Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

You know what I hate? Saturday morning-afternoons when the gym is hella full with people. Waiting 15-20 minutes for a machine to open up sucks. Especially when the people on em you have not seen all week. I understand it's their only free time but come on.

if its for cardio go  run outside
and if its to lift weights well....go be a man and use dumb bells
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

what can I do to build forearm muscles?
I would like to know as well, however from what I've read the only worth while exercises come from compound movements.
I said it a few pages ago, but upright rows and '21's curling with barbell REALLY make mine burn

I think my dumbbell bench press could be ALOT higher if my wrists/forarms weren't that of a 10 year old girl. That's the first thing to give out on me.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

You know what I hate? Saturday morning-afternoons when the gym is hella full with people. Waiting 15-20 minutes for a machine to open up sucks. Especially when the people on em you have not seen all week. I understand it's their only free time but come on.

if its for cardio go  run outside
and if its to lift weights well....go be a man and use dumb bells
He's got a point.. free weights will help you out alot more.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

and lift 1.5x your weight
doin what exercise?

Ive done 50 straight pushups. (superbowl bet) i imagine i can do about 60.
I should have worded it better.  Bench press 1.5x your weight.

I hate doing anything with bad form, I don't care if I fall short of completing my sets..but if I can keep my form correct, I'm stopping.
is it true that by doing more 2+hour cardio a day and lifting will just lose all your muscle/fat and be more lean? as i stated before ive been running 4 miles a day (2 miles uphill and 2 miles downhill) and boxing then lift at night. i mean i lost 20 lbs since october (170-150...5'
. not sure what i want from my body but i don't see the gains from lifting weights and all i see is a skinny me
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

is it true that by doing more 2+hour cardio a day and lifting will just lose all your muscle/fat and be more lean? as i stated before ive been running 4 miles a day (2 miles uphill and 2 miles downhill) and boxing then lift at night. i mean i lost 20 lbs since october (170-150...5'
. not sure what i want from my body but i don't see the gains from lifting weights and all i see is a skinny me
What?  When you lose lose everything...fat and muscle.  The point of lifting weight is to retain as much muscle as you can, while losing the fat so you don't get the 'skinny fat' effect.  Some people gain muscle easier than other, but gaining muscle in general is difficult. 

Your routine looks pretty intense.  If you're doing it on a regular basis while having a good diet, I'm sure the results will show sooner or later. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

what can I do to build forearm muscles?
I would like to know as well, however from what I've read the only worth while exercises come from compound movements.
I said it a few pages ago, but upright rows and '21's curling with barbell REALLY make mine burn

I think my dumbbell bench press could be ALOT higher if my wrists/forarms weren't that of a 10 year old girl. That's the first thing to give out on me.

Heavy static BB holds for time (usually 30-60 sec) and pinch plates.

Also, if you have the funds I'd suggest purchasing a pair of these.


You can always use a towel to create  a similar effect but these are far superior.
You can also request that your gym buy a thick barbell.
thanks wj...i guess what i want is lower body fat% i know im probably 13% right now i gotta get check when i go to the gym. i have till april to be in tip top shape since im going to hawaii. should i start drinking protein after i do cardio? would that help maintaining some muscles?
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

thanks wj...i guess what i want is lower body fat% i know im probably 13% right now i gotta get check when i go to the gym. i have till april to be in tip top shape since im going to hawaii. should i start drinking protein after i do cardio? would that help maintaining some muscles?
Hitting low body fat % is extremely hard.  The lowest I've got to was around 11%.  I'm back in the high 13 right now with all of the slacking off I've been doing. 

I did all sort of protein experiments on myself.  From a scoop for pre workout and another for post work out.  To one scoop when I wake up, and one before bed.  To now just one scoop after my workout.  I don't see any difference at all to be honest.  As someone in the thread mentioned before, Americans as a whole get more than enough amount of protein from regular food sources.

April is also just a couple of months away, I don't think it will be enough time to see a big change. 

Because of how active your routine is..with the running and boxing, which is essentially an intense cardio in itself, you're not going to be buff..but rather lean like Kobe, Beckham, etc.
Just came back from vitamin shoppe! I bought some more Dymatize 12 hr. protein in Fudge Brownie flavor and a small tub of purple wrath...but I'm not sure what it does

So...just to save you guys the trouble, here's to me:

Somebody mentioned stacking it with white flood though, saying that delivers great results? Can anyone enlighten me on purple wrath (Controlled Labs)
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

what can I do to build forearm muscles?
I would like to know as well, however from what I've read the only worth while exercises come from compound movements.
I said it a few pages ago, but upright rows and '21's curling with barbell REALLY make mine burn

I think my dumbbell bench press could be ALOT higher if my wrists/forarms weren't that of a 10 year old girl. That's the first thing to give out on me.

Heavy static BB holds for time (usually 30-60 sec) and pinch plates.

Also, if you have the funds I'd suggest purchasing a pair of these.


You can always use a towel to create  a similar effect but these are far superior.
You can also request that your gym buy a thick barbell.

These are really amazing, my friend got then. Only 4 people have been able to highest level grip which I think is a 4 or 5

My forearms got the most worked on back day and that's mainly because of deadlift but they are also the first the give out, while pretty much the only thing that gives out.
I plan to get some of the grippers sometime soon.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

These are really amazing, my friend got then. Only 4 people have been able to highest level grip which I think is a 4 or 5

My forearms got the most worked on back day and that's mainly because of deadlift but they are also the first the give out, while pretty much the only thing that gives out.
I plan to get some of the grippers sometime soon.

The grippers are alright and I have a few (some CoC and some from another manufacturer) but I think they're more of a specialization. First CoC I tried was a 3 and I closed it. Point being that I believe that grippers are cool and def do train crushing strentgh but the same traits can be enhanced by doing all around grip work with BB's and plates.

There's a a 3.5 now. I'd like to try that but I can't justify spending $30 on one. CoC's are the best built and toughest though.
anybody ever try insanity? My girl bought the dvd... I'm gonna try the upper body workout tomorrow. I have always been a "train for strength" type of dude..... (for example, im 225 and I can do 3 plates, but I can't do more than 5 pull ups lol)
Durdan how long did it take you to get there?

my PR is 55 in and havent done it since i slipped and banged my shins doing 44in with a 20 pound vest.

oh yeah and did I tell you i had my Body Fat tested the other week and i measured in at 5.3%

just thought id throw that in there cause you were tellin me theres no way i could be that low

anything you can do i can do better
Originally Posted by jdub55

Durdan how long did it take you to get there?

my PR is 55 in and havent done it since i slipped and banged my shins doing 44in with a 20 pound vest.

oh yeah and did I tell you i had my Body Fat tested the other week and i measured in at 5.3%

just thought id throw that in there cause you were tellin me theres no way i could be that low

anything you can do i can do better

This was my 4th or 5th time ive ever done them.  I was at like 40 the first couple of times, then 44 and 48 a few days ago.
I need to start working on my back and legs..

What are some good exercises for my back, and legs?
Originally Posted by jdub55

Durdan how long did it take you to get there?

my PR is 55 in and havent done it since i slipped and banged my shins doing 44in with a 20 pound vest.

oh yeah and did I tell you i had my Body Fat tested the other week and i measured in at 5.3%

just thought id throw that in there cause you were tellin me theres no way i could be that low

anything you can do i can do better
ive done em once in my life and i did 52 on my first try

stop talking %!#@, nobody's impressed. durden actually makes helpful posts, what do you contribute?
Just curious, what size pants are you guys? I know majority has to fall between 29-34 on here. My pants are starting to fit snug now...that's motivating me like hell because replacements in a bigger size will be $$
I'm having some trouble gaining weight. Workout Upper body 3 times a week, Lower body 2 a week. But I play Ball everyday, which is like 2 hours of cardio. Is that what's stopping me? I drink a whey shake after every workout. I eat healthy, 4-5 small meals a day. Any advice? I'm 19, 5'9, 140 lbs.
running is my weakness, i ran 2 miles in 16:11 what can i do to improve my time? the best ive had was 15:04 i wanna get down to 13 FLAT. ANy advice will be appreciated
Originally Posted by nighthawk9421

running is my weakness, i ran 2 miles in 16:11 what can i do to improve my time? the best ive had was 15:04 i wanna get down to 13 FLAT. ANy advice will be appreciated
That's pretty damn good, man.  Most people can't even do a mile in 10 mins.  The only way to improve your time is by pushing yourself to the limit and watch what you eat.  I became a beast at running too, but I hurt my right ankle.  I stopped running for about 2 months and used the elliptical instead.  When I got back to running, my time totally suffered.

Killmatic - You can try to eat more.  I know a lot of the bigger cats here don't do cardio unless they're cutting.  At 140 lbs, I don't think you have much to cut so you just need to eat clean and lift more.  You can apply the 'eat as if you were' principle to see how it will work for you, meaning if you wanna be 170 lbs, eat and work out like you're 170 lbs already.
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