that you'll do for 4-5 working sets and just do 3 sets of the other two for now. Rotate them each week, so if this week you start with flat, next week start with incline, etc... and don't forget to add some dumbbell or cable flyes in there afterwards.

For back... I've been doing deadlifts, unilateral dumbbell rows and weighted pull ups. Am I set? Pretty much, but add bent rows, and then non-weighted pullups with a different grip at the end of that. Only do the dumbbell rows every other workout, and experiments with some other lifts, like v-bar rows, t-bar rows, etc...

For triceps... I've just been doing preacher curls, barbell curls (straight bar). I take it you mean biceps. Add dumbbell curls in there so you have to work each arm individually and every other workout, do them as hammer curls.

For legs... I've been doing leg press (hoping to switch these with squats if my doc approves it. I have scoliosis), and will be adding in lunges. I warm up with leg curls and extensions.
Would doing leg press and squats be frowned upon? No, it wouldn't be frowned upon, just see what your doc says, cause I have no idea how severe your scoliosis may be. You could also do Hex-Bar squats as an alternative or even front squats after the leg press, since it doesn't put the same direct pressure on your spine.

For shoulders... Arnold DB press, front and sides raises. Is this fine? I'd say start doing regular miltary presses and keep your chest arched up while doing them. Also, no need for front raises, since we use the front delts so much for shoulder presses and all the bench presses. If you have even a mild scoliosis, I have a feeling your shoulders are at least a little bit rounded forward, so you want to do more to work your rear delts and traps, like wide-grip upright rows, regular upright rows, and bent laterals. Shoulders is usually as simple as 4 sets of military presses and then 3 sets of each of the following: Upright rows, upright wide-grip rows, lateral dumbbell raises, bent laterals, shrugs (in your case, I'd suggest doing the shrugs with dumbbells). I would only do that every other week. On the off weeks, just do the presses, laterals, and bent laterals 3 sets each of 8-12 reps.

My breakdown is chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs right now. I should be changign it shortly... what is most recommended?
I would try doing shoulders on their own day, or doing them with bi's and tri's and giving chest and back their own days. Legs need their own day most of the time if you want to push yourself on them enough to grow and get stronger.
Would something like:
Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Arms
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Back
Saturday - Arms
You would def. overtrain your arms with this split. I would just take Wednesday as a rest day and start the rotation with back on Thursday, then shoulders on Friday or something like that.
be good?

Woah. Thanks for all the advice. So you'd have me do: Monday - Legs Tuesday - Chest Wednesday - Rest Thursday - Back Friday - Arms Saturday - Shoulders Sunday - Rest ??? Also as far as reps go, I've been doing a lot of reverse pyramid work lately. Starting with 6 at my heaviest weight, and moving up to 8 then 10. What kind of exercises is this kind of scheme really beneficial with though? Compound??? I already do upright rows... I forgot to add those. ...then could I start the rotation again? Like do
First off, good advice by Pana; almost word for word what I would've said. Since you're not doing squats, I would make sure you hit your hamstrings harder, though, with romanian deadlifts if you can. Also, I'd ditch the isolation exercises for your warmup, and warmup doing light compound movements like bodyweight squats and good mornings with just a bar (your medical condition permitting, of course).

It doesn't really matter too much when you do a 5-day split. You can do it pretty much however you want, since each muscle group doesn't affect the others all too much. Here's what I do and the rationale for the order:

Monday: Chest (Favourite workout of the week, so I do it first.)
Tuesday: Back (Get the 2nd major upper body muscle group out of the way)
Wednesday: Shoulders (Smaller muscle = lighter day to rest up after doing two hard days)
Thursday: Arms (By now, biceps and triceps have had enough rest from the first 2 days)
Friday: Legs (Hardest day, so I do it last to get 2 full days of rest after)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

In addition, I do abs on M/W/F, and throw in cardio and yoga whenever I feel like it, ususally 1-2x per week. I do a lot of functional training, though, so it's more like almost every day is a full body functional workout, but each day has a .different emphasis.
Yo chewtoy im thinking of copying this split, but i am concerned about the once a week workout each bodypart gets. With chest for example you dont work it out after monday until 7 days later. Do you get good results with this long rest?

Yup, I get good results (check the avy), but it may not work for you. But like I said, I do a lot of funcitonal training, so my chest does get a bit of workouton some other days. Once in a while I change routines so that I workout full body 3x per week, so then every muscle gets worked out M/W/F
Originally Posted by gatorad3

had a crazy halloween binge today.

me too...peanut m&m's ftl
alright, if i can get my lazy butt up tomorrow and get ready im gonna start doing HIIT, wish me luck
I'm trying to find good meal-replacement bars cause i don't have breaks when i'm at school, so i usually get real hungry and when i come home i eatlike crazy. I'm trying to lose fat so im pretty sure i need low calorie, low fat bars....the problem is, there's so many, which ones do you guys eatthat taste good and gets the job done? thanks.
at me being at 18% @ 160lbs BF still and I got 6 weeks to go before my vacation. I'm cutting wayyyy too close to my target, no way I'm getting downto 10% by then.

I'm going to aim for 14%, but I know it'll be a stretch.

Eating cleaner and that Cross trainer and Stair Master will be mine for 6 straight weeks.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

^ why not pack some sandwhiches and eat them? in hs i'd just ask my teacher to go to the bathroom
Well im in college and my schedule is packed, i got like 10 mins to get to each class but they're far apart. What should i even be putting inmy sandwhich? i usually just do ham and cheese or turkey and cheese with whole wheat.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

3-5 is for strength. 6-12 is for size and strength
Weight lifters lift low reps because it doesn't cause as big of a gain in mass as more reps would. That's why you can see small guys lifting huge weights; they keep the reps low to limit the growth in size.

Yeah, the weight should also change accordingly. You should be just able to do 5 reps at most with the weight. But don't train to the point of exhaustion. You should never feel depleted after a workout. Training to failure consistently isn't good. You should only use it to break past a sticking point.
you sure about that? I have been told to increase the weights for mass, for example for preacher curls, 140 lbs at 5 reps is better for more massthen 90 at 10
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

at me being at 18% @ 160lbs BF still and I got 6 weeks to go before my vacation. I'm cutting wayyyy too close to my target, no way I'm getting down to 10% by then.

I'm going to aim for 14%, but I know it'll be a stretch.

Eating cleaner and that Cross trainer and Stair Master will be mine for 6 straight weeks.
14% wouldn't be too hard if you're committed. it's about 8 pounds to drop, not too bad over 6 weeks. ideally, you could get down to12% in 6 weeks if your diet is on point.

i don't think the stair master/cross trainer are going to do it for you though. HIIT will be more effective, and you can cut your workouts in half ormore.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

alright, if i can get my lazy butt up tomorrow and get ready im gonna start doing HIIT, wish me luck
i'd suggest starting with moderate cardio to get your body prepared for it... trust me, you don't want to jump right into it, it couldeven be dangerous.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

at me being at 18% @ 160lbs BF still and I got 6 weeks to go before my vacation. I'm cutting wayyyy too close to my target, no way I'm getting down to 10% by then.

I'm going to aim for 14%, but I know it'll be a stretch.

Eating cleaner and that Cross trainer and Stair Master will be mine for 6 straight weeks.
Hell I'm at 11.5% BF now, and I'm aiming for 9-10 by summer.

14 is doable if you really push yourself and monitor what you eat. I found that, at least for myself, it got extremely hard to get down after 13%.

You may want to consider adding HIIT to the mix too.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

3-5 is for strength. 6-12 is for size and strength
Weight lifters lift low reps because it doesn't cause as big of a gain in mass as more reps would. That's why you can see small guys lifting huge weights; they keep the reps low to limit the growth in size.

Yeah, the weight should also change accordingly. You should be just able to do 5 reps at most with the weight. But don't train to the point of exhaustion. You should never feel depleted after a workout. Training to failure consistently isn't good. You should only use it to break past a sticking point.
you sure about that? I have been told to increase the weights for mass, for example for preacher curls, 140 lbs at 5 reps is better for more mass then 90 at 10
Math that out.... 140 lbs at 5 reps is a total workload of 700 lbs while 90 at 10 reps is 900 lbs of a workload.
Originally Posted by jdidkc

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

^ why not pack some sandwhiches and eat them? in hs i'd just ask my teacher to go to the bathroom
Well im in college and my schedule is packed, i got like 10 mins to get to each class but they're far apart. What should i even be putting in my sandwhich? i usually just do ham and cheese or turkey and cheese with whole wheat.
scarf that sandwhich down during the walk over
i'vehad taken shakes and still been hungry even though my caloric intake was on par
turkey, chicken, tuna fish, mustard, katsup get some wraps and make some burritos. the tuna fish that you can eat on the go without a can opener. of course youcould get some tupperware and bring a meal if you want to go through that.
Can anyone hook it up on what stuff to eat if your dieting? What kind of stuff I should look for, what kinda stuff I should stay away from? What would be agood replacement for white rice (Im Filipino, so giving up rice is hard to do). RECIPES?
Originally Posted by jdidkc

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

^ why not pack some sandwhiches and eat them? in hs i'd just ask my teacher to go to the bathroom
Well im in college and my schedule is packed, i got like 10 mins to get to each class but they're far apart. What should i even be putting in my sandwhich? i usually just do ham and cheese or turkey and cheese with whole wheat.

Im in college too, usually I just pack fruits almonds cray sons and munch on that during class teachers dont mind
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Can anyone hook it up on what stuff to eat if your dieting? What kind of stuff I should look for, what kinda stuff I should stay away from? What would be a good replacement for white rice (Im Filipino, so giving up rice is hard to do). RECIPES?
Replace white rice and bread with brown rice and whole grain/wheat bread. I still consume white rice with fish at school 2-3 times a week. Butother than that, I do go for the brown rice when available.

Do the obvious...avoid fast food, fried food, junk food, soda, etc. I try to eat fish and white meats. I'll have steaks once in a while, but not on aregular basis anymore.

Good fats include nuts, peanut butter, avocado.

Try to consume based on your BMR if you want to maintain your weight, a bit less if you wanna lose weight, or a bit more if you want to gain weight.

I replaced regular milk with fat free milk.

My snacks include all sorts of fruits and a trail mix I made myself with almonds, raisins, and cranberries.

For the last 2 weeks I've been living at Starbucks doing work for school and I do try to make sensible choices, ie tall skinny vanilla latter or hotchocolate with fat free milk, sugar free vanilla syrup, and 1 pump of chocolate instead of the normal 3. I swear I cannot taste the diff
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by nealraj006

3-5 is for strength. 6-12 is for size and strength
Weight lifters lift low reps because it doesn't cause as big of a gain in mass as more reps would. That's why you can see small guys lifting huge weights; they keep the reps low to limit the growth in size.

Yeah, the weight should also change accordingly. You should be just able to do 5 reps at most with the weight. But don't train to the point of exhaustion. You should never feel depleted after a workout. Training to failure consistently isn't good. You should only use it to break past a sticking point.
you sure about that? I have been told to increase the weights for mass, for example for preacher curls, 140 lbs at 5 reps is better for more mass then 90 at 10
Math that out.... 140 lbs at 5 reps is a total workload of 700 lbs while 90 at 10 reps is 900 lbs of a workload.
So, it isnt best to always go higher weights to gain mass?I do for preachers lets say, 110 at 10, 120 at 8 and 140 at 6 I should take out the 140and replace it with a 90?
Just finished all of my college apps. about to hop back in the weight room
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